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In Early 2021 people will have interest in travel,

with travel bubble arrangements popping up,

m o r e c o u n t r i e s r e o p e n i n g , a n d s w i f t

development of vaccine underway, many seem to

think that early 2021 is shaping up to be the

period of “revenge travel” or “make-up travel”.

A recent survey found that 39% Americans are

“very confident” about travelling in 2021. Even

as we are near the end of 2020, there are notable

early signs of recovery and hope in places.

Many countries that have been among the most

careful with their border restrictions are

starting to plan a reopening date for

international tourists. Recently, Thailand has

welcomed a batch of Chinese tourists into the

country, a first in close to 8 months. Social

distancing measures will be taken by the

travellers. Airlines have been quick to jump into

enacting drastic social distancing measures, like

blocking middle seats. In the near future, they

may stick to these measures by selectively

seating passengers or enforcing proper distance

during queues. This may continue for a while, or

even becomes the new norm. A new preference in

beautiful destinations, social distancing

measures will extend to your destination as

restaurants, amusement parks, and other

attractions will continue to implement social

distancing regulations, at least through the first

and second quarters of 2021, depending on the

development of the pandemic. As such, this may

drive consumers to look more into outdoor,

nature attractions, and even remote countries.

Crowds have always been a deterrent for some

travellers, but even more so in the early months

of 2021. They will have proper safety and

hygiene protocols, information about airplane's

air quality is now a fixture in most major

carriers' websites, so is a hotel's hygiene

protocols. These are important additions as

travellers will book their flights and hotels on

providers that take their safety and hygiene

regulations seriously, at least in the near future.

Statements such as making masks compulsory

and commitment to regular, heavy-duty

cleaning will be important deciding factors when

customers are making travel purchases.

Additionally, whether and how a destination

country keep the virus under control will also be

of interest, regardless of whether it's open for

tourism. personal hygiene in flight, one way this

pandemic is changing how we live is by forcing us

to reconsider how we approach personal hygiene.

Once we get to fly again, more people will start to

take serious note on how to keep themselves

clean and healthy in the airplane.

For one, it has always been socially unacceptable

to cough or sneeze in public regardless of

whether you carry a virus or not. In the future,

the social etiquette of covering up when you

cough or sneeze may be observed a lot more

closely around the world. If you're looking to fly

sometime soon or in the future, here are a few

tips you can follow to ensure that you stay

healthy throughout your trip: Pump up your

immunity by eating good food and getting good

sleep the night before you fly. Stay hydrated,

wipe down seats, belts, screens and meal trays.

Bring your own pillow and blanket if you can.

Avoid touching your face, especially your nose

and eyes. If you are in a plane with air vents, turn

it on to deflect any germs lingering in the air

Wear a face mask, be careful, not paranoid. Learn

to relax. Here's to a lifetime of flying!


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