Retrospective - Peter Jackson

Student project: A fictional magazine of Peter Jackson.

Student project: A fictional magazine of Peter Jackson.


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Fotos: the monthly spew: Peter CAPITOL Kino: the desolation of

Jackson (4) Cleanpng: Minas Tirith

(2–3, 20–21) Pinterest: Bad the fi ve armies (32–33) Twighlight

Smaug (30–31) Syfy: the ballte of

Taste (10–11), Lorien Leaf (17), erebor

fl ag (30) Movipilot: heavennau

Stiftung: they shall not grow

zone: key to erebor (32–33) Murly

creatures (12–13) Film school old (34–35) Text: Wikipedia, newzealand.com,

gala.de, fi lmstars.

Rejects: the Frighteners (14–15)

Britannica: The Fellowship of the de Kartografi e Reisealtras: Judith

Zeller, Das Werk ist ein nicht

Ring (16–17) Wikimedia commens:

rohan fl ag (18–19) IMDb: kommerzielles Schulprojekt für die

the Two towers (18–19) Lotre fandom:

the return of the king (20–21) Cover: Judith Zeller, Gestaltung in-

Werbeakadamie Wien. Gestaltung

Yahoo: Peter Jacksons King Kong nen: Judith Zeller

(22–23) giga.de: District 9 (24–25) Printed in Vienna

negativ-fi lm.de: the lovely bones

(26–27) The daily beast: an unexpected

journey (28–29)

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