Guardian Foundation Repair

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3. Poor drain tile and sump-pump:


A drain tile is provided to collect water around your basement foundation and disperse it away from

your home. If your house is not on a slope then the water will be directed to the sub-surface

drainage system to channel it away from the foundation. Many older homes were not built with

under the floor drainage systems and the modern homes experience problems with working of such

systems due to a clogged pipe or a broken sump pump.


Fixing a subsurface drainage system or adding one is indeed a complex task that needs to be

handled only by experts with knowledge and tools to redirect water away from the foundation.

Basement interior waterproofing involves the installation of an interior drainage channel that runs

along the inner boundary of your basement wall. Through this channel, the water that is entering

the basement is drained out with the help of a sump pump and dispersed away from your home. A

dehumidifier is then used to control the humidity of the basement and prevent molds and dust


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