CV 26-01-2021

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"Radun Avia" LLC-service station, Assistant Manager, Novi Sad

03/2013 - 09/2019

•Responsible for acceptance of goods and distribution of it

•Direct communication with all sorts of clients

•Improvement of sale

•Overseeing of work process


• Developing of application in C# and WPF for calculations in the process of fuel

acceptance.Calculations are sped up from fifteen minutes with possibility of error to

a couple of seconds with no possibility of error. The program is implemented in the whole

gas station network, because of it i was pronunced the employee of the month.

• Developing of application in C# and WPF for keeping track of shortages which solved the

constant problem of cigarette shortage from about 6000 rsd to O or 200 rsd per month.


• Techniical college of vocational studies, Serbia, Novi Sad

Professional bachelor in graphical engineering and design


• High school of mechanical engineering in Serbia, Novi Sad

Whitesmith(Third place at regional whitesmith competition)



• long-term commitment to fitness and crossfit

• Guitar playing

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