Senator Blumenthal Intern Guide

Intern guide created for Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal in Fall 2020.

Intern guide created for Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal in Fall 2020.


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Today marks the beginning of an internship of public service, education,

and teamwork. Each of you has emerged from the internship application

process as an outstanding candidate and a welcome addition to my office.

In the months ahead, I anticipate that you will work hard, stay focused,

and make meaningful contributions to the work of our staff.

In return, you should have your own high expectations for this internship.

The Senate Ethics Manual clearly states that Senate internship programs

are “primarily for the educational benefit” of the participants. My office

and I take this directive very seriously. You are giving us your time and

energy, and we intend to reciprocate by offering you a rich, dynamic

experience that will teach you about the work of a United States Senator.

You will have access to a series of guest speakers and special events, but

the largest share of your education will come from the work itself. The

more you invest of yourself in each project to which you are assigned,

the more you ask questions, and the more you tackle every challenge, the

more you will gain from your internship experience.

Please take time to introduce yourself to the members of my staff and

to the other interns. Ask any and all questions, offer suggestions, share

ideas, state opinions, and debate your views. Never hesitate to talk with

your intern coordinator or other staff members about your internship

and remember to enjoy your time here. You will be rewarded throughout

the internship if you approach each day with a solid work ethic, upbeat

attitude, and sense of discovery.



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