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Allah says, “Fasting is a shield,” 24 because it protects us from the fire

of separation by constantly reminding us that our love for Allah is greater

than our love for our desires. During Ramadan we eat less, sleep less, and

worship Allah more than any other month, moving from our animalistic

nature that seeks solely for worldly pleasures toward our angelic nature,

which seeks solely for Allah. Ramadan is a holy time when we are given

the gift of renewing our vows in our covenant with Allah. After all, it is

only when we break the tomb of our mortal ego that we can be resurrected

into the eternal presence of our loving God.

My beloved Lord, help me fast from all that does not serve

me, from all that is in the way of my heart’s witnessing of

You. Oh Allah, as I abstain from food and water, allow my

heart to fast from all hatred, jealousy, greed, and harshness.

Oh Allah, I come to You prostrating, seeking Your light to

guide me and Your mercy to embrace me. My Lord, help

me give up every desire that prevents me from experiencing

Your truth. My beloved Lord, help me fast from the lower

qualities of my ego until the sun of my life sets. As Your

beloved Prophet ﷺ prayed, “Allahumma innaka aafuwon

tuhibu al aaffwa fa afu aanni—Allah, You are the Forgiver.

You love to forgive. So forgive me.” 25 Oh Allah, help me be

steadfast on the spiritual path, help me be mindful of You,

and help me to never lose sight of Your love, generosity, and

endless mercy that encompasses every atom of existence. In

Your compassionate names I pray, Ameen.

Reflection: “Observing the Illusion”

Meditation is not the act of having no thoughts, but rather the practice

of creating space between your thoughts. It’s important to remember

that our thoughts and emotions like the seasons will naturally change,

but our deep inner essence (fitra) will remain the same. Buddhist nun,

Pema Chödrön, profoundly says, “You are the sky. Everything else – it’s

just the weather.” We must always remember that our thoughts, like the

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