We Believe

Daily scripture readings and reflections on the Apostles' Creed for the seasons of Lent and Easter

Daily scripture readings and reflections on the Apostles' Creed for the seasons of Lent and Easter


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“I do not seek to understand so that I may believe; but I believe so that I

may understand.”

—Anselm of Canterbury (11 th century)

Christian belief is not just a series of stale doctrines or cognitive

concepts. It is a way of being. Faith is a way of living that helps

us understand the world. This is what Anselm was getting at

when he wrote those words a thousand years ago. Christian faith

makes sense of our world and gives meaning to our life.

Over the next several weeks, during the seasons of Lent and

Easter, we are going to explore the basics of this faith together

through our weekly worship and the daily scripture readings and

reflections in this book. Let me offer a few words of introduction.

A Word about Lent and Easter

Lent is a forty-day season that leads up to Easter Sunday. It may

be strange and new to some or it may seem like an old ritualistic

practice to others, but really ‘lent’ is just the Old English word

for springtime. It has the same root as the word “length” and

refers to the “lengthening of days” that we experience this time

of year in the northern hemisphere.

In the early centuries of the church, the forty days of Lent became

a season of preparation for new believers to be received into the

community of the church through baptism on Easter. During this

period, new believers would prepare for their baptism by learning

the basics of faith, devoting themselves to prayer and fasting, and

sharing life in community with each other. For the rest of the

church, this season was a time to renew their faith by participating

in the same things as they anticipated the coming celebration of

the good news on Easter Sunday.

Easter itself is also a season. Lent is forty days, but Easter lasts

for fifty. If the time of preparation and renewal is good, the

season of celebration is better. This reminds us that no matter

how much of God’s goodness we can experience in this life, there

will always be more in the life of resurrection to come.

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