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1 AIR TIME Don’t let the “aqua” in the name of the 11th astrological

sign in the zodiac fool you—Aquarius is a visionary air sign represented

by the water bearer. The 10th largest constellation in the

zodiac, Aquarius is also one of the oldest, first documented in the

second century by a Greek astrologer.

2 FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Greek mythology links the constellation

Aquarius with Ganymede, who, as the story goes, was the hottest

dude like ever—so hot that Zeus, the god of thunder himself, just

had to have him. The details vary depending on which ancient text

you’re reading, but basically Zeus abducted Gany and brought him

to Mount Olympus to serve as a cup-bearer and quench his thirst.

(The original thirst trap?) Ganymede was rewarded with eternal

youth, which explains why I, an Aquarius, don’t look a day over 39

when by the end of this month I will be 28 days over it.

3 THE AGE OF AQUARIUS But who cares? Age is just a number.

Lying about your age just perpetuates the idea that whatever age you

are is somehow bad, that by being that age you are worse than you

were before. The Aquarian in me finds this to be bullshit. Don’t buy into

the labels, don’t let anyone put you in a box, just be yourself …

4 THIS END UP Oops, I got distracted. That happens to Aquarians.

We’re a bit all over the place because we’re interested in everything. But

we don’t like to label ourselves as out-of-the-box thinkers, because we

despise labels, we question assumptions, and we do not like being told

what to do. Besides, we didn’t see the box anyway; we were lost in our

thoughts, which are always flitting from one topic to another as we move

through life with an aloof detachment that can come across as cold.

5 LET THE SUN SHINE IN We are cold; we’ve always been cold.

We came into this world in the middle of the winter when the

planet couldn’t be farther from the sun. We’ve been chasing that

sun ever since. It’s fun; you should come with.

6 DON’T CHA HEAR ME CALLIN’ TO YA? Think of your most

free-spirited, eccentric friend—the person you call when you’re in

the mood for an adventure but avoid when you’ve gotta be up early

the next day: they’re probably an Aquarius. You should call and wish

them a happy birthday.

High on Design:

The New Cannabis Culture

Edited by Gestalten + Santiago Rodriguez Tarditi /

gestalten.com, $60

Discover how weed has grown into a good-looking

business. Consuming the plant and using its derivatives

have become legal in several countries and

paved the way for a new generation of designsavvy

and diverse consumers and entrepreneurs.

High on Design, released in September,

showcases the new brands, designs, and creators

behind this revolution. While reflecting on the

novel aesthetics and trends of contemporary

cannabis culture, High on Design also gives a

profound view of the phenomenon regarding

politics, history, legalization, and society. This is

your guide to the best brands, the most stylish

dispensaries, the slickest products, and the most

creative entrepreneurs.

Milk Blood Heat

By Dantiel W. Moniz

Reading an excerpt whet our appetite for this novel

about the sultry lives of Floridians in intergenerational

tales that contemplate human connection,

race, womanhood, inheritance, and the elemental

darkness in us all, as described by the book’s publisher

Grove Atlantic. And once you read it, you’ll

understand why we’re already craving more from

this exciting new author who the publisher calls

“one of the most exciting discoveries in today’s

literary landscape.” Here’s quick preview:

“Once a month, the members gathered in the

night, wearing elaborate half-face masks in the

likenesses of pigs and dogs and cats that hid their

eyes but left their mouths free. While we poured

tart cherry mead, fetched fresh cloth napkins,

procured new spoons for ones that had fallen, we

observed them: a walrus tipping back raw oysters;

a big-eyed cow knifing marmalade onto toast; a

peacock shimmering in a gold dress, sloshing pink

champagne onto the floor.”

Lil’ Nibble

A line from the intro to Getting It: A Guide to Hot, Healthy

Hookups and Shame-Free Sex from sex educator and Girl Sex

101 author by Allison Moon: “Allison, horniness is like hunger.

It’s a basic bodily function signifying a need.”


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