IN FOCUS | Issue No. 2 | August-December 2020

IN FOCUS, the Official Student Publication of Trinity University of Asia - College of Medical Technology, presents its second official issue covering the 1st Semester of School Year 2020-2021. The issue includes News, Opinion, Feature, Entertainment, and Sports Sections which contains all of the exciting stories inside the college.

IN FOCUS, the Official Student Publication of Trinity University of Asia - College of Medical Technology, presents its second official issue covering the 1st Semester of School Year 2020-2021. The issue includes News, Opinion, Feature, Entertainment, and Sports Sections which contains all of the exciting stories inside the college.


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Learning is always a process. It is like a story building, we all

have our rising action, we reach our climax, we also feel the denouement.

Despite that, our goal is always a worthwhile ending. If one

feels defeated, take a breather and continue to try again. -V. Perlas Jr.

The life of a professor is a consistent balancing act where they

attempt to mix and match personal and proficient duties under the

unavoidable pressure of overseeing assumptions in a frequently hyper-competitive

culture. There is always a dread that they may fail,

a sense that if that somehow managed to occur, they could be alone

and the one at blame. Society assumes that they ought to be mature

enough, experienced enough, and adequately intense to withstand

all the pressure that accompanies the work. Being a faculty member

in a college can be one of the most fulfilling professions, however,

it has likewise become one of the most distressing positions.

In 2020, the College of Medical Technology (CMT) welcomed

a new Assistant Professor. He completed his degree at Cagayan State

University, with both BS and MS degrees in the field of Medical Laboratory

Science and 9 years in service as a Registered Medical Technologist

of the country. Described by his students as a kind, approachable

and hard-working professor, he is Assistant Professor

Victor “Vico” Perlas Jr. RMT, MPH. We interviewed him about his experiences

working at TUA-CMT, his drive through his profession, and

his message to all aspiring future Medical Technology students like us.

by Ashley Alexis U. Guevarra

this track. The drive to leave a footprint in establishing the core values

of the future healers kept me passionate about my work. “

Despite the burnout and new adjustments, he was able to be resilient

up until this day. “During my college years, I would say everything did

not fall into my expectations. My first two years in college were the happiest.

I learned to balance both academics and co-curricular tasks. I remembered

one of the most challenging yet amazing moments I had as a sophomore

student was when I was chosen to be the Editor-in-Chief of the official school

paper of the University system. I was so motivated to do the best and to be the

best I could be. I enjoyed it a lot because journalism has been my first love.”

Entering Junior year was also a lot of adjustment for Sir Vico.

But with his strong will, he was able to go through it. He said, “I little

by little dropped my extra activities when I reached my junior

year. I heard that urban legend circulating in all Medical Technology

schools, that is, you do not sleep when you reach the third year. True

enough, all major subjects tend to be time demanding. Despite that,

we had to accept the challenge wholeheartedly, so I did. I was enjoying

every moment of it even though things were topsy-turvy. I am willing

to learn from my mistakes and I learned not to be afraid of failing.”

Going downhill with personal problems became his strength

in finding the true essence through his journey in the field of Medical


Working exhaustedly from nine-to-five hours does not only apply

to educators but also among other professionals, yet still continues to accomplish

daily duties because it is a lifetime commitment. ”Each day starts

early but ends late. I learned to love this routine. Teaching is not an easy

job, but very fulfilling. I start my day by reviewing my plans for the day, then

I offer a little prayer as I offer that these plans are to be guided by the Almighty.

If things turn out well as expected, I end my day by analyzing what

improvements I could incorporate based on the students’ needs. Then I

plan for the next day. I wrap up by studying my next activities or lessons.”

“As exciting as it is, it can also be overwhelming,” Sir Vico learns

through his peers. He said it is almost an instinct or some kind of sixth

sense. “The possibility of experiencing different atmospheres or emotions

each day made me very interested in academe. I get to see how

students and faculty members express themselves in the most toxic

situations of their life. I learn from it. It also made me develop an instinct

as to how to deal with such scenarios.” He also added, “I would

say TUA’s CMT is one of the best organizations I worked with. The

faculty headed by Dean Rodriguez are all emphatic to students. “

Leading students towards

succeeding in the field is his

main goal. Even if it demands

too much time and energy,

his drive still pushes him.

“There are many reasons

why I continue my career

in Medical Technology

specifically as a Medical

Technologist working in

the academe. One of the

most striking reasons is

that I can (in a way) be an

influence on the young

aspiring Medical

Technologist. I did not

study Medical Technology

as a course to become

an educator, but

my path was



“While I thought I was going through the hardest in my academic

endeavor, I was wrong. My father got sick just a few weeks after

I started in our second semester and I felt so useless during those days

for my knowledge was not enough to know how he was going or whatnot.

That was my darkest moment in school and at home. Before the

semester ended, my father joined our Creator. I doubted myself, how

could I even wear the whole white uniform while I was useless during

my father’s suffering? During those times of contemplation, I gave up

on Medical Technology and all dreams to further my education in Medicine

or whatnot. My family, my Dean, my professors, and my classmates

in the Medical Technology Department showed me a perspective I was

not seeing during those times. They showed me that despite all the cowardly

emotions I felt during that time, they are willing to walk with me

and be my light. I was so blessed that I had them guiding me throughout.

I then finished Medical Technology while conquering myself doubts.”

Also, he enjoys simple yet satisfying compliments coming from

his students and community. “The best experience for me is when parents

call and acknowledge me as to how I reared their children in

school. I usually don’t give up on hard students. I mean we all experience

different walks in life and I completely understand that school

is not the sole problem of the students and I am willing to synchronize

learning to fit the needs of the students. With me doing this over the

years, it is very fulfilling to be recognized and be known in such a way. “

A lot of teachers and students faced a lot of learning and challenges

throughout online teaching. According to Sir Vico, communication is

the key. “For me, I would consider amazing communication between the

educator and the students is the key to learning despite the interference

of connectivity. Online teaching is very difficult, much more with online

learning. It is significant to get to know each student to craft a tailor-fit

learning strategy for each of them. Strategies to facilitate education is

very crucial in online learning. The end goal is to keep the students driven

to push thru and succeed over this endeavor of online education. “

Ending his interview with words of wisdom to the future frontliners

— his students, he asserts, “I definitely will just encourage them to

continue the love for learning and to keep their passion burning. We all

need a break or a little space, but we must not stop. While you thought

you were experiencing the hardest, remember my story, and keep going.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap

a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9). In the field of Medical Technology

where one can be over others, it is really important to keep in mind

to always be grounded and to always do good even if no one sees you. “

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