On Guard: by William Lane Criag ✝️

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the results. An overwhelming 82 percent of the atheists, agnostics, and other

non-Christians concluded that the evidence offered for Christianity was the

most compelling. And—get this!—forty-seven people walked in as unbelievers,

heard both sides, and walked out as believers. What’s more, not a single person

became an atheist. It was a stunning affirmation that Christians have an unfair

advantage in the marketplace of ideas: We have truth on our side!

You may never debate an atheist. Nevertheless, the Bible says in 1 Peter 3:15

that all Christians should be prepared to explain why they believe what they

believe—and to do so, as Bill Craig unfailingly does, with gentleness and respect.

In a world where the media often trumpet claims by skeptics, best-selling

books hawk atheism, and many university professors seem bent on destroying

the beliefs of young Christians, it’s increasingly important for all of us to be

able to articulate the reasons why our faith makes sense. And that’s why this

book is so absolutely vital.

In these pages, you’ll learn the most compelling arguments in favor of

Christianity. Not only that, but you’ll also find out how to respond to the

most popular objections to those arguments. You’ll discover that On Guard

is solidly factual, winsomely personal, consistently practical, and ultimately

convincing in its presentation of the case for Christianity.

So devour this book. Read and reread it. Underline and highlight it. Make

notes in the margins. Study and debate it with friends. Become conversant with

its logic and teachings. Try out its points with some of your skeptical friends.

In the end, here’s my prediction: You’ll emerge stronger in your own faith

and much more confident in sharing Christ with others.

Lee Strobel, former skeptic and author of The

Case for Christ and The Case for the Real Jesus

Foreword J 11

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