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Mar. 6th Sabbath Israel’s Civil War Page 8 of 14

and decency. They refused to yield to what was right. By not giving up

the gang of men from Gibeah, Benjamin, in effect, was saying, “We

stand by their wickedness.”

So the towns and villages all over Benjamin’s territory gathered its

troops, who marched to Gibeah. Among them were 700 left-handed

warriors who were experts at slinging rocks at small targets—they never

missed! From within the city’s walls, they could kill attackers without

ever being touched. With Gibeah’s 700 warriors, Benjamin had 26,700

troops to fight against Israel’s 400,000 revenge-seeking soldiers (Judges


Self-righteous Israel

Through Phinehas the high priest, the leaders of Israel’s army asked God,

“Which tribe should be the first to attack Benjamin?”

God answered, “Judah shall go first.” Though God told them who should

attack first, Israel did not ask Him if it was His will that they attack

Benjamin. Israel was being self-righteous. Instead of asking God about

what they should do, they took matters into their own hands. They

decided for themselves the right thing to do.

The next morning, the army moved and encamped near Gibeah. Then the

warriors of Judah—the best of Israel’s fighting men—departed for the


Suddenly, Benjamin’s soldiers rushed out of Gibeah and attacked. When

the day was over, 22,000 Israelite soldiers had been cut down!

Surprised by their humiliating defeat, Israel’s army regrouped and

prepared to do battle the next day. They were encouraged because this

time they sought God’s counsel with tears of sorrow. They had asked

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