COVID-19 Nigeria by Mories Atoki & Georgios Radoglou

The realistic view and analyses of the Nigerian COVID-19 xituation

The realistic view and analyses of the Nigerian COVID-19 xituation


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3) Providing the necessary personal and collective protective equipment (PPE&CPE), such as face shields, sneeze guards,

quality nose masks, quality disinfectants (sanitizers with above 65% alcohol and medical spirit) and many more at real cost

and in sufficient quality to the “exposed professional groups” and sectors identified, as there are Airports, Banks, Public

transport, Court houses, Educational institutions, Authorities, Shopping malls and retail in general

4) Embarking on a massive and concerted sensitization campaign directed at the public to ensure the imbibing of safe and

best practices towards limiting spread

5) Engaging the heads of public and private sector institutions, organizations and businesses to extend work-from-safe

locations policy in a bit to further reduce citizens’ movement

6) Combat corruption in the Health sector to reduce cost and increase efficiency and quality of service. Nigeria’s healthcare

sector must be supported through adequate funding, incentives for health workers, and healthcare subsidies for the most

vulnerable people.

In a midterm approach, the exposed sectors need to have health & safety concepts and strategies as well as proper

monitoring in regards to COVID-19 mitigation measures and programs while the training of the exposed professionals and

essential service providers must be thoroughly planned and executed on a continually effective basis. This could be

addressed with ‘train the trainer’ systems to achieve a pyramid-like cascading effect of the knowledge needed.

In a long-term approach, a campaign to support the repatriation of “dormant” Nigerian capital, stashed in offshore accounts

by Nigerian entrepreneurs and politicians to be utilized for the public good. This initiative should be supported by FMoF and

CBN incentives (tax - and legal amnesties), documented and channeled to support the restructuring and improvement of

the Nigerian Health Sector whilst in parallel the ability and processes for investments in the Health sector must be optimized

and boosted in combination with a boost in qualification and training of the Health sector workers.

There are organizations which have already started activities in this direction – they should be supported by every

stakeholder in the “Nigeria project”.

There can be no real growth without healthy populations.

No sustainable development without tackling disease and malnutrition.

No international security without assisting crisis-ridden countries…….

..and No hope for the spread of freedom, democracy and human dignity unless we treat HEALTH as a basic human right.

-- Gro Brundtland

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