Burren Farm Experience Brochure
Step into the wide open spaces of the Burren - its history nature and life in Ireland. Burren Farm Experience does bespoke tours for visitors to their farm in County Clare, Ireland. Allowing you to taste, feel and walk through one of Ireland's most raw and breathtaking landscapes.
Step into the wide open spaces of the Burren - its history nature and life in Ireland.
Burren Farm Experience does bespoke tours for visitors to their farm in County Clare, Ireland. Allowing you to taste, feel and walk through one of Ireland's most raw and breathtaking landscapes.
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G U I D E D F A R M T O U R<br />
W I T H T E A A N D S C O N E S<br />
Relive history, explore the past and<br />
present of the <strong>Burren</strong> landscape. On<br />
a vintage jeep you will see a working<br />
farm and its historical buildings. Help<br />
feed the calves of the farm, and end<br />
your tour with a restful break in the<br />
traditional farmhouse, with tea and<br />
homemade scones.<br />
FEEL<br />
WALK<br />
G U I D E D F A R M T O U R<br />
A N D L A K E H I K E<br />
Step into a living farm and feed our<br />
calves. Learn about the historical<br />
buildings in this farm and explore the<br />
landscape. We guide you through an<br />
8km hike to the shores of tranquil<br />
Lough Bunny. Finalise your tour with a<br />
well-earned charcuterie picnic of<br />
homemade and locally sourced foods.<br />
G U I D E D F A R M T O U R<br />
A N D S H O R T H I K E<br />
Walk through the forgotten history<br />
of the <strong>Burren</strong>, when we visit<br />
Shantaghpubble chaple. Discover the<br />
landscape on our vintage jeep and on<br />
foot as you hike through this<br />
spectacular landscape. Your tour will<br />
end with a charcuterie picnic, which<br />
lets you taste a variety of locally<br />
sourced foods.<br />
RAD MORE<br />
TASTE<br />
W W W . B U R R E N F A R M E X P E R I E N C E . C O M