The Rep 26 March 2021

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THE REPRESENTATIVE 26 March 2021 Tel: (045) 839-4040 / editorial: mjekulal@therep.co.za / advertising: charodinev@therep.co.za 3

Water bills

f o r w a rd e d



Chamber says businesses can't

pay when meters not read



Alist of accounts of

businesses that ow e

Chris Hani District

Municipality for water was

distributed to the Border Kei

Chamber of Business (BKCOB)

for its members to begin talks

with CHDM after its water cut


The list was issued after the

ch a m b e r ’s recent stakeholder

engagement with CHDM.

According BKCOB secretary

Adre Bartis businesses are not

happy with accounts not being

mailed to them monthly,

inaccurate meter readings and

account duplication which

resulted after CHDM took over

the water services from the

former Lukhanji Municipality.

Bartis said businesses were

more than willing to pay,

provided these issues were dealt

with. She added failure to do so

may lead to a dispute.

“The accounts were for

businesses which have not paid.

“The municipality has not

been taking meter readings for

three years.

“The current billing people

are receiving is incorrect - the

meters have not been read.”

She said businesses could

not pay for something they had

not used.

“It does not make sense. The

municipality needs to sort out

the system.”

According to Bartis, when

CHDM took over the water

services from the former

Lukhanji Municipality, it added

new digits on account numbers,

which meant some people

received two accounts.

“That is why there is

duplication. This means if a new

tenant moves into a place they

are billed for the previous

Workers from the department of environmental affairs were seen cleaning up parts of Top Street and other areas in Mlungisi

Township on Wednesday, to the admiration of local resident, Monwabisi Mgijima, who was passing by. ‘At first I was not happy

because I was born here in Mlungisi but people who are not from here have been talking about the filthy state of our town.

Even the premier [Oscar Mabuyane] was ashamed.’ Mgijima encouraged the cleaners to continue with the cleanup. One of the

workers urged residents to wait for the municipal refuse truck to collect their garbage Picture: LUVUYO MJEKULA

tenants as well. CHDM now has

the old tenant and the new one.

“This is not just about

sending out billing, but making

sure it is accurate, because if

they are not reading meters, the

billing will not be accurate.”

BKCOB had raised these

issues with the municipality.

“We raised these matters in

the IDP with CHDM.

“The municipality told

BKCOB they were aware of the

billing issues and were working

on a new system.”

Customers were also faced

with the difficulty of getting their

billing queries addressed.

“When people go to the

municipal office to resolve

issues, nobody wants to take

responsibility. People are sent

from Peter to Paul. The only

answer one gets is that one must

pay the account.

“BKCOB has been taking

steps to resolve matters and

highlight issues and we will

continue doing so.”

CHDM spokesperson

Bulelwa Ganyaza said the

district municipality had

embarked on a data-cleaning


“Among others, the process

will help counter the challenges

associated with customer data

which has an immense impact

on revenue collection.

“In addition, Smart metering

must be introduced to

accurately measure customer

consumption. This has been

prioritised to resolve billingrelated

issues. Procurement

processes are underway.“

Customers who had billingrelated

enquiries must contact

the municipal revenue offices

across the district or e-mail

c u s t o m e rc a r e @ ch r i s h a n i d m .

gov.za, Ganyaza said.







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