Paws For Thought March/April 2021

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"Absence sharpens

love, presence

strengthens it."

During all these years that Gouves Animal Shelter has been running,

we have met thousands of people visiting the shelter, volunteering

for short or long periods, doing their internship and helping the best

way within their potential!

People’s interest in the suffering of our poor 4-legged furry friends, is

a balsam for our souls and it is one of the most important things that

keeps Gouves Team motivated! Friendships have formed and longlasting

relationships have been moulded through our common love for

the animals in need.

During the last year, with Corona dictating our lives, many of our

friends haven’t been able to visit the shelter. We already analyzed

the economic impact that Covid has on the shelter in the previous

issue - and this is not the subject of this article. We are mentioning

that because during the last year we have been apart from our most

valuable and strongest weapon… YOU!

Not having you working with us side by side, makes it an uneven

battle! There is a saying that has been proven repeatedly: “When you

share love, then it is multiplied and when you share a problem, then

it is divided”. In this article we would like to share our pain and love

with you through some of our stories…


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