Speculative biology publication showcasing worldbuilding projects by many artists and creators.
Speculative biology publication showcasing worldbuilding projects by many artists and creators.
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Luraste Species. Animals belonging to the Luraste family come in many different shapes, colors,
and sizes. Their tendrils are often covered in small barbs and spiked projections to better grasp
prey items.
These insect-like organisms are
segmented and lined with many small
protrusions (either legs or hair) which
are used for propulsion. Also pictured
are dolichaverma or frill-ringed worms,
named after their rings of long hairs
which grow from evenly spaced
segmentation. These rings beat in
tandem for quick and uniform patterns
of propulsion.
Additionally, some early land plants,
known as Sessispana, are similar to the
plants of earth. They are capable of
reproducing both sexually and asexually
in the right environmental
circumstances. The irst body plan or
“body-plan 1” (seen on page 49) features
spire-like formations while “body-plan 2”
(not pictured) develops a bark-like shell
and thinner leaves.
Frill-ring. Frill-rings are pelagic creatures that are distantly related to most living species on
Verracta. Their plumose hairs may be an ancestral link to the appendages and hair-like structures
found on present day Verractan organisms.