
A free online magazine on and around coercive control. In this issue: Cults and coercion, coercive control, coercive persuasion, indoctrination and cultic abuse.

A free online magazine on and around coercive control.
In this issue: Cults and coercion, coercive control, coercive persuasion, indoctrination and cultic abuse.


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He looked straight into my eyes and told

me that, for the treatment to work fully, I

would need to have sex with someone

other than my ex.

“ He told me of his 'service work'...all of his free meditation groups

which he insisted would help lift up the

vibration of humanity.”

I met Theo* at a Mind Body Spirit Festival. He

was offering Angel card readings and having

just read a book by Doreen Virtue about

angels, I was interested to know more. I can't

really remember much of what he said as the

venue was loud and the acoustics were bad.

He was very softly spoken, so I struggled to

hear. I noticed he had a habit of holding his

hands together, palms touching, in the prayer

position, it gave him an air of humility and

made me slightly less uncomfortable that he

was sitting very close to me. I was so close I

could feel the warmth of his breath which I did

find unnerving, but he seemed so gentle and

patient that, after the reading, I took his card

and left.

I had come to the festival with some girlfriends

who were really into 'New Age' stuff like tarot,

crystals and card readings, and they raved

about the event, how it had energised them,

how 'deep' it was and how it had raised their

vibrations but, at that point, I was still

undecided about the whole experience.

Not long after, I found out that my boyfriend of

four years had cheated with more than one

woman and the betrayal devastated me.

Having reached 'rock bottom', I remembered I

still had Theo's card and rang him to book a

'Crystal Healing' treatment. I couldn't really tell

you much about the session as I dozed off. He

had told me to fight off any urge to fall asleep

and suppress any urge to cough or sneeze but

I hadn't slept in several days, was exhausted

and could not stay awake.

At the begining of the 'treatment' he had asked

me to fill in a comprehensive form that asked

all kinds of questions about my personal life,

my medical history, even questions such as

whether or not I had had an abortion. Looking

back, I remember feeling uncomfortable but I

was desperate to stop feeling this aching grief

so I put all feelings of doubt aside to fill it in.

When he asked me what I was looking for, with

the treatment, I told him that I wanted to stop

feeling so devastated.

After the session, Theo suggested I choose

some crystals which would help continue the

work that he started. He had identified some

negative energy in me and told me to be

guided by my intuition as it would know which

crystals to choose to address that.

Making The Invisible Visible

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