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“yeh definitely, i have so many ideas for fashion campaigns/

editorials/ shoots but just not really the facilities to make

them a reality... it’s something i think think i’ll try to do soon,

but i think they’ll need to be executed perfectly or it’ll end up

looking a bit tacky. I’m used to just taking photos of everday

life things so can’t say im an expert in things like studio

liughting, but i want to learn.”

“Yeah man you should deinitely try to learn and expand out in

every direction you can. I suppose that coincides with the

name of your account keep looking forward. When will your

clothes be available and where can any of the readers look to

buy some?”

“yeah bro, i really hope to get those skills on lock because

thats really what you need to make a carer out of it. The

clothes will be available to buy via dm on instagram @keeplookingforward.”

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