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February 27, 2020 ‘Sight’ Lecture

A letter to my grandchildren.

My dad, your great grand dad, was


extraordinary man full of wise words.


would often remind me that life is wonderful,


it’s that simple truth which has driven me as I


businesses, raised my family, and embarked upon

my many adventures.

You’re at the very start of life. It is an incredible gift

and it is there for the taking. It will deliver highs and lows but by living

it to the full, by always trying to do the right thing, by keeping a childlike

sense of adventure, it will indeed be wonderful. I used to think of space as a

destination, but I now realize it’s a journey with some amazing milestones

along the way.

Your lives will be transformed by space and it will give your generation the

planetary perspective on which the future of humanity rests, that we are all in

this together, fellow travelers on Spaceship Earth.

Today, we pass the most significant of all as our beautiful VSS Unity, along

with the hopes and dreams of so many, became the first spaceship built for

regular passenger service to put humans into space.

Virgin Galactic has shown that when you set off on challenging but important

ventures, exceptional people come forward to join the journey, people who are

consistently by your side and on your side, people who share your dreams, and

people who help make them reality.

As I watch Unity and her brave pilots soar upwards into space today, my vision

blurred by tears, I could hear your great granddad whisper once again in my

ear. Life is indeed wonderful.

A letter to my grandchildren.

My dad, your great grandad, was an extraordinary

man full of wise words. He would often remind me

that life is wonderful, and it’s that simple truth which

has driven me as I built businesses, raised my family,

and embarked upon my many adventures.

Sir Richard Branson

You’re at the very start of life. It is an incredible gift

and it is there for the taking. It will deliver highs

and lows but by living it to the full, by always

trying to do the right thing, by keeping a childlike sense of

adventure, it will indeed be wonderful. I used to think of space as

a destination, but I now realize it’s a journey with some amazing

milestones along the way. Your lives will be transformed by

space and it will give your generation the planetary perspective

on which the future of humanity rests, that we are all in this

together, fellow travelers on Spaceship Earth.

Today, we pass the most significant of all as our beautiful

VSS Unity, along with the hopes and dreams of so many,

became the first spaceship built for regular passenger service

to put humans into space.

Virgin Galactic has shown that when you set off on challenging

but important ventures, exceptional people come forward to

join the journey, people who are consistently by your side

and on your side, people who share your dreams, and people

who help make them reality.

As I watch Unity and her brave pilots soar upwards into

space today, my vision blurred by tears, I could hear your

great grandad whisper once again in my ear. Life is

indeed wonderful.



Hello, everybody. I hope you enjoyed

the video as much as I did. My name

is George Whitesides. I am the CEO

of Virgin Galactic and it’s a real

pleasure to be here.

For the pilots in the audience, and

I’m sure we have a few, that right

barrel roll that you saw at the end

was fully permitted and on the

test card.

It’s an honor to be speaking to

The Wings Club. And I really look

forward today to sharing with you

what Virgin Galactic is all about, our

vision for opening space to change

the world for good, our progress

towards becoming the first space

line for Earth, and the tantalizing

possibilities that the future holds

for the company.

George Whitesides, CEO

Of course, before I begin, I wanted

to say once again what an honor it is to be here with The Wings Club which,

as you know, was founded nearly a half century ago with the important goal

of promoting the advancement and development of aeronautics. And to serve

as a forum for discussion on aviation, how timely it is then to be able to offer

these thoughts on the world changing

developments in spaceflight and

advanced aeronautics occurring today.

And as I was saying to the folks at our

table here that I think it’s really a fun

opportunity for us, as a company, that

integrates both an airplane, a winged

vehicle, and a rocket plane, to be

able to share some thoughts to

The Wings Club.

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