Delabole Slate June 2021

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Termyn Gwari Fleghes

(children’s playtime, in Cornish)

All these birds are summer visitors, which means that they spend our winter

somewhere else much warmer, then migrate back to us when spring arrives

and the weather starts to warm up.

The three birds on the top row are swift, swallow and house martin. They

are very fast, agile fliers, swooping around houses and fields catching small

insects. Swifts nest under eaves and are quite rare, we are lucky in Delabole

that there are still buildings they can nest in. You can buy swift nest boxes

if your home has no suitable places. Swallows and house martins build their

nests out of mud, in sheds, by windows and under eaves. If you are lucky

enough to have them, enjoy watching them nest and hatch their young. The

second row of birds are also insect eaters but don’t come near people. They

are cuckoo, blackcap and willow warbler. You are much more likely to hear

these than see them – the cuckoo because it is now very rare, so you may

be fortunate to hear it down in the woods or up on the moors. The blackcap

and willow warbler are both quite small, about the size of a robin, and shy,

but they both have very loud songs which you can hear if you walk around

the quarry. The cuckoo doesn’t make a nest but will lay its eggs in the nests

of blackcap, willow warbler and other small birds.

Give yourself a point if you hear any of these birds, and 2 points if you see

them! Remember if you know where a nest is, leave it alone, watch from a

distance if you want to and make sure not to frighten the parents away.

Don’t pick up fledglings on the ground - they are learning to look after


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