2021 FCHS Undefined

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tree, staying in its cover as he followed the<br />

carnivore. It walked down to a river nearby, wading<br />

in until all he could see was its head and sail.<br />

He’d had a theory about the Spinosaurus, that<br />

even though it was a carnivore, it only hunted fish,<br />

and the sail on its back helped it stay balanced and<br />

afloat while swimming. Though not many other<br />

scientists agreed, here was the living proof right in<br />

front of him. He was almost giddy with excitement,<br />

watching the dinosaur climb out of the water on the<br />

other side of the river until only up to its knees was<br />

submerged. The dinosaur lowered its head, sticking<br />

its snout into the water and closing its eyes, standing<br />

so still it almost seemed like a statue.<br />

Harley moved a bit closer, kneeling down by the<br />

shore to watch the Spinosaurus prove his theory<br />

right. This was how they hunted. The end of their<br />

snouts could feel vibrations, almost like a dolphin's<br />

echolocation, so they could locate where the fish<br />

were without seeing under the water, and the nostrils<br />

were higher up on the snout so it could keep it<br />

underwater and still breathe.<br />

Just as he thought, the Spinosaurus’s eyes<br />

suddenly snapped open and it snatched a fish from<br />

the water so fast he would’ve missed it if he blinked.<br />

It lifted the fish and threw it onto the shore, placing<br />

its foot on it so it couldn’t move, and ripping into it.<br />

They were pretty greedy, and picky eaters, so the<br />

Spinosaurus left the fish when it wasn’t even halfeaten,<br />

and walked back into the river to catch<br />

another.<br />

Harley smiled, deciding he could stay here and<br />

watch the Spinosaurus hunt for hours when he heard<br />

a soft chirping sound from the bush behind him. He<br />

scrambled to his feet and away from the little green<br />

dinosaur that hopped out, tilting its head to look at<br />

Harley. It hopped forward and snapped at a fly<br />

before stopping to look Harley up and down again.<br />

He thought it was pretty cute, judging that its head<br />

only came up to his knee. But then it turned and<br />

chirped at the bush, and three more of them jumped<br />

out in a chorus of chirping.<br />

“Compsognathus,” Harley said to himself,<br />

realizing just how much danger he was in. Despite<br />

how cute and small they seemed, there were way<br />

more of them still waiting in that bush, and if they<br />

decided he looked like lunch, they would all<br />

ambush him at once.<br />

He had to get out of there.<br />

He kicked up dirt at the four in front of him and<br />

took off into the thicket, jumping over tree roots and<br />

pushing aside giant leaves. He stopped in a small<br />

clearing, gasping for air and looking frantically for<br />

an escape. What he saw on the other side of the<br />

clearing almost made him collapse in relief. The red<br />

mahogany door sat idly beside a tree, the door wide<br />

open as he’d left it. He made a mad dash across the<br />

clearing, stumbling through the doorway and<br />

slamming the door shut. He stood there for a<br />

moment, trying to catch his breath and calm his<br />

mind. He still didn’t feel safe with the door being<br />

the only thing between him and the dinosaurs, so he<br />

stepped back and closed his eyes, hoping it would<br />

disappear as it had before.<br />

When he opened his eyes, the door was gone,<br />

leaving no trace that it had ever been there. Harley<br />

sighed in relief, relaxing back against the wall. But<br />

just as he turned to walk down the hallway, he heard<br />

a chirping sound coming from the living room, and<br />

he stopped dead in his tracks.<br />

A dinosaur had come through the doorway.<br />

Carlee Cable '21<br />


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