This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp [Nijkamp, Marieke] (z-lib.org).epub

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“Where are the nearest emergency phones?” I ask.

Coach grunts. “There’s one at the main entrance to the school.”

Opportunity High School moved to a new location five years ago—after the

original school was swept up to Oz by a tornado. The new building is state of the

art—larger sports fields, fancy equipment, right in the middle of fuck all. I loved

it. It felt like home. Until now.

“There’s a pay phone at the gas station down the road too,” I remember. “And

we can find Jonah.”

Blank stares.

“The security guard.” My teammates probably never bothered to learn his

name, never spent quiet afternoons hanging out in his patrol car. “He should be

in the parking lot. He has a radio and will be able to help. We’ll split into groups.

Coach, go find the emergency phone. Stay safe. Stay away from the school.”

Coach nods slowly. Normally, we follow him or Chris, our team captain. But

Coach’s planning never extended beyond the borders of our training field. He

listens to me, despite the fact that my voice trembles and cracks.

“Esther, Avery.” I turn to the girls. They’re usually talkative but not now.

“Find out if any of the emergency exits open, but stay away from the windows.

If you can get in, find a phone. If not, figure out how to hot-wire a car. I don’t

care what you do, but alert anyone and everyone.

“The two of us”—I point to Chris and me—“we’ll find Jonah. If he’s not out

front, we’ll run to the gas station for help.” I breathe in sharply. “We don’t know

what’s happening inside, but if the situation sounds like a shooting and looks

like a shooting, treat it as a shooting. We need emergency responders here as

soon as possible.”

Chris nods. “It’s a good plan,” he says. Those four words are enough to set

everyone into motion, but I also hear his unspoken promise. We’re in this

together. Always. He’ll follow me, like I’ll follow him. It’s why we need each

other close.

Avery and Esther pick up their water bottles and start running. Coach follows,

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