Whirlwind 2021

Longfellow Middle School's Literary Magazine

Longfellow Middle School's Literary Magazine


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Literary Magazine


“Build me straight, O worthy Master!

Stanch and strong, a goodly vessel,

That shall laugh at all disaster,

And with wave and whirlwind wrestle!”

From The Building of the Ship

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

~Charles D.

Literary Magzine

Longfellow Middle School

2000 Westmoreland Street

Falls Church, VA 22043

June 2021

~Daniella N.


Faculty Advisor:




Andrea Duggan

Diana Gibson

Tom Grady

Wendy Eaton

Jim Patrick

Fairfax County Public Schools


Cover Art: Abuzar W.

Futuristic Architecture

Whirlwind is a student magazine published annually.




Every word has a meaning,

A denotation and a connotation.

Alone they are weak,

But together they have depth,

Together they have purpose and emotion.

A word by itself does not reflect the writer,

A sentence displays more of the writer,

Although not much more than the word,

But a whole page of words

Shows the writer’s purpose,

And tells the reader a little bit about who the

writer is.

Teachers can’t discover who a student is by the

way they solve a math problem,

But by the stories they make,

The poems they compose,

The essays they write,

And the words they use.

~Andrew L.

I am a Story

I am a book,

I hear pages turning,

I see the stories I’ve known all my life,

I want a home,

I see romances, comedies, dramas,

I want to show people my story,

I am a book,

I want to be the world someone escapes to when

they’re sad or lonely,

I am a story,

I feel my leather cover, the one I’m judged by,

I dream that one day I will be judged by my story

and not my fabric on the outside,

I try to get others to read all I have to offer,

I hope this time I will not be judged by my outside

but all I have to offer on the inside,

I am a story

~Afton K.



~Sabrina M.


World of Dragons

~Anna G.


My assignments glare at me dauntingly,

Staring me down into imminent dread,

Begrudgingly I start across the sea,

As I work, a daydream starts in my head.

My mind drifts away and my pencil drops,

With an “I’ll do this later” I depart,

Immediately, all my homework stops,

And away I go to begin my art.

A new world in mind, I sketch a new ground,

A mossy boulder here, a mountain there,

A brand new type of tree that I have found,

Strange little fungi with neon green hair.

I glance at the clock and jump up now scared,

It’s 9 o’clock now, I have failed to care.

~Sophia R.


Scared of the Dark

I promise I’m not scared of the night.

Just once I thought there was

something in the dark.

Kidnapper or monster, I’m not sure


Later that night there was a crash,

Maybe there was something in the


Now I am getting a little scared.

Okay, I guess I am scared of the dark.

Please don’t turn off the lights

~Juliana R.



My Brain Comic ~Sonora K.


Literally Everything

I think about space a lot

Have you ever thought about everything that’s out there?

Not just everything as in our world

Not just our solar system

Or our universe

Or even multiverse

But the omniverse

Literally, everything that’s out there

How it is completely endless

I mean if the omniverse is infinite then

There is literally every possible reality you can imagine

In one realty some moron never put pineapple on pizza

In one George Washington became King of the US

And in one an asteroid never hit Earth 65 million years ago and there are still dinosaus

Some infinities are larger than other infinities

It’s also really interesting to think about how the speed of light affects time

It’s amazing to think about when you look at the stars you are really looking in the past

So if the universe is infinite and some alien race out there had a really powerful telescope then

especially you would never die and you would always be living in some way in some part of the

universe, even if it’s the farthest, even when the earth is long gone

~Samantha C.





The link between dimensions

Far realities

Alicia Y.

Dear Universe

Dear big universe,

Was I put here for something?

I don’t really know.

~Landry N.

Safe Space

Dreams, our hiding place

Dreams, the space where we are free

Dreams, where we seek peace

~Alicia Y.

d From a Cave

Humanity is ugly, beautiful, scary, and hopeful

From the first sparks of fire

To the black soot from factories

We have come far

There has been trials and tribulations

Doubts, fears, setbacks, losses

We have lost those we loved along the way

But we form new bonds to fill the void

We persevere, strive, and through hard work we succeed

And as the years blur into decades, centuries, millennia,

We will look back on our humble origins

From our birth in caves, to touching the stars

~Jack S.

Online School

Awakened to a room full of darkness

It is not the night but the beginning

to a long short day of attentiveness

beneath and above the unpromising

Burdens being constructed by the day

Depression is the new reality

Free time shrinking so now there is no play

Balance of life lays in uncertainty

Frustrated parents demand improvement

While more work is being distributed

Students now become a disappointment

And old work is now procrastinated

This shouldn’t be a worry for students

We have a test next week on exponents

~Diana S.

Whirlwind ~Sabrina M.



Sistine Covid

~Rita D.


Social distancing

Every day in life

People have to stay distanced

Will this ever stop?

~Yoonjae H.


I feel more lazy

Streets filled with nothing but dust

I hate that feeling

~Aanya J.

2020: the year of adversity

There was despair but we will repair

There was poverty and inequality but hopefully, there will be


Just like covid spread our devotion will spread

Sadness will turn into gladness on a canvas that shall never vanish

The saddest and baddest of times will turn into the gladdest palace

We will recover and rediscover our personalities and we will

uncover our glorified pride

A year of deaths, devastation, brutality and insanity can be a year

of revitalization and tenacity

~Daanial P.




A Battle Through the Night

Our world was left in darkness

When a deadly virus engulfed it

as we felt our way through endless night

Our torches were unlit

The charts were skyrocketing

We tried to maintain control

But as we panicked

There were only more buried souls

We fought for a happier end

We fought for what we believed in

As the troubles tried to silence us

We screamed from our spirits within

This year has been a battle

A fight to reach the end

But as we wait in the shadows

The sun will rise again

~Alicia Y.


Finding My Place

~Nishtha N.

I’m going back to school today

After a year behind my door

Ready to embrace the world

A thousand questions blow like the wind

As I open-up to take it in

Excitement building on itself

Waiting for the perfect moment

bursting — releasing streams of energy

Shouting from my core, begging to be heard

Feeling waves of questions, the wind of my fear creates

A vicious storm, blackened skies

On which to pontificate

Each weighted blow of second thoughts pulls me under.

Anchored to existential thoughts of my place, in this place.

And are they smiling behind their mask, I wonder.

~Sydney J.

This poem was published in The Washington Post, April

23, 2021. Kid’s Post “Poetry of the Pandemic”


~Nishtha N.



The Pandemic’s Silver Lining

By Michelle L.

The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) started in

December of 2019 in the city of Wuhan in central China.

Within months, it has affected the daily life and national

economy of every populated continent. People have found

new ways to live their lives indoors and connect over the

internet. Social distancing is reinforced, and numerous

schools have closed.

My family planned to go to Shanghai and neighboring

cities such as Suzhou, I. M. Pei’s hometown, and

Hangzhou during the spring break of 2020 but obviously

with the COVID-19 situation, it was cancelled. Today,

we spend our time at home and interact only with our

family members. But even through hard times, it is

always possible to find the positive. It is just a matter

of how you look at things. I found this to be true with

my experience of connecting with a Chinese pen pal

Yue, a sixth grader, who lives in Suzhou, China! My

parents and Yue’s parents are friends, but they haven’t

seen each other for over 20 years. When our trip was

canceled, she contacted me and now we write to each

other on a regular basis.

opens another door for me.

The COVID-19 situation has made me realize that

through hard times, there are good things that will change

your life, even though they may be small. It truly depends

on you finding the silver lining during hardships in life.

Of course, we need to be cautious and concerned about

the current situation, but we can also try to turn it around.

It is important for all of us to keep an open mind when

we look at problems and reach out to help others. At this

time during the COVID-19 pandemic, giving back to

communities and doing good provides opportunities for

everyone to find a new path or a new interest.

Yue and I communicate with each other by

email and write mostly in Chinese. We became pen

pals last February when America had not yet been

impacted but China was shut down. I was still in

school and had my regular activities.

In our emails, we like to talk about music and

about our daily lives. Living in China is very different

from living in America. It is fascinating to see the

differences in our cultures. For example, school is

quite different. Yue has at least two hours of homework

to do every day while we get much less. Yue and I

also talk about the books we read, especially Chinese

classics. Together we celebrated Chinese and American

holidays such as Saint Patrick’s Day, Easter, and the

Dragon Boat Festival. As the coronavirus gets worse

in America, we talk about how China and America

are changing every day. We both are experiencing the

effects of social distancing and self-isolation. We can’t

see our friends, or go parties, or visit a movie theater,

or eat at our favorite restaurants and going to the mall

is definitely out. These similarities bring us together

and make us feel that we understand and support each


Although we have never met in person, we hope to

keep being pen pals. Our conversations let me see the

contrast between American and Chinese cultures and

Time to Unwind

~Rojia K.



Blooming Creativity

~Aimee A.



Asleep ~Abuzar W.




~Serene H.

Rise Up

~Tyler H.



Best Friends ~Joy H.



Leila’s Surrealist Self-Portrait ~Leila P.


Apartment 12B

By Sophia W.

Decrepit iron doors, with a whisper

of light peeking through a missing panel,

heralded the entrance to the apartment

building. A single window glowed with

warm orange lamplight, a little beacon

casting its signal. It just barely illuminated

the mottled gray-and-white bricks beyond

the window’s edges.

The same sunset shade of light flashed

in the skies above, in the writhing mass of

black clouds that funnelled down towards

the window.

The harsh wind tousled his ashy

brown hair as he climbed the old, worn

steps. The shifting sediment in the air made

the color of his clothing unrecognizable.

Surely centuries of dust and dirt stirred

and swirled above where the cobblestones


He felt his muscles tense and his hand

instinctively curl into a fist as he took stock

of the place, concerned. His eyes roved over

the upper levels of apartments as he strode

toward the building.

Eye of the storm, he thought.

He pulled open the iron doors and

ducked inside. The “lobby” was little more

than a broom closet, with just enough space

for the receptionist’s desk and a file cabinet.

The young man at the desk looked up from

a book in surprise.

“Quite early for visitors,” the

receptionist said. “Can I get a name?”

“Matthias Swift,” he told him. “I’m here

about the - you know -” He made a swirling

motion with his finger.

The receptionist stared at him blankly.

Clearly, he hadn’t been outside in several


“Never mind,” said Matthias, deciding

against involving him unnecessarily. “I’m a

plumber. Apartment 12B is that way?” He

pointed to a doorway on the left.

The receptionist nodded. “Be quiet

about it; they’re nearly all asleep.”

Matthias took this as an invitation

to dash up the stairs. This wasn’t his first

rodeo, and his heavy shoes barely made

a sound against the hardwood. Reaching

the first floor, he bolted across the springy


carpet and skidded to a stop in front of

apartment 12B. Light spilled from the

cracks around the door, and Matthias

wondered briefly how the occupants could

afford so many lamps.

He knocked.

For a moment there was no response.

He heard a faint wail and a shuffling noise.

Then the door swung open. A middleaged

woman with bedraggled blonde hair

escaping from its bun looked up at him

with desperate eyes.

“Oh, thank goodness! They’ve sent

someone at last.” She ushered him in. “I

swear, I’ve submitted an investigation form

a dozen times in vain. I knew something

was wrong.”

Matthias stepped into a room full of

children. Two bunk beds and several cots,

their frames falling apart just as much as

the rest of the building, were squeezed into

a space that would ordinarily be used as a

living room. The kids were all huddled near

the door, a few small ones clinging to the

woman’s dress.

Continued on p. 13


Cherry Blossoms ~Abuzar W.

dContinued from p. 12

The glow, Matthias realized quite quickly,

was not coming from lamps.

The little girl, no older than eight, clung

to her cot for dear life, the pulsing light in her

eyes a stark contrast against the encroaching

darkness out the window. Tears slipped down

her cheeks. At the sight of Matthias, she

shrieked, and the window flew open. The other

children shuddered and cried as the maelstrom

entered the apartment.

“Don’t take me, don’t take me!” wailed the

girl. Her dark hair whipped around her face.

“I’m sorry! I can’t control it!”

“Do you see?” croaked the woman,

stumbling back. “You can’t expect me to live

with that!”

“Excellent,” said Matthias. “You’ve just

erased any guilt I had about this.”

Calmly, he moved towards the girl, and

kneeled down on her level. The floor was cold

beneath his knees.

“You’re wrong on two counts, love,” he

told her. “I’m not a Retriever. You’re not being

sent anywhere nasty.”

“I don’t believe you,” she sobbed, and

orange lightning flashed along with her eyes.

“Second,” he continued, “you can control

this. No, really. I’ve loads of mates who’ve done

it. I’ve done it.”

She trembled wordlessly.

“Let me guess, nightmare?”

The girl nodded, and suddenly launched

herself into his arms. He held her as the storm

swelled, and he heard the sound of the others

scuttling out of the room. Good riddance, he


“Listen,” he said, keeping his voice soft.

“You’re feeling a lot right now. Secondhand

shame, and terror, eh? Let yourself feel it. Let

this storm run its course, just for a moment.

Then let it go. If you don’t want it, just let it

disappear into the dawn.”

“But - but -”

“This is your storm. You control it, not the

other way around.”

She took a deep, gasping breath, and let it

out forcefully.

“You’re okay, love. You’re safe. You’re safe.”

She breathed in and out a few more times,

and slowly stopped shaking. The glow in her

eyes faded.

She still wouldn’t let go of him.

Matthias smiled with satisfaction,

watching the last wisps of smoky clouds drift

into the wind.

“There you go,” he whispered.


“I don’t want that to happen again,” she

said into his shirt.

He looked down at her head of tangled

hair. “Tell you what.”


“How would you like to meet some more

people like us?”

Inspired by



found on

Once Upon

a Picture


There’s No Place Like Gnome ~Aimee A.



My Friend Named Childhood

I walked by Baker Street this morning

And remembered my old friend who sat

On the kid’s table in the bookstore

She always read with a frilly hat

We would write songs and share pleasant


Spend hours drawing on paper walls

I loved when she drew eyes like daisies

She liked to wear purple overalls

I miss when we made cakes and watched


A plane took her far away from me

She silently left, doubt she’ll return

So I’ll sing our song beneath the tree.

For evermore, I’ll sing our song

Verses of love on sorrowful days

Melodies that warm the coldest nights

Our memories, lightening my gaze

I know, friend, we’ll never meet again

So I say this if you’re listening:

Grateful I am for our days and nights

Because of you, I’ll keep glistening

~Kailyn K.

Good Haiku This Is

Yoda my name is

Crazy people think I am

Speak funny I do

~Jackson M.


I am really short

I’m measured in syllables

I am a haiku

~Reagan C.


The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

~Riley S.

I’m sucked in as I crack open the book,

I’m transported back to my second home.

A new world has come to life with one look,

I imagine Dumbledore on his throne.

A magic world of wizards and witches,

A school teeming with magical creatures.

Spells, potions, and identity switches,

A variety of unique teachers.

A boy who lived and battled Voldemort,

Who lost his parents and received a scar.

He persuaded the old hat that could sort,

And hit a willow with a flying car.

The golden trio of the three best friends,

Makes sure that Hogwarts magic never ends.

Harry Potter ~Uma N.

Elise W.




~Julia W.


They are amazing creatures,

Mankind’s best friends,

Tails wagging and tongues hanging,

Loyal through and through.

Sometimes we take advantage of their


We ignore them when we have things to do,

They wait patiently by the door,

Hoping for a walk or a something more.

They don’t need nice things,

They just need love and attention,

And an occasional treat,

They give more than they take.

~Brayden S.


I am happiness

I hear bubbly laughter

I see affectionate smiles

I want to infect everyone around me

I see eyes lit up with joy

I want to make people smile

I am happiness

I want to be celebrated

I am happiness

I feel like joy and contentment

I dream of making everyone cheerful

I try to help everyone around me

I hope to put a smile on everyone’s face

I am happiness

~Emily J.


My Dog

Shaggy/ Fluffy / glossy soft brown fur

Silky ears and maple eyes

Big black clumsy nose

~Landry N.


Outside in the sun

He gives happiness to all

Eating Cicadas

-William H.




~Madelyn C.

A Wish for a Pet

Oh, my how my heart aches for something


All I want in life is a furry friend

Over mountains and to white beach’s shores

We could run through big fields and play


I don’t care if you are brown, black or white

Or if you are big, small or super shy

As long as it lasts more than a fortnight

Unconditional love I will give thy

Please don’t remind me what happened last


My new best friends taken in a heartbeat

This time around you will always be mine

My life without you just feel incomplete

I hope that one day I will get a pet

But until then my wish will not be met

~Hannah Z.

Good Boy

“Good boy,” says Mama

Run, run, run, go get the stick

Can’t wait for a treat

-Maddie S.


Being all alone

Only has one remedy

Its to love your pet

-Maddie S.

Baby Sheep

Lambs, meek and gentle

Occasionally aloof

cute little creatures

~Britt H.

Nothing Sweeter Than Honey

~Courtenay K.



Seascape ~Logan S.



Breaks the darkened sky

A light from the clouds above

What a sight to see

~Jennifer W.


The rich golden glare

warming my body and soul

dazzles from the sky

~Emily H.

A Sunny Shore

~Anika Z.




I Am Water

By Ben F.

I am water,

I am the very thing that keeps you alive,

I hear ships sailing on my body every day,

I see many different creatures passing

through me,

I want people to respect me and not dump

garbage in my many bodies,

I see people feeling refreshed after they force

me into their mouths,

I want to nourish people and relieve them of


I am water.

I want to provide shelter for the many

creatures in me,

I feel joyful when helpful humans rid my

bodies of pollution,

I dream that people will discover more about

the depths of my bodies,

I try to hydrate the world,

I hope that one day my bodies will be

completely clean without garbage,

I am water.

High Tide ~Sabrina M.




All I’ve ever known is my love for you

I am still reminded of you daily

The shimmering stars and the

morning dew

The soft whispers of a ukulele

The gleaming sun, luminous and


Only for the light to be dimmed by


The beauty of you was so divining

The sweet aroma of citrus and thyme

The soothing splashes of the ocean


It is silent. I hear endless quiet

I miss you so much and my heart still


I still love you. I cannot deny it.

My heart is broken, and it hurts to


But I must remain, though you are


~Emily T. A Dock at Sunset

~Ava C.



By Andrew L.

I go to the ocean every year,

I always arrive and yell, “we’re here!”

I look at the dolphins and ride the waves,

And watch my puppy as he misbehaves.

Nothing felt different till I got in the water,

I’d already been warned by my aunt’s daughter,

About how cold it would be in early June,

Even if I went swimming in the afternoon.

As my family played and laughed on the sand,

I finally started to understand,

That what I enjoy is not swimming in the sea,

But spending time with people who care about me.

So I made my way up, up towards our chairs,

Where I saw my family climbing the stairs,

They were leaving and I had squandered my time,

I felt guilty, almost like I’d committed a crime.

It was freezing, but I didn’t much care,

Even with the colder breezy air,

I usually go to the beach in late-summer,

I thought, this June-weather is kind of a bummer.




In the depth, the dark, the night, the pressure,

Covers the sound of animals and light.

Blanketing me with the end I’m so sure.

Darkness keeps pulling back with all its might.

Retracting into the great blue ocean,

Only to come right back with greater force,

To go hit the sand in the same motion,

Pull back, build up, crash and repeat its course.

Tiny little animals live down there.

All different shapes that lie down beneath,

Some of them are meant to give you a scare.

Some have tails and fins and even sharp teeth.

It might look dark, scary, and really steep,

But in reality, it’s not that deep.

~Sophia F.

~Julia W.

Sea Turtle

~Sophia F.




~Sabrina M.

~Gadiel L.


~Olivia S.

~Nikola V.



Under the Microscope

~Jiyoon P.



~Davanee L.

~Davanee L. ~Davanee L.

Robins Egg Blue

By Delaney P.

It was hard to find a bench that was as well-loved as the one

that Miss May sat on. Yes, the paint was peeling at the edges and

the wood creaked as you sat down, but it was easily the brightest

thing in the park. The grass was once lush and green, but now it

was yellow and brittle. The tiny saplings that had been planted

by the grandfathers and grandmothers of the current generation

now seemed to touch the sky. However, the bench was still there,

reliable and untouched by time.

As far as anyone could remember, Miss May had always

sat there, just as she had always been a kindergarten teacher. She

sat on that bench as tulip bulbs were being planted, and she sat

on that bench while she watched birds weave their nests. She

especially loved the bright blue of robin’s eggs, and never left her

home without a teal scarf or cerulean pair of shoes.

She never let a speck of dirt remain on the bench, and

every week, she would scrub the wooden boards until they

positively shone. She painted the boards with new paint every

year, and even on the cloudiest, chilliest day, the sight of her

bench never failed to make her neighbors smile. Miss May grew

up on that bench, reading every book that she could get her hands

on, plowing through pages and pages of math equations, and

staring up at the constellations of a clear night sky.

While the bench hadn’t changed much throughout the

years, Miss May had. She now found it difficult to get out of bed

without her back and legs aching and walking to the park felt

longer than it used to. On a sunny, crisp morning, the neighbors

discovered that Miss May had begun to fade.

They would be talking to her, and they would only

be able to see her in the sunlight. The distinctive colors of her

clothing had become dull shades of black, grey, and off-white. On

cloudy days, they were only able to tell where she was by watching

for the swish of her skirt of the end of her scarf trailing behind


It was a warm day when Miss May became impossible

to find. Her oldest students, now parents themselves, called her

name and looked all over town. The last place they searched

was the park. They were all dreading looking here, because they

knew it would mean that she wasn’t invisible anymore if she

wasn’t there. They knew that her time was coming, but they never

thought that this day would come so soon.

When they got there, they all fell silent. Her bench was freshly

painted, and the fallen leaves around the bench had been raked

into a neat pile. Later, they would wonder how this had happened-

Miss May hadn’t had the strength to paint in weeks, and all of her

neighbors had been too busy searching for her to paint her bench.

They couldn’t find a single paintbrush or rake, and the only thing

that they did discover was a single robin’s feather that lay on the

bench. Somewhere in the trees, unseen by any of the townspeople,

a robin flew into the sky, circled over the bench once more and

vanished out of sight.

The bench was still able to bring a smile to everyone in

town. Even in the winter, the vibrant blue paint peeked out from

underneath the snow. But now, a copper plate gleamed on the

back of the bench. Engraved on the plate was Miss May’s nameand

a sketch of a robin’s nest.

Inspired by this

Image found on

Creative Writing

Picture Prompts



It is a longing, it is a yearning, it is a wishing.

It is a wish to return to the breeze of the homely oak

trees that surround me in it’s warm branches, stretching

out as if moving to forever embrace me. The warm

ebony brown and it’s green leaves; I wish to return to

the vibrance the world has lost. Everytime I believe that

I glimpsed color, I shift my gaze only to find it a shade

greyer, it is a kind of sadness that is muddled, but still


It is a wish to return to the skies of blue that look

upon my tiny form, it is strange in it’s forgiving ways.

It seems to ripple with clouds upon one soul amongst

thousands of others, murmuring about each memory I

have acquired. I am afraid, yet I still cannot place what it

is I fear.

It is a wish to return to the loneliness I pushed away

for so long, though it still leaves a pang in the depths of

my sorrow. To stand alone in the darkness as each faint

sound of waves pummels the already surrendered sand,

it is oddly comforting. My feet stand in the cold sand,

the wind whirls around my hair and my eyes cannot

clearly see through the waterfalls and the colors of night.


By Sandi S.

No one can hear the downpour, no one can hear it at all.

I feel alone there, I feel alone in the darkness. but it is


It is a wish to return to the window sill in which my

first sentences of tales had stricken me, the rain pattering

in it’s solemn rhythm to create a dull word called

‘inspiration’. A word cannot describe a feeling in which

creation is birthed and molded in the hands of someone

new; or lost in the downpour. But still, I long to press

my cold cheek to the raindrop riddled glass, to close my

eyes, I wish to return to this.

It is a wish to return. I wish to return to these places,

to the destinations my heart has longed to go to, to the

world in which my mind begs to be taken back to...and

it hurts, for I am not there. I wish...to go home. I wish

to go home, to return home, I wish and I plead and I

hurt. But still, i cannot go home. I cannot return, and I

cannot visit the only places in which I can feel a sense of

welcoming. Why? Why can’t I return to these places of

beauty, why can’t I return to them?

For, they do not exist.

Pixel Vermeer

~Sabrina M.


~Madelyn C.



Falling Paradise

~Liyah C.

Dragon Spirit

~Emily T.

Fluorescent ~Julia W.



The castle loomed over the forest, imposing and

indestructible looking. On the inside, however, it was

buzzing with worried chatter about the precious queen

lying on her deathbed. In a valiant battle, she was

struck with a dark hex by King Gavaar himself, fatally

wounding her. The queen had accepted her fate and

called upon her eldest daughter, Princess Donohue, to

hear her dying wishes. Princess Donohue was blessed

with many gifts, including incredible intelligence and a

kind heart, but she had never truly wanted the crown.

Her mother on the other hand knew she would make

an excellent queen and would always try to convince

her daughter the same. As the princess arrived at

her mother’s bedside, she was struck with sadness at

the sight of her dying, rushing to her side and gently

hugging her. The queen smiled, and began to whisper,

“My dear daughter, the thought of leaving you gives

me more pain than any hex could inflict. But I know

that I will be leaving my kingdom to a kind and fair


“The thought of seeing you go gives me pain

beyond measure,” the Princess choked. “But I still

do not believe I can be the queen you want me to be.

Please, choose one of my sisters, one of them could be a

much better ruler than I.”

The queen showed a weak smile and replied, “All

these years and you still doubt yourself as a leader.

My dear, I kn-.” She began to cough uncontrollably,

breathing slower and slower. Her eyes widened and she

spoke, her final words with immense seriousness.

“My dear, you shall become queen, but there is

something else. There is a child, who will bring an end

to this heinous war. She will not be who you think, but

she will have more power than you can imagine. When

you come across this girl, trust her. Trust her with every

essence of your being, for she will be the true savior

of Pharis. However, if she is informed of her fate, she

will fail, and all will be lost. I will miss you, my dear.


Prologue from

The Wizard Lizard Chronicles: Book 1

By Gwen M. and members of the GSA

Princess Donohue was overwhelmed with grief

as she watched her mother’s spirit leave her body and

ascend to the heavens, where she would watch over

her from the stars. The princess rose from her mother’s

bedside and spoke to her lady in waiting, telling her to

begin the planning for the queen’s burial ceremony.

She left her mother’s room and retreated to her

quarters, where she stayed for days, speaking only about

preparations for her mother. While in her room, she

had time to think over her mother’s words. She decided

that she would put her doubts aside and grant her

mother’s dying wish for her to be queen. She informed

the high council of her decision and preparations began

at once.

The princess’s coronation was less grand than her

mother’s, for there was a war raging on, but the princess

held no objections. She sped through the festivities,

barely speaking with anyone, so she could finally have

time for herself. There was but one thing left she had

to do, be fitted for her royal attire. She hurried down

the corridors of the castle until she reached the fitting

room. When she entered all eyes were drawn to her,

for she was not only blessed with intellect, but beauty

as well. She spoke a brief greeting and stood on the

platform to begin her fitting.

One of the tailors broke the silence and asked, “My


The new queen winced at the mention of her title.

“Is there a color you would prefer?”

“Actually,” she replied, “I believe I would like a

pastel blue, similar to my-to my mothers.”

The tailor nodded and began giving his assistants

directions. Princess, now Queen, Donohue began

to tune out their words and drift off into her own

thoughts. She thought about her mother’s final words.

Who is this girl she speaks of? How could a child

stop a war? As she continued to think on those words, it

dawned upon her. Mother isn’t coming back this time, I

truly am queen.

Scales ~Charles D.



~Marjan Rezva

A Cold Night ~Sydney M.


Clearly I am superior.

And how is that?

I bring light and warmth

to the world and to the creatures living on it.

Birds sing and rabbits dance when I am there.



By Natalia C.

You would have no spot in the sky

if I didn’t leave you to take charge.

The same way some of the creatures

just know how to breathe.

Owls serenade the quiet forests

and wolves beckon for each other

under my glow.

You glow solely because I let you,

Without my radiance you’d be nothing but another

piece of debris.

At least that piece of debris

wouldn’t have to have

this conversation.

I shine the most and the longest.

Only for half the year.

The other half is known

for having me shine the most.

You don’t shine,

You reflect the light that I give to you.

Light that no person nor animal

can look at for more than a second.

You burn their eyes and their skin

if they are near you for too long.

And because the creatures can look at you,

you think you’re better than I?

Maybe they can look at you

but not much else.

Your time is dark and cold.

Some creatures thrive in the dark,

And the cold can be a nice escape

from your never ending heat.

The blanket of quiet holds a sense of peace,

And the darkness, a sense of mystery.

Not very peaceful for those

who are scared of the monsters

they can’t see in it.

And you know this how?

Many of the ‘monsters’ heard at night

aren’t even there to hurt them.

I just do.

And yet I can still be seen

while your light ‘blesses’ the earth.

Many creatures are asleep

when you take over;

Most creatures are able to bask

in warmth I send down when I’m in charge.

And you do it?

Do your creatures ever just,

Watch you in wonder?

That sounds nice.

Having creatures be able to just,


Without being in pain.


I didn’t think to look.

Many are asleep,

but the ones who remain

are often fascinating.

They tell me their troubles

and their stories,

Trusting me to listen

and care for them

even if they can’t tell it’s me.

Of course,

It’s only right.

They do.

Sometimes, they make art

with me as a muse.

Maybe they can’t look directly at you,

But they can watch the dancing shadows

you cast on everything.

They can still marvel

at the stunning reflections you cause.

You’re still the star of many art pieces;

Some pieces even have both of us.

Those are my favorites.

Have you never seen them?

Maybe you should.

I think you’d like them.



I Thought That I Loved Rain

The cold rain falls on a dark afternoon

The small black umbrella protecting me

I hope that I will get to my home soon

But for now, my home is too far to see

I usually love it when it rains

But today it’s colder than usual

Wind, rain reminiscent of hurricanes

It’s miserable but it’s beautiful

I’m unsure of how I feel about it

It is cold, dreary, sad and depressing

The cold rain hurts me, it’s hard to


The rain today is far from a blessing

I usually love the falling rain

But today as I walk it causes pain

~Hannah Lee


Very late at night

5 stops left for the west side train

1 for the east

2 for the south

1 for the north

Mice crawling

People waiting

Now the stops are done

The people made it

As the moon shined

The later it got

The train station is open again at 7am

~Henok T.


I want to be the pavement of the city

Unnoticed by most

Soaked in rain and the dreams of those that walk upon me

Stained with the sorrows that have been dragged over my rough surface

Cracking and crumbling with the weight of all this knowledge

The thoughts stored in every grain of my surface

Unable to share anything with anyone

So, I listen to what’s around me and hope the city lights have seen all that I know

Watching from a distance I’ll never be able to reach

An unspoken friendship that neither of us are able to communicate

One friend in this melancholy world

I want to be the pavement of the city

~Skye M.

Transformation Drawing ~Virginia I.


Wonders Of Rain:

I sit in silence

As soaked trees dance in the wind

Fresh rain coats their leaves

~Madison K.


The Rain

I love the rain

I have always loved the rain

The smell, the comfort, the


Everything about it

I like the feeling of the water

droplets hitting my skin

and I get soaking wet

Sometimes I just lay in the

rain and think about life

Some people see the rain as a

wasted day

But the days that it rains are

my favorite

You can go outside and play

in the puddles

Or you can sit inside with a


Or you can cuddle with your

dogs and watch a movie

I love the rain

~Tatum O.

Wonders Of Rain

Trudging on grey stones

Rain decorating my hair

Clutching my raincoat

~Kavya K.


I close my eyes as

Rain pounds against the roof it

Goes pitter patter

~Landry N.

City Street in the Rain

~Annika R.

Busy Street

A man walks by, reading the newspaper

Blowing in the wind, two leaves pass by

Cats are meowing in the alley

Doves fly high in the sky

Elegant women strut across the street

Fat pigeons are lounging about

Giant buildings surround the street

Hats are worn by many people on the street

~Scott T.


Leaves are falling down today

Maybe a sign of Autumn has come my way

Now it is getting kind of chilly

Open house warmth is here to welcome me

Pancakes, cookies to have by the window

Quiet leaves falling down form trees

Roads become greyer and darker

Suddenly Autumn is here to welcome me

~Lana Z.



What will the others think--will I look dumb?

Will I look like I’m not in the right place?

At what moment will the perfect time come?

Will I be embarrassed to show my face?

These are the thoughts which always flood my mind

I feel insecure of my own being

These thoughts close me off and leave me confined

One day they will leave, which will be freeing

But I just cannot take a chance at all

No, for that just simply will never do

I will be confident and stand up tall

From now on, I’m the lion, not the shrew

I am solely myself and that’s enough

And now is my chance to stand proud and tough

~Sabrina W.



I spent hours scrolling on Instagram

Comparing myself to girls that I would do anything

to look like

Ignoring the beauty that is in front of me

I looked at myself in the mirror

And picked out every imperfection and flaw I had

Little things like the beauty mark underneath my eye

that I wish I didn’t have

Each and every individual is beautiful

I tell that to as many people as I can

It’s easy to compare

I look myself in the mirror again with fresh eyes

I start to like my beauty mark

I love my smile

It’s easy to compare

But I love myself

And you should too.

~Mathilde L.

~Jessica S.




They whispered as she passed

Shared what they knew

The story was changing

From what it was

Drama was everywhere

From the classroom into the halls

The gossip spread

Till everyone knew

By afternoon everyone had heard

They waited to see what would happen

The drama was all you could think about

Then it exploded

As lunch started the drama spread more

People took sides and alliances were broken

There were tears shed, hearts broken, and

friendships destroyed

As people tried to solve the problem it unfolded


When lunch ended

The sadness was gone and in came the anger

Rumors were spread and the truth soon came out

Apologies were told

The drama was over

You missed it a little

Having the spotlight and peoples support

But you knew this would soon happen again

You thought the teachers didn’t notice

But they saw everything

Parents would never know

What had happened that day

The school was our battlefield

With rumors as our weapons

The students were soldiers

But in the end, there was no victor

In this war that would last all year

~Alicia A.


~Leyla C.



Things You Do

~Charles D.




I seem to always write about this sport

Baseball is not played on a rainy day

It is not played on a rink nor a court

Baseball is played when there is a sun ray

The dirt, the grass, the trees, the scenery

No sport has ever been any better

The smell is better than a creamery

If there is better I have not met her


Rough and tough

United as a team

Get low in the ruck

Bruises cover me

Yelling on the sidelines

~Miguel L.

~Elissa Thomas

The Resurrection of Sports

Sports are back again,

The world has just been revived,

I am so joyful.

~Ben F.

Baseball has always given me great fun

It has always relieved me of my stress

Without it my life would be by far done

Baseball always has me feeling my best

Baseball is really not all in my life

But it always gives my heart extreme light

~Gabriel P.


Fat offensive lineman line up to block the quarterback

Obedience is what people get to when they face an ally that is rivals.

Olympics need to make football a sport there.

Thinking about how pro football players have good IQs in the game.

Backing up on the defense.

Awesome when you see a diving catch against defenders late game.

Love and hate relationships for me.

Lively coaches and a good community surrounding you.

~Takumi Sugimoto

~Leila P.

Walking on Clouds

~Nicola V.

Turquoise Converse

~Lauren S.



Sneaker ~Abuzar W.

Childhood Memories

We ran down the streets and played ball and bat

As we grow older, we stay more indoors

Glued to phones and getting more and more fat

We played tag in our house breaking some doors

My Lovely Bike

My bike, my lovely bike, it is the best.

I’d rather ride it than go on a hike.

I feel alive. It brings warmth to my chest.

My bike is the one thing I really like.

We thought Santa would give us some presents

Until we found wrappers in the closet

The world is naughty and filled with peasants

Our gifts just bought from our parents’ profit

We had a lot of Legos in our room

We made some action films with all those toys

But now they will be all donated soon

Now I burn my eyes on screens like all boys

The sound of its pedals, sound of the gears.

Oh, how glad I am to have it here, now.

If it wasn’t here, I would disappear.

When will I ride my bike again? Where? How?

My bike brings me so much cheer, an escape

From homework, chores, so I don’t go berserk.

My happy place where there’s no work to chase.

A day on my bike is solace, my perk.

I really wish I could go back in time

Back when I was very happy and fine

~Veeraj N.

I go in for the night, the day done

I dream of my bike, and my freedom won.

~Christian M.



Transformation Drawing

~Guillermo J.




The deafening silence

The quietest it’s ever been

Lonely hallways

Arrows on tiles

To direct, to lead


No one to avoid

No one to annoy

No one to greet

Only idle halls

Array of lockers

Stand tall against the walls



Spiders call them home

Is this some kind of spell?

A trance in fairytales?

Graffiti art talks

“It’s safe to be smart”

Empty Hallways

By Anika Z.

And in these hallways

Excellence thrives.

Today, yesterday, and months


No sound of clicking heels

No suits bustling of selfimportance

No knowledge in satchels and


Someday I know we’ll cramp

these spaces

We’ll switch phases

And see bright faces

Dark times slowly leave

A new day soon to break

We’ll flock again

In these empty hallways

Our very happy places

School Building

I am a school building

I hear the laughs of children big and small

I see buses drive away into the traffic

I want all the students to feel safe inside

I see people run into the front doors’ seconds

before the bell rings

I want all the students to pass their classes

I am a school building

I want 7:30-2:00 pm to last forever

I am a school building

I feel excited that in-person learning is finally here

I dream of teachers and their students connecting

I try to stand tall on this bright and early day

I hope kids who continue to learn online are doing


I am a school building

~Amina K.

The Journey of Me ~Amelie L.



Life Online ~Joshua A.



There’s a program called BBCU.

I thought ‘twould be good for me


But it has major lags,

It shudders and drags,

And I really don’t know what to do.

~Jaiden S.

Seventh Grade

New experiences daily.

Odd is a good word to describe it all.

People go through many phases.

Quickly get to class before the bell


Run around in the gym.

Successful students study every night.

Toxic friends will only drag you down.

Unbearably awkward describes the


Very fun all the time.

~Prashim R.

Distance Learning

Internet connections breaking


Jargon tossed around as if play

Knowledge flowing through the

web page

Limping through the day

Microphones off more often than


Nothing more than sitting all day

Over and over and over

Painful learning is the way

~Tyler S.

d Consoles

Consistently slow

Original games

Non-stop playing

Screaming at my screen

Obviously loud

Losing my mind

Emotions flow

Success, the battle’s won

~Joshua W.

I Am the Q Key

I am the Q key,

I hear the clicking of other keys,

I see fingers looming over me,

I want to be noticed,

I see the glimmer of oil on wornout


I want to be of use like them,

I am the Q key.

I want to be used for more than


I am the Q key.

I feel left out, ignored,

I dream about being the most

worn-away key on the


I try to have the most satisfying


I hope to be worthy of more than

the words ‘quail’ or ‘quick’,

I am the Q key.

~Sophia R.



Daily Routine


Always rushing in the morning to be on time

Bleakly hoping beyond hope to be in time while in the car

Careening into several people as I rush past them in the school trying to be on time

Distractedly glancing out of the window in class while the teacher drones on

Excitedly sprinting back home to watch my favorite TV show

Forging ahead and completing all my homework early

Getting ready for bed so I can finally go to sleep

Hoping to wake up on time tomorrow

~Logan K.


A thing is common

We all belong to something

That something is ours

~Norris C.

Patient People

Able to stand through the darkest days

Becoming stronger by experience

Calming themselves in the scariest times

Defeating the ones who want success overnight

Entitled people are the hardest to handle

Failures build their resilience day by day

Got to their goal by taking each step of the staircase

Hope is their most powerful weapon

~Veeraj N.

We Are Not The Same

We are not the same

We all have different aspects

We share many things

~Norris C.

I Have

I have a sports car

I have a gaming computer

I have a house of gold

I have a 3-D printer

I have all these things

I have a life of riches

I have a wife that loves me

And I have many followers

But I have not gotten happiness

Or I have not gotten a purpose

I just live here with all my stuff

I think to myself, someday I want a

better life

~Liam C.

~Jessica S.



A Trunk of Me ~Gadiel L.

If I Had A Treehouse

If I had a treehouse,

I’d always be inside

A perfect place to work on projects

A perfect place to be

I’d decorate it with crafts, streamers, and


Where I would invite my friends to eat and


But now that I think about it, the balloons

could fly away

The streamers could crumble

The crafts could break

I have found that it’s not quite as good as it


So if I had a treehouse, just up in any tree

Simple as that, a good place to sleep,

I’d use it for when I just need a place to be


~Phoebe J.

My Couch

Oh! My couch, my dear

You give me comfort when I need it


Your cushions and pillows work so

well together

You are soft, yet supportive

On the good days and bad

Always there you are

And always there you will be

Each side of you is the same

No better but no worse

I spend too much time with you

We need to work on ourselves

And split up

~Britt H.

Stormy Days

Stormy, rainy days,

Writing by the fireplace,

Gloomy, clam, cozy

~By Uma N.



Lines In Time

~Uma N.


Drake Equation

Dividing and calculating are its abilities

Real life a quantifiable possibility

Aliens, somewhere out in space

Keep our hopes up, the math says

there’s more

Equations by Drake have worked out


~Andrew E.



Waves rise and settle, crashing on rocks.

A burst of wind blows down a tree.

As the sun rises and settle, the life of a mayfly passes.

An aged man dies.

A child is born.

A new family is made.

One is awarded for its virtue.

Another is punished for its sin.

However, the criteria for right and wrong changes.

This is the nature’s flow.

You feel it as you are living.

This is time.

~Doyoung K.



Each moment cannot be an epiphany

Pain-free is the moment, that will be

Influential, Important, and impressive is


Peaceful, pleasant, and priceless don’t begin

to define

How oh how do I describe this moment

A moment where your mind is perspicacity

Not any moment can be

Your epiphany

~Nimera S.



Pushed down to the underworld,

lord lived with a forlorn hope of love,

until a girl named Persephone came

True love was indomitable,

oathed on the river Styx

~Emily H.




What’s chaos really?

Some say too little order

I say it’s too much

~Tennyson M.

The end of innovation

And a new Dark Age

Seems impossible to our modern ways of thinking.

If we have digital data

How could we ever lose our progress?

Perhaps after some great catastrophe

Whether alien or of our own design

Will be the cause.

Or fear, the selfish betrayer of humanity.

Fear of the unknown, or of the future.

Grasping the Singularity and falling short

~Andrew E.

Mind Map ~Sabrina M. Chain

~Rita D.




Bluebells in the grass

Yellow daffodils in fields

Spring blooms with the sun

~Emily M.


Springtime is coming

The flowers bloom, the bees buzz

Grass all green and bright

~Jennifer W.

Smelling Flowers

Smelling the flowers

Everything here is so nice

I’m at Chernobyl

~Owen B.

Lovely Lavenders

~Maya A.

The Last Seed

I watched my seedling grow

Sprouting up from the earth

My days in the meadow

They made my love unearth

It was reaching for the sun

Was taller day by day

Oh it was lots of fun

But then twas a delay

The life I created

Slowly wilted to death

So I sat and waited

To catch my hollow breath

Gone away with the wind

Leaving me all alone

Twas the last of its kind

To heaven it had flown

I watched my seedling die

Folding into the ground

Oh my oh my oh my

What a sad little sound

~Hannah Z.

Dandelions ~Elise A.



Spring Day

~Tanishka B.

Sunset Valley

Every single detail

Every little piece

Has been put in its place.

Silver tears

Golden irises

Glow soft lavender and coral in the light of

the setting sun.

After hours of cloudy gray

Colors of serendipity find their way

Into the sunset valley.


The warm humid air

Dewdrops on the blades of grass

Flowers in my hand

~Landry N.


A bud, then a flower,

A fruit grows, falls, then seeds plant,

The cycle starts again.

~Zoe A.

Green ferns sway in the breeze

Red mountains with faint hints of marigold

Rows and rows of candy-apple poppies and

peachy tulips

All complete with the complementary colors

of a sunset

~Alicia Y.



The Start Of Springtime:

The quiet ambience of content birds chirping fill my ears

As the morning light pours onto the blooming flowers

I step on the damp grass

While I smell the fresh morning air

And I am reminded

That Spring has come again.

Madison K.



Distracted - Animation

Scholastic Gold Key Winner

~Sabrina M.

Scan this QR Code

to view the video


A woman stands all alone

She feels the cold bitter wind biting at her face

She wraps her scarf tighter around her neck to keep in

some warmth

It does not work for no amount of heat will warm her

frozen heart

Even the vast deserts cannot produce enough heat to

thaw her frozen heart

It is getting dark and she sees storm clouds gathering

She leaves a bouquet of flowers on her husband’s grave

and walks towards her car

As she drives home, she reflects on their life together

The summer picnics and fall Halloween parties

The spring bike rides and the winter snow days

All that is over now

All she has are the memories

~Jackson M.

Graveyard Thoughts

On top of a hill,

Surrounded by nameless graves,

I have to let myself wonder aloud:

“What happens when my existence is just a


“What happens when everyone I know is dead?”

“What happens when no one on Earth knows

my name?”

My grandfather’s grave offers up no comforts.

“Will I be a lucky one, whose name is passed

down through generations?”

“Or will I just be another wandering soul from

times long forgotten?”

It is said that a dead man tells no tales.

But I do not want to believe that my life will end

just because of my death.

Alas, I guess there is only one way to find out.

~Alexandra V.



Frog in a Well

I am a frog in a well

I hear the mockery of others

I see only the stone walls of my well

I want to leave this wretched place

I see the small dot of sky above

I want to leave, to experience the earth

I am a frog in a well

I want to swim to my heart’s content

I am a frog in a well

I feel the smooth, slippery stone of my prison

I dream of a world outside

I try to jump out, to no avail

I hope to be saved

I am a frog in a well

~Jack S.

The spider in Your Sleeping Bag

I am the spider in your sleeping bag

I wonder what I would find if i was to go in your ear

I hear your deep breaths as you sleep

I see your arm twitch as I crawl up your side

I want to lay eggs in your ear

I am the spider in your sleeping bag

I pretend your hair is a soft blanket around me

I feel the air from your nostrils on my small body

I touch your lips because they look soft

I worry you might wake from your slumber

I cry as your eyes open and you notice me

I am the spider in your sleeping bag

I understand your fear as I sit on your chin

I say please just let me go peacefully

I dream of the great outdoors one more time

I try not to take it personally as you flick me off and

crush me

I hope the 20 bites I left on your legs reminds you of me

~Devy R.


~Annika R.



~Jennifer L.

Noodle Art

~Phoebe J.


There once was a man named Ted

He could hardly get out of bed

Though he was never on time

And was not in his prime

He still had a very smart head

~Owen B.

The Game Was Bad

I went to see the game

It ended up pretty lame

It was very boring

And it was pouring

Even my stepmother came

~Eko A.

Red Panda

~Sarah L.


Carnivorous animals

Hidden in the savanna

Easily camouflaged

Extremely fast

Two cheetahs can easily catch prey

Agile and quick

Have to be aware all the time

~Aryav G.




A pristine slice of cake calling my name

A type of cake that is rich and creamy

Sitting in the fridge, waiting to be claimed

It rests overnight, all nice and dreamy

The next day, I dash down without a break

To take a bite of my luxurious,

Chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake

It was a breathtaking experience

The white chocolate cream cheese flavor hits

The raspberry tang is tart, fresh and sweet

Bitterness comes from the crunchy crust bits

Cheesecake is my favorite thing to eat

Citrus Slice

~Serene H.

Before I know it, I take the last bite

This was the end of my cheesecake delight

~Marina L.


I had this weird dream with cars

I dreamed that they were from Mars

They went very fast

They flew with a blast

They went and crashed with the stars

~Liam C.


John the Gardener

~Ava C.

There once was a young man named John

And he worked from dusk till dawn

He loved what he did

And he did not kid

But boy you should see his lawn

~Nathan B.


Cunningness is key

Attentive to your opponents every move

React with ambiguity

Destroy everyone no matter the cost

Super fun!

~Alexander D.



~Ava C.


Music is the universal language

Music is something that everyone loves

It is the best way to express yourself

Singing and listening to all the runs

CD’s and records stacked on every shelf

You feel it throughout your entire soul

Have to find your style of music though

There’s many like rap, pop, and rock and roll

You can play it when you are feeling low

There is music for every emotion

To pump you up, to calm you down it’s there

To some people songs are their devotion

Music is for everyone to share

~Marisa U.

Prideful Symphony

How do you live without all the music?

How do you not listen? You are too sick

~Katia A.

Tapped Toed Budgies ~Davanee L.




The sweet melody

The soft music fills my heart

I am filled with peac

~Patrick F.


My fingers pressing

The black and white keys bend

as notes flow with me

~Landry N.


Endlessly flowing into your ear

Communicating without words

Emotion reflecting off its

Silent tunes

Shining light into the blue.

Colors streaming from the notes

And overtaking the air

Expressing the soul

Into majestic

Strokes on a string

Or rhymes on the keys.

Turning sound into you voice

Endlessly flowing for all

To hear.

~Sydney J.


~Owen S.




Inspired by the podcast “The

Anthropocene Reviewed” by John


By Leah D.

Hello, I’m Leah Durkee; and welcome to Analyzing

Humanity, a podcast that reflects on the everyday, often

unnoticed things that connect us all. Today we will be looking

into a legend that has imbedded itself into practically every

culture, for thousands of years – dragons.

All it takes is the word “dragons” for a clear image to pop

into your head. You may imagine a giant reptilian beast burning

everything in its wake with a terrifying fiery breath, or perhaps a

peaceful serpent-like creature gliding through the skies. Nobody

knows when these magnificent creatures first found their way

into our lives, though evidence of dragon-related myths can be

discovered in civilizations as far back at the Ancient Greeks and

Sumerians. The stories were a result of the Ancients discovering

fossils from dinosaurs and other reptiles – with no other

explanation for these strange, gigantic bones, dragons were their


Despite their bizarre, mythological appearance – tough

scaled bodies, large bat-like wings, jagged horns, barbed tails,

magical abilities, and a breath of smoldering flames, just to name

a few – dragons are a very human thing. Not in appearance,

of course, but as a concept. Dragons were used to explain the

unknown and they represent ideas we find hard to grasp. For

example, in Europe, Christians viewed dragons as a living

depiction of Satan; afterall, the Bible described Leviathan with

verses such as “the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil

and Satan” and “Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring

fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him”.

Therefore, European legends often include these malevolent

versions of dragons being slain by knights and heros, showing

that the saints would always win over the devil, that good would

triumph over evil.

Asia, in a stark contrast, views dragons to be benevolent,

wise beings that represent the imperial rule. Unlike their

European counterparts, these versions are often long, serpentlike,

and wingless, though they are still capable of gliding

through the skies. Many stories of Chinese origin tell of these

guardian-like creatures bringing good fortune and rain.

Dragons can mean a plethora of things to each culture –– in

my research for this recording alone I came across countless

different depictions –– , but each person also carries their own

interpretation. Whether you truly believe they exist or not, their

impact on our lives is undoubtedly very real. For me, the idea

of dragons is synonymous with a sense of wonder, of discovery.

When I was in the second grade, reading no more than the

school requirements, I came upon a book; Wings of Fire by Tui

T. Sutherland. The novels each tell the story of an epic quest from

the perspective of different dragon characters, and I was hooked

from book one. I went from barely knowing where my library

was to flying through a 15-book series in one school year.

This fascination sparked a passion, and in addition to

reading any and all dragon-related books I could get my hands


Things That Fly (Relief Sculpture) ~Sophia F.

on, I started to write my own stories, though very poorly. See, I

grew up a Navy brat, and the countless moves meant continuous

friendships were more of a luxury than a staple of childhood.

Writing, however, stayed with me, and every recess for a year

I sat in the back corner of the playground with nothing more

than a pencil and composition notebook. My first ever story was

about a dragon named Joy, and the adventures she went on with

her companions. It was just about the worst thing I have ever

read, but those sloppily written pages were the start of a journey.

In fact, I later went on to have a poem published in my local

newspaper about being a military child.

However, my wonderment over dragons didn’t simply fade

away once I began pursuing other passions. The Navy eventually

moved me and my family to Sicily, Italy, and we took advantage

of every travel opportunity we could while in Europe. That is

when I discovered dragons had a whole culture worldwide. I

would stare in awe at the monstrous depictions throughout

the cities we visited, my tiny little world suddenly growing into

something much larger.

I went on almost every trip with my family, all except one,

when my sister, mother, and my mother’s two friends traveled to

Poland. They returned with stories of seeing the Wawel Dragon

in Krakow, a 20 foot tall bronze masterpiece that has been

Continued on p. 53


Continued from p. 52

engineered to breathe actual fire. The little purple dragon

plushie they got me as a souvenir was not enough to stop me

from dreaming of going myself ever since.

Now that I have grown up a bit, I realise their aweinspiring

appearance and deadly powers aren’t why every

human knows of them. We use them almost as a placeholder,

just as we claimed Mercy Brown to be a vampire, or

tell our children that a tooth fairy is the reason they awake

to coins under their pillow. When people come across

ideas too big or complex to conceptualize, we use legends

such as these to visualize that which cannot be defined.

Humanity simply manifested our fears, our wonders, and

the unexplainable into the scaly bodies of dragons.

Whether you grew up on stories of these malevolent

representations being slayed by knights, or of wise guardians

bringing good fortune, dragons taught us all something.

G.K. Chesterton summed it up the best, in my opinion, in

just three sentences: “Fairytales do not tell children that

dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist.

Fairytales tell children that dragons can be killed.”

I give dragons four stars.


~Sophia F.


Sunshine and Snow at Mary’s Rock

~Courtenay K.


Children are playing

In the cold cold winter snow

What fun that must be

~Emily M.

Cold Love

I exhale sharply

The cold air chokes me tonight

Reminiscing warmth

~Alicia Y.


Trees in frosty air

Through snowfall bold colors stay

Silent, wait for spring

~Braydon S.



Love is a war that knows no earthly bounds

It comes and then takes battered prisoners

It’s like screaming and screaming with no sound

Those who seek love are no doubt beginners

It’s pain and fire that keeps getting stronger

But pure joy that always intoxicates

With more and more, love takes and grasps longer

A crime that no one wants to perpetrate

A broken heart is filled with so much pain

But the good times outweigh, by much, the bad

Healing hearts takes time and it leaves bloodstains

Though without love one is sure to go mad

Be careful with those you give your heart to

Because only truest love makes you new


~Leena D.

Big Bad People

The world is a terrifying, big place

People are rude and selfish, harsh, and


Loved ones always ask for “A bit of space”

You’re a shell of a person, a machine

You can’t control what others choose to do

Can’t push them into something they don’t


But nobody knows what you’re going


Dismissing your feelings so nonchalant

Do not let people tell you how to feel

They cannot control what you feel inside

The only way to thrive is to be real

Be the one who won’t easily comply

It doesn’t matter what the others say

You show that you are stronger every day

~Olivia P.

Reaching for Daylight ~Hannah Z. Winter Sun

~Nishtha N.



The Spark

Behind your frown and your negativity,

Can I see a sparkle of light, a spark of positivity?

Don’t worry, don’t feel snappy!

Even though you’re sad now, remember that

being positive will make you happy!

Feel the joyousness of the world around you, life

is too short.

Glee is what you need, and I will be your cheerful


Hope and dream! You can’t live life without


I can’t see you sad, let me lead you in the right


~Georgia S.

Dress Code

By grade 6, girls’ bodies are “distractions.”

We are sent home when we show too much skin.

No one pays attention to boys’ actions.

They just shame us for the bodies we’re in.

We are sent home to change into new clothes

And told “boys will be boys,” and other lies.

We miss out on more learning from dress codes

Than boys do from exposed shoulders and thighs.

Don’t tell us to be ashamed of our skin.

Teach boys that girls are not sex objects.

Teach kids that showing skin is not a sin.

Stop keeping us away from our projects.

My body should not be a distraction,

Nor is it an excuse for your actions.

~Isabel C.


~Marisa U.



The New Normal

An imaginary bubble surrounds me

In the bare emptiness of my home

I long for change

For things to go back to the way they were

Tears drip down my cheeks

And soak into my mask

I can’t help but feel regret

For not experiencing more

In the time I had

Before this became the new normal

~Madison K.

Longing Gaze

~Serene H.


I am your emotions

I hear every taunt, every curse, every compliment.

I see your life, in all its colors.

I want you to feel happy, although it’s not always

the case,

I see insecurities, and sometimes I make you feel


I want your happiness, your hope, your peace,

I am your emotions

I want to make you hopeful for a fulfilling life.

I am your emotions

I feel your depression, your loneliness, your


I dream of a day, that you’ll stop feeling rejected

I try to bring you hope and,

I hope to try

I am your emotions

~Lana F.

~Giana N.




~Kailyn K.



Origami Iris Flowers

Our Evolving World ~Marina L.

Love Is Complicated

The complications of love are absurd

Some people they don’t find it for a long time

The whole process can be extremely blurred

Love can be the world’s longest uphill climb

Finding the correct person can be hard

All the character, compassion, and grit

Some try to get in your head and bombard

Make sure that your real feelings are legit

Love can make people travel near and far

The way you persevere is how you’re made

You need someone who is about on par

Be on the lookout so you don’t get played

The art of love is hard to understand

The entire journey is extremely grand

~Allison H.

In Love

Loving someone can be a great blessing,

But being in love is terrifying.

You can’t know thoughts, so it keeps you


It’s a burden to keep clarifying.

What if you give love but don’t get it back?

Is it possible to love way too much?

Questions join my brain going in a stack.

And once you get love, it slips from your clutch.

Similar to a dandelion, right?

Beautiful, delicate on the outside

But blow too hard, and it is out of sight.

And eventually thoughts will collide.

And while love is tough, and hard to work out,

Take the risk, even if you have these doubts

~Juliana R.



Self Portrait

~Logan S.

~Lev S.





~Joshua A.




Traveling Deer

~Marina L.




Alone the boy sat listening to tunes

His earbuds broke that afternoon

Along came a girl with earbuds to spare

And so they used them to share

The song that played had a nice beat

“I think I’m in love” the song would repeat

She smiled at the boy oh so fair

He couldn’t help but to stare

Bells were ringing and the day had come

Wearing his ring made his finger go numb

He had married the girl with earbuds to spare

The girl that handed him earbuds to share

A song was played to make the wedding complete

“I can’t help falling in love” the song would repeat

She laughed and smiled at her husband with glee

He gazed into her eyes feeling truly happy

Another day at the hospital with his wife

His heart felt as if it was cut by a knife

She was dying, the girl with earbuds to spare

She hid her pain and she did not share

Her husband played a song so very sweet

“I’ll love you forever” the song would repeat

As she laid there silently, her husband cried

His beloved deaf wife had died

~Calla Y.

Whirlwind Mug

~Joana A.

~Daanial P.


This app is overrated

It’s not hard to see why

Keep scrolling through the app all


TikTok’s a waste of time

Online exposure is unhealthy

Kids need to stop using TikTok

~Jon Q.

Dolphin Beach

~Phoebe J.




~Katherine D.

Annoying as can be

Bridges that you cross together

Common courtesy towards them…

what’s that?

Dinner when we’re all together

Extreme pain after fighting

Family comes first, stick up for


Gratitude, I’m glad I have them, a

little bit

How was your day? Something we

never ask each other

~Joseph M.

Modern Vermeer

~Liyah C.


You’re always busy

Studying in pure silence

Breathe for a second

~Kavya K.


The birds chirp sweetly

The winds sing in harmony

The sounds of nature

~Kavya K.

~Katherine D.

It was a pleasant surprise. The fact that it was pleasant was

even more of a surprise because it was obviously of no value

whatsoever. He stared, blinking in almost-confusion at the single

paper that had been lying outside his doorway. Decorated in the

haphazard, but endearing, manner only a child could accomplish,

the card was violently out of place with its immaculate


The odd little scrap of paper had apparently been left by

the neighbors that had arrived just days ago, along with a small

package that was, by the looks of it, a homemade dessert of some

kind. They had come noisily, the child shrieking and squealing

with little regard for proper decorum, the parents doing nothing

to temper her obnoxious cacophony of sound. Their behavior

had been absolute barnyard and humiliating, and so he hadn’t

bothered to acknowledge in any sort of way. After all, they had

seemed excessively boring and dressed themselves in drab, cheap

clothing. In the days since they had done nothing but wreak

havoc in his life: the TV blared noisily at all hours of the night, the

child shrieked and laughed startlingly loudly, and they clattered

up and down the stairs in a stampede. It was infuriating.

And yet, despite his simmering hostility over the past days,

they had left him a present, one that left him feeling off , in some

way. It wasn’t as though he had never received any gifts before. In

contrast, his entire flat was filled to the brim with presents and

various possessions, each more glamorous than the last. Each

The Pleasant Surprise

By Angeline Z.


piece of china was decorated with fine etchings along the edges,

the furniture was engraved with gorgeous carvings and though

nearly a decade old, possessed the polish and gleam of an unused

piece of furniture. His wardrobe was a lengthy hall, one wall

entirely glass, the others overflowing with designer clothing and

tasteful decor.

Frankly, many of his possessions were simply placed about in

the most outwardly appealing way possible and left there, despite

there being no one besides himself to appreciate them.

Despite the undoubtedly lavish gifts he’d received over the

years, he had been left unsatisfied, no matter how beautiful they

were, how long he spent admiring them. And so, in a desperate

attempt to quench his never ending thirst for more and more - of

what, precisely, he had no clue - he continued on, filling his life,

his entire world, with every beautiful piece of art within arm’s


He hadn’t felt as though his life was lacking in any sort of

way, but evidently, something was holding him back. Frustration

bubbled up as he stared curiously, for perhaps the tenth time, at

the crooked lettering on the offensively bright card. He looked,

once more, at the beautifully and painstakingly decorated space

of his apartment and his life, and back at the worthless scrap of

paper in his hands, and wondered why despite all of his efforts,

the first seemed so much duller in comparison.


The Best Lesson

There was a little girl

Who liked to study hard

She flipped and found her spiral,

And started to write cards

Her test was coming up

She studied with no rest,

So she could get an A,

But she was very stressed

She found an empty book

And wrote it all again

Now she has an image

Of everything in her brain

Her test was coming up

So she could get an A,

But she was very stressed

She read through all the questions

As she took the test

It was getting stressful,

But she had tried her best

The girl was really sad

She learned a new lesson

“Study smarter not harder”

Is the best expression

~Haya A.

Musical Memories ~Marina L.


I am a journal

I hear heartfelt scribbling

I see pensive drawings and


I want jovial quotes and memories

I see no self-care ideas just useless


I want to explore the world with

maps and travels

I am a journal

I want to take pride in challenges

and ploys

I am a journal

I feel the air of melancholy

I dream my end is near

I try to shrink the writing

I hope to begin with a clean slate

I am a journal

~Anika Z.



Daffodils ~Owen S.

Best Friend

I remember when we first met in 2nd grade

And became the closest of friends

We would talk to each other about anything

I remember those times on the bus

Where we would sit together and play games

I still cherish those memories today

Being part of the same homeroom

And working together on group projects

Was probably one of the highlights of school

However not every friendship lasts forever

And that was a hard concept for me to grasp

At that time as we started to drift apart

We had different teachers

Rarely saw each other in school

And you easily had new friends

To make things worse you were moving

So, you didn’t ride the bus anymore

You would also go to a different middle school

When I look back at those times

The times that brought me happiness and sadness

And have made me a stronger person

Self Portrait (Surreal) ~Sabrina M.

I know that not every friendship is meant to last

Because people come and go

And the memories last even if contact is lost

~Marina L.



Summer Sunset ~Ava C. A la Plage ~Dylan R.

Blossoms ~Maria A. Sunset Dog ~Ava C.

Champ de Fleurs ~Dylan R. Life According to a Vine ~Dylan R.



Mirror Mirror on the Wall ~Tanishka B.




~Sophia W. Self Portrait

~Lana F.


By Alex H.

The soft ringing of a bell pulled her from the dream

that had only just begun after hours of restless tossing.

Nevertheless, as she sat up to silence the ringing bell,

hopped into her slippers and pulled on her robe, she felt

a jolt of excitement fly throughout her body. Walking out

of her room, she passed though the cozy living room and

kitchen and retrieved some wood from the stack outside

and stuffed it into the stove. Then, she quickly made some

oatmeal and devoured her breakfast.

The sun shone with a consistent brightness that had

assisted the seeds forward and out of the ground and into

the flowers that rested silently on the hill just outside of the

cottage. Olive joined the flowers outside, soaking up the

sunshine as she walked on a small beaten down path, dew,

coating her boots. Olive walked up the hill and into a small

grove as she continued to follow the path.

In the forest, the trees grew slanted and winding for no

particular reason. The ground was littered with vines and

flowers of all different colors, spanning from light pinks to

deep reds. Olive continued on walking until suddenly the

forest surrounding her became silent. Not a single worm

wriggled or bird chirped. She carefully avoided twigs and

continued only a few paces before reaching a cluster of


She set her bag down. Then, carefully unzipping it, she

spread out a handkerchief. It was embroidered with flowers

that twisted and turned with deep pinks and light pastels.

Inside the handkerchief was a blueberry muffin. Olive had

read in a book that the best way to catch a fairy was to do

as such. Then, following the directions she had previously

memorized, she sprinkled glitter around the muffin,

retreated back to the rocks and layed down. She waited,

every inch of her tense with anticipation. She scanned the

branches of trees and the twigs on the ground.

Then, a flutter and whirring of wings caught her




Fire Skies ~Harper J.



School in 2021

Morning isn’t too far off.

No, no, not 6:30.

Oh no, not the time I hate.

Please let me sleep in late.

Quiet mom, the bus can wait.

Reducing sleep is the school’s goal.

So early it’s like the school’s a troll.

Tired is what I am right now.

Unfortunately, I have to live with it.

Very little is done outdoors, instead we’re indoors the whole day.

Room after room after room, there are regulations everywhere.

When school ends, it’s right to the homework.

Xylophones play in my head, distracting me, making me go berserk.

YEET! My brother yells, and I once again get distracted, but that’s the

life of a middle schooler during 2021, but we can live through it.

~ Christian M.

Rainy Night

The glow of street lights

Rain trickles down my window

A car engine starts

Patrick F.

Stormy Days

Stormy, rainy days,

Writing by the fireplace,

Gloomy, clam, cozy

~Uma N.

Of Course, It’s you

~Marley D.



My Origin

~Diana S.



Chained Casino

~Katherine H.


Aanya J., p. 6

Abuzar W., Cover Design, pp.

10, 13, 32, 36

Afton K., p. 2

Aimee A., p. 9, 14

Alex H., p. 68

Alexander D., p. 49

Alexandra V., p. 46

Alicia A., p. 33

Alicia Y., pp. 5, 7, 45, 54

Allison H., p. 59

Amelie L., p. 38

Amina K., p. 38

Amiti G., p. Inside back cover

Andrew E., pp. 42, 43

Andrew L., pp. 2, 20

Angeline Z., p. 63

Anika Z., pp. 18, 38, 64

Anna G., p. 3, Back Cover

Annika R., pp. 31, 47

Aryav G., p. 48

Ava C., pp. 20, 49, 66

Ben F., pp. 19, 35

Brayden S., pp. 16, 54

Britt H., pp. 17, 41

Calla Y., p. 62

Charles D. pp. 1, 27, 34

Christian M., pp. 36, 70

Courtenay K., pp. 17, 54

Daanial P., p. 6, 62

Daniella N., p. 1

Davanee L., pp. 24, 50

Delaney P., p. 24

Devy R., p. 47

Diana S., p. 5, 56, 71

Doyoung K., p. 42

Dylan R., pp. 13, 66.

Eko A., p. 48

Elise A., p. 44

Elise W., p. 13

Elissa T., p. 35

Emily H., pp. 18, 43

Emily J., p. 16

Emily M., pp. 44, 54

Emily T., pp. 20, 26

Gabriel P., p. 35

Gadiel L., pp. 22, 41

Giana N., p. 57

Guillermo J., p. 37

Gwen M., p. 27

Hannah L., p. 30

Hannah Z., pp. 17, 44, 55

Harper J., p. 69

Haya A., p. 64

Henok T., p. 30

Isabel C., p. 56

Jack S., pp. 5, 40, 47

Jackson M., pp. 13, 46

Jaiden S., p. 39

Jay H., p.11

Jennifer L., p. 48

Jennifer W., pp. 18, 44

Jessica S., p. 32

Jiyoon P., p. 23

Joana A., p. 62

Jon Q., p. 62

Joseph M., p. 63

Joshua A., pp. 39, 60

Joshua W., p. 39

Julia W., pp. 16, 21, 26

Juliana R., pp. 3, 59

Kailyn K., pp. 13, 58

Katherine D., p. 63

Katherine H., p. 72

Katya A., p. 50

Kavya K., pp. 31, 63

Lana F., pp. 57, 68

Lana Z., p. 31

Landry N., pp. 16, 31, 45, 51

Lauren S., p. 35

Leah D., p. 52-53

Leena D., p. 55

Leila P., pp. 12, 35

Lev S., p. 60

Leyla C., p. 33

Liam C., pp. 40, 49

Liyah C., pp. 26, 63

Logan K., p. 40

Logan S., pp. 18, 60

Lucy N., p. 60

Maddie S., p. 17

Madelyn C., pp. 17, 25

Madison K., pp. 30, 45, 57

Maria A., p. 66

Marina L., pp. 49, 59, 61, 64,


Marisa U., pp. 50, 56

Marley D., p. 70

Mathilde L., p. 32

Maya A., p. 44

Michelle L., p. 8

Miguel L., p. 35

Natalia C., p. 29

Nathan B., p. 49

Nikola V., pp. 22, 35

Nimera S., p. 43

Nishtha N., pp. 7, 55

Norris C., p. 40

Olivia P., p. 55

Olivia S., p.22

Owen B., pp. 44, 48

Owen S., pp. 51, 65

Patrick F., pp. 51, 70

Phoebe J., pp. 41, 48, 62

Prashim R., p. 39

Reagan C., p. 13

Riley S., p. 13

Rita D., pp. 6, 39, 43

Rojia K., p. 8

Sabrina M., pp. 2, 5, 19, 22,

25, 43, 46, 65

Sabrina W., p. 32

Samantha C., p.4

Sandi S., p. 25

Sarah L., p. 48

Scott T., p. 31

Serene H., pp. 10, 49, 57

Skye M., p. 30

Sonora K., p. 4

Sophia F., p. 21

Sophia F., pp. 21, 52, 53

Sophia R., pp. 3, 39

Sophia W., pp. 12-13, 68

Sunay G., p. 12

Sydney J., pp. 7, 51

Sydney M., p. 28

Takumi S., p. 35

Tanishka B., pp. 45, 67

Tatum O., p. 31

Tennyson M., p. 43

Tyler H., p. 10

Tyler S., p. 39

Uma N., pp. 13, 41, 42, 70

Veeraj N., pp. 36, 40

Virginia I., p. 30

William H., p. 16

Yoonjae H., p. 6

Zoe A., p.45

Dream Cave

~Amiti G.

Soaring Letters of Imagination


~Anna G.

Longfellow Middle School

Literary Magzine

June 2021

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