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İrem Atayık


Graduation Project


‘‘Müsaade’’ is a platform to support the creative world. It’s an online platform

and an online magazine which gathers people existing in the creative field.

Müsaade is an online magazine which aims to create a local community,

people with different interests and visions. We as a team of three, not only aim

to publish an online magazine but also become a platform which brings

people with different voices. Consisting mostly of our friends, we do interviews

and collaborations in order to find inspiration and also in order to be an

inspiration for our readers. By interviewing different people from different

fields, we aim to create an area where people can easily meet and ask questions.

We want our followers to be in constant engagement and in mutual

communication. I think it’s very inspiring to share your journey with an

audience and that’s what we are offering to our friends. Voices to be heard,

faces to be seen. New opportunities and new engagements.


Our target audience consists mostly of our friends and

familiar faces. Mostly aged between 16 to 25.

People who are in search of

inspiration in their education, job and their path are our

target audience.


It all started when one day Lavin called me and asked me to be a part

of this platform. I was so busy at the moment and I didn’t listen to her

carefully but as I trusted her vision and thoughts, I didn’t hesitate to

say yes. She wanted to create a world where people can reach out to

each other, learn from each other and be in communication. It was also

a great way to make new friends. As we collaborate with people, we

make new friends and we socialize with them unintentionally. I really

had the chance to talk with a lot of people. When they followed our

instagram account, they knew that it was ruled by me, Öykü and Lavin.

Even though we have approximately 400 followers, it is good for us. For

now, 400 is a good number. We are not very active these days and it is

a miracle that people still keep following us. When I get together with

some of my friends, they tend to ask me about when we will launch

the new copy. When I sense that people are curious about what we’re

doing, it makes me really happy because it proves that we’re doing something

cool and we should continue.


The story of ‘‘Müsaade’’ began spontaneously. As I said earlier, we are a

team of three. Lavin, Öykü and me. Lavin is the founder of Müsaade. She

is my dearest and bestest friend since

kindergarten. She graduated from Galileo Galilei di Istanbul, which is

an italian high school. With the freedom and the opportunities that her

school offered her, Lavin found her interest and her love for fashion

during high school years and she decided to pursue her dreams in the

heart of fashion Milan. Lavin studies fashion design in NABA, Nuova Accademia

di Belle Arti. It’s a Fine Arts Academy which is one of the most

prestigious universities in Italy. NABA offers an open- minded education

for its students. Lavin is well educated in digital media and it is very beneficial

for us as we create an online platform. She is the heart of Müsaade.

She is responsible for the design part. She brings up the interviews,

photos and other findings together and turns them into a magazine

form. Her passion for fashion and arts in general forms the vision of

Müsaade. She collects images from other online platforms and magazines

which then becomes a part of our magazine. She turns hers and

also our thoughts into paper and then the design of Müsaade emerges.

Öykü is the second member of Müsaade. She is also studying in Italy. Different

from Milan, she studies in Turin. Öyke and I are friends from high

school. We graduated from Lycée Sainte Pulchérie, and we have known

each other since preparatoire. Öykü is majoring in architectural design

and she is passionate about dance and photography. The fact that she is

living in Turin, she is very social. She is an easy going person and therefore

she has many friends. She is friends with many Italians, dj’s, photographers,

illustrators etc. When she learns new things from them she immediately

tells us about them. We share our knowledge with each other

and then we develop the vision of our platform.

I am the third member of the Müsaade. As a person who enjoys arts and

aims to be a part of the creative world, I know the key in this field is having

a wide network. Meeting with people in the field that you’re interested

in opens new possibilities and new paths for you and as I’m studying

Media and Visual Arts, this platform is very related to my major. I have

always been interested in magazines. I always thought that I would become

an editor one day and this was what I thought I wanted. After a few

internships, one in Elele Magazine and another in Based Istanbul, I realized

that being an editor wasn’t my dream. The reason I wanted to be a

part of this world was because during my time in traditional magazines,

I realized that something was missing. They weren’t giving any voice to

other talented people.


Elele is a monthly Turkish magazine which was first published in 1976. It is

one of the oldest magazines about women’s fashion and lifestyle in Turkey.

Elele mostly covers the topics of fashion, women’s life, relationships, psychology,

travel destinations and also health. During my time in Elele, I observed

what everyone else was doing. I mostly did translations of texts and transcriptions

of interviews. I attended a cover shoot and other than that I interviewed

some turkish brands in the bag industry. I realized that sitting in the

same chair for 8 hours wasn’t my thing. I also understood that magazines,

the traditional ones, didn’t have a big number of readers. Elele had approximately

5 to 10 workers… One of them was the editor in chief, the other was

the reporter, beauty editor, photographe etc. I saw no light in traditional

magazines, Elele being one of them disappointed me in the ways of not

adapting themselves to the digitized area. I noticed that Elele was running

out of ideas and it was hard for them to stand tall. There were many opportunities

that they could benefit from but I think that with their identity and

their target audience they resisted against the digitized area. Cover shoots

were being done with similar and boring faces of the industry. More instant

information can be reached from online platforms as the printed media

such as Elele publishes one copy in a month. Some people say that printed

media is dying due to the reasons I cited earlier and some say that the more

people choose to read magazines online the more printed ones are

becoming ‘rare’ and valuable.

Unlike Elele, Based Istanbul is a digital platform and magazine which collaborates

with artists, musicians, actors and so on. It publishes self-titled

magazines, not monthly or weekly, as I recall the timing is uncertain and it

is free of charge. I can say that Based Istanbul is an inspiration for us. Based

İstanbul is an inspiration for many other platforms because it is one of the

biggest and one of the most popular platforms of these days. During my

time in Based Istanbul, I’ve developed myself in many ways. I wrote news/articles

about fashion, arts and lifestyle on a daily basis. I contributed to Based

Istanbul’s digital platform by supporting the editorial team in deciphering

and editing the interviews to be published. I searched a lot and learned a

lot. I saw new ways in managing social media and this is helping me to cope

with Müsaade. Working in a very digitized platform had its perks too. Even

in my free time I had to work. I had to search constantly and present new

ideas to my boss. My boss was a young woman who was in her thirties. At

first, she seemed very nice and understanding but after a while she became

unbearable. I was stressing over everything and was under a lot of pressure.

We had a WhatsApp group and also they were sending me direct messages

and we were in touch 7/24. It was bothering me a lot because constantly

they were giving me some things to do and I couldn’t find any time for myself.

Even at midnight they were sending messages or emails about some

emergencies and as an intern, I was doing everything that I was told. As

much as I hate the majority of my time there, I gained a lot of experience.

And my experience in this field united with the excitement and the interests

of Öykü and Lavin.



Sometimes I felt like Lavin and Öykü were putting themselves forward

but then I realized that it was okay to feel left behind. Even in school

assignments it’s hard to work as a group, so it wasn’t surprising when

things weren’t going well between me, Lavin and Öykü. Lavin is always

eager to post something on our social media and it is hard to stop her.

Meanwhile, Öykü and I think that planning is very important and we

shouldn’t rush things. Rushing things just makes everything worse. A lot

of disagreements happen because of our lack of experiences but I think

that in some cases I know a lot more things about them. I can say that

Lavin is our designer and obviously Müsaade couldn’t happen without

her. Öykü on the other hand is like me, she is the creative director. And I

think that I am editor in chief and also the marketing manager of Müsaade.

Thanks to my experiences, I know when we have to wait and when

we have to post. I try to tell Lavin that but she sometimes doesn’t listen

to me but she is a very hard working person and that’s what I love the

most about her. Lavin has been in İstanbul since October due to coronavirus

and it makes everything easier but Öykü is still in Torino and it

makes everything harder. It is hard to reach out to her and she sometimes

ignores our texts and it drives me crazy. Becoming a partner means

that we could easily reach out to each other and communicate. Without

communication we are done, we are dead. We are still very unprofessional

regarding things we want to accomplish. I always want to arrange

some zoom meetings and dates that we should respect.

Becoming a partner with your friends

is hard because you can’t talk

about the negative things directly

with them but if it was someone

else you could easily make criticism.

Criticism is tough to take for a lot of us and when it comes from a loved one

it is harder. Nevertheless when you are working with someone, there are a

lot of things that you should both discuss. Exchanging ideas and telling each

other whether you’re satisfied or not is important. Even so, working with your

best friend is challenging. When I’m not satisfied with something I find it hard

to say and it makes everything a little bit complicated. When things are unsaid

between a team of three, there are unanswered questions left behind. As

they have sides which are bothering me, I also have habits that could bother

them. Every so often, my mood constantly changes and it is hard for me to

communicate and discuss. Also I can be very realistic regarding Lavin’s point

of view. She makes statements and throws out ideas which are unrealistic for

me. As not to sound too harsh, I try to tell her that we have a lot to

accomplish before we get into her ideas. Her passion for doing this job also

excites me and scares me at the same time because I don’t want to rush




At the first stage of our journey, we didn’t know what to do. We opened

an instagram account, we prepared some announcement posts and then

we were stuck. We didn’t know how to create a website and we didn’t care

about it at the moment. There were already three people who we wanted to

collaborate with in our heads. One of them was Can, he is a gastronomy graduate

and he is passionate about photography. He is a food & lifestyle photographer.

I interviewed him and asked him some general questions which

people can benefit from. Can loved the idea of our platform and he was

really excited about it.

Also Mina was a part of our first issue. Mina is the co- founder of Jungleous.

Jungleous can not be described as a flower shop because it is more than

that. It has set out to make a difference in our homes by offering different

plant varieties grown both in Turkey and from other countries with different

pot varieties and also decoration products. Mina was the first entrepreneur

that we featured in Müsaade. Mina was also very up to our idea and she immediately

accepted to be a part of it.

The last person who we collaborated on our first issue was David. And David

was a challenging person. He was questioning everything and we weren’t

capable of the answers. We didn’t think very much about our purpose at first,

we weren’t capable of explaining what our purpose was. It was a big mistake.

I realized that you have to think about all the details before you start. David

was thinking that we were not explicit enough. He thought that what we

wrote in our instagram bio, ‘‘Local artist community’’ was not correct and he

advised us to change it. After a few debates between us we decided to make

a more clear explanation to him and also to our followers and we posted

explaining the true purpose of Müsaade. I think what we had with David was

a common misunderstanding. From that I learned not to let others interfere

in our business and we should’ve given more information to people.

Second struggle that we faced was properly defining our aim and our identity.

Sometimes it’s really hard to put into words what you’re thinking and

planning, that leads to

misunderstandings and missing information. After finishing the first issue,

we realized that we didn’t have a website and we didn’t know how to create

one. With some help from our friends we figured it out and named it ‘‘musaade.art’’.

When we thought we accomplished the hardest task, there was the

problem of where to upload the online magazine. As we prepare our magazine

in InDesign, we turn it to PDF but when you upload it as PDF, it seems

very sloppy and cheap. Therefore we found another website called ‘‘YUMPU’’

where you can upload your pdf and then it turns it into a magazine form. We

were very relieved when we found out about YUMPU but it proves that

starting a job without preliminary preparation is a bad idea.

As we are a team of three friends, there is no one above us and it makes

everything magical and sometimes it makes everything worse. We are relieved

because we don’t have a deadline and we don’t have someone above us

who is rushing things. Our schools, homeworks and also personal lives matter

too. Müsaade is not the first thing in my life, neither in Öykü’s and Lavin’s

lives. We are not responsible for anyone above us, we are responsible for ourselves

but sometimes being the boss of your own job makes it harder. You

start postponing things as you like then things you should be doing never

get finished. I think it’s hard to stay motivated when you are working with

your friends. When one of us wants to get things done the other person has

homeworks or finals. We think that we can arrange meetings between ourselves

but when the time comes the other person doesn’t reply to a message

or answer a call then things get postponed immediately. Our main problem

is being available at the same time.


When we come to the issue of ‘where are we now’ and ‘what are we aiming

for’ , I think we are very far away from where we should be. As I stated earlier,

we postpone things and it is hard to stay connected between us. Someone

could easily say that, when you can’t stay connected between three people,

how are you aiming to connect young adults with passion? I really am not

sure about the answer for now. I love to dream and so does Lavin. We believe

that everything will settle down and during summer we will be focusing on

Müsaade. We’ve done two issues so far and the third one is in progress. We’ve

decided on whom to interview but we haven’t done anything else. After the

third issue, we’re thinking about something different. So far, we’re collaborating

with our friends and after the third issue we want to try for more. We

also want to include someone who is professional in their field. Lavin’s cousin

Eylem is helping us as she is a stylist and she has many acquaintances from

the industry. Eylem is also guiding us about where we can also send our magazine.

Two weeks ago, Lavin sent an email to Turkcell. Turkcell has a

magazine platform where people can enjoy online magazines and


We wanted to reach out to them and learn more about their way of

publishing and their conditions.

I am excited and motivated for the future of Müsaade. Even if we can’t show

progress from time to time, I think that starting is one of the most important

processes of building a job and the fact that we got that part covered, it gives

me relief.

İrem Atayık


Graduation Project

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