Queer Ecologies at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

An artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and stand in allyship with the ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and our connection to it, empowering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently queer patterns and relations found throughout nature. From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a campfire, workshops, performances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance with the smallest members of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem! People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a particular welcome for queer, trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and people of colour (QTIBPOC) folks. All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with free tickets available. To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies

An artist residency exploring how we live, grow, love, make kin and stand in allyship with the ecologies we are a part of. We’re telling new stories about nature and our connection to it, empowering interspecies collaborations, and honouring the inherently queer patterns and relations found throughout nature.

From June—September 2021 we are offering gatherings around a campfire, workshops, performances, and—for the finale—a Microbe Disco where you can dance with the smallest members of the Cemetery Park’s ecosystem!

People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome, with a particular welcome for queer, trans, sick, disabled and Queer, Trans, Intersex, Black folks, and people of colour (QTIBPOC) folks.

All events are ticketed - some are free, and some on a sliding scale with free tickets available.

To book, please go to: http://tiny.cc/queerecologies


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Safer Spaces Policy

We call it a "safer" space in order to acknowledge that

we've been conditioned under white-supremacist, heteronormative,

capitalist patriarchy which means we can

all bring oppression with us into the room/landscape.

However, by working towards these aims we can establish

shared values and practices as well as a commitment

to accountability models that allow us to openly

work with conflict, oppression, and silencing.

In this space, we will call out and interrupt systems of

oppression and hate speech including racist behaviour,

homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism,

ableism, colourism, bodyshaming/fat-phobia and

classism. We ask you all to commit to doing this as well,

to working towards this safer space together - a space

we are all responsible for maintaining and improving.

We trust you to know what you need, and invite you to

share your needs with others or to ask us for support in

working that out.

We expect you to be aware of your intersecting privileges

and the ways in which your conditioning might

silence, speak-for or make spaces feel less safe for others.

We ask you not to speak on behalf of, or over, life

experiences that are not your own. Please be mindful of

this when you make contributions to collective discussions.

We practice close, attentive listening and compassionate

correction (for example with pronouns etc.)

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