Syeda Zaarah Fathima - Microsoft submission DF

You also want an ePaper? Increase the reach of your titles

YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves.

The Concept

A universal application, that can work in majority countries. Integrates with the process of various

departments in a country.

Once the user downloads the application, they will have to give a little details of the deceased person

and the situation such us: the country of death, the home country, religion, and more details of the


Then the application will guide the user through the Foreign county formalities as well as the home

country formalities. Formalities like:

• Reporting the death and cancelling passport and other required documents.

• Issuing a death certificate and doing all the initial paperwork.

• Registering the body is a morgue near you, until you can fly

• Next the app will guide you through receiving formalities in the Home country

• From taking the body from either land or water

• Further paperwork in the home country.

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