Kubernetes Management For Dummies

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the benefits of Kubernetes to all your existing and new containerized


For more information about how Rancher supports launching

Kubernetes on Windows clusters, check out https://



Container-attached storage

With more stateful applications such as database applications

becoming containerized, persistent storage has become an important

feature for any CMP. As a result, numerous open-source and

proprietary persistent storage solutions have become popular in

the Kubernetes ecosystem, including Longhorn, OpenEBS, and


Today, Rancher provides out-of-the-box integration with a persistent

storage solution (Longhorn), making it easy to provision,

secure, and back up highly available container-attached storage

in your Kubernetes environment with just a few clicks.

To read more about how Rancher integrates with Longhorn to create

vendor-neutral persistent storage, see “Longhorn Simplifies

Distributed Block Storage in Kubernetes” on Rancher’s blog


Ensuring global security

and governance

From integrating with popular authentication tools and services

to configuring an enterprise-grade RBAC capability, any CMP

must ensure the security of your single, multi-cluster, or edgescale

Kubernetes environment.

In addition to platform-level security, your CMP should provide

easy access to the vibrant ecosystem of container security technology

vendors. These vendors offer specific security capabilities

that are worth evaluating as part of your broader implementation

of Kubernetes. For example, Rancher provides seamless access to

leading security tools, including Aqua Security, NeuVector, Portshift,

and Prisma.

18 Kubernetes Management For Dummies, SUSE Special Edition

These materials are © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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