
This is a story for water resources people - it tells a tale about the Knight, Jen der Blance and the Hum Drolog. The Hum Drolog can only give the Knight his discoveries on two hands. Dismayed the Knight wants to cut off one hand - but the evil Dwill'o saves him.

This is a story for water resources people - it tells a tale about the Knight, Jen der Blance and the Hum Drolog. The Hum Drolog can only give the Knight his discoveries on two hands. Dismayed the Knight wants to cut off one hand - but the evil Dwill'o saves him.


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The Knight, Jen der Blance and the Hum

Drolog – the legend of Waat

As related to, and told by, the Ancient W D’viner

The hunkeydorey time

Not so long ago, in hunkydorey time, in the land of Waat, there lived a

Knight, with his partner Jen der Blance, who governed over the Waatish

people. For many years the Waatish had a hunkeydorey life – as Waat

had lots of waader, which made their little trees and shrubs green,

shiney and bountiful. The Knight was a kind man and he let the Waatish

peeple do whatever they wanted to do with the waader, because he did not like to

hear shouting and screaming going on in Waat. Nearby was the land of No’waat –

but the Waatish peeple never ever got to go there.

Dwill’o comes to Waat

Soon, hearing of the good fortune of Waat, an evil Dwill’o appeared in

Waat. At first the Dwill’o just wandered around looking at the waader

and the Waatish people, and the trees and the shiney shrubs. Soon he

found out that if waader went missing the Waatish people got restless

because the trees and the shrubs were lot less shiney and not so


When the Waatish people got restless they brawled with one another. Dwill’o found

out that he could stop them brawling by giving them a bahole – the bahole was a

little trick that he brought with him from his homeland, Aqkfar. In Aqkfar, Dwill’o’s

companions, Rodds and Bitts, could make a bahole and that made graun’waadur

appear in place of waader. Aqkfar had a secret gift called stowage – but no one

knew what it was, or heard much about it.

The evil Dwillo’ decided that from time to time he would grant some of the Waatish

people some groun’waadur, in return for hawking them a bahole. Slowly, in time,

Dwillo’ got rich from granting the baholes that he donated. So some Waatish people,

who had baholes, became even more hunkeydorey than others.

The less hunkeydorey times

As time went on those Waatish people with no baholes began feeling that less

hunkedorey times were coming, so they got together and complained to the Knight


and Jen der Blance. At first the Knight did not want to hear about some of these

Waatish people and their complaints – and he said there was plenty of waader for

them – so stop complaining and wait. The Waatish people with little

waader waited and waited – but no waader came.

So they went back to the Knight and complained even more loudly. To

make them stop shouting so loudly, Jen der Blance advised the Knight

that he should get them graun’waadur, a thing that Jen der Blance had

heard about, from her cousin Collaborashun. So the Knight called his

scholarly Akademiko and demanded to know what he should do, to stop

the noisy Waatish from shouting so much.

Simpulashun to the rescue

Akademiko, who was in plain admiration and in awe of the Knight, and wanted to

remain on tenure, put on his thinking hat and sat in the corner of his rondawal. He

spent a long time in mental contemplation, when thankfully some simpulashun came

to the rescue, with an idea.

Akademinko went back to the

Knight and told him that the best

way to find the missing waader

was to ask the Hum Drolog, who

lived in a subterranean den, to do

his magic tricks with numbers and

gogifizz, to decipher where

waadur’s replacement,

groun’waadur could be.

The Knight called for Hum Drolog, to ask him if he could get the replacement for

waader for the Waatish people.

Magic tricks, bumpy test and gogifizz

The Hum Drolog, who very clever through lots of magic tricks that he did on his slab

in the subterranean den, said to the Knight that he could find the answer, “no

problem”. But first he had to get his numbers and gogifizz to light up on the wall.

With Akademiko’s encouragement, the Knight agreed and waited in patience for the


After a lot of tricks, the Hum Drolog was ready to give a detailed reply to the Knights

command for supplanting waadur with the wonderful groun’waadur.


“So”, asked the Knight, when finally the Hum Drolog appeared before his throne,

“can you explain what you have done, so that we get waader for the Waatish


Waadur to groun’waadur

“First”, the Hum Drolog said, “you have to find a sandwich of many layers. After that

you have to find the tiny cracks and crevices in the sandwich. Then you have to

make bumpy test and add some gogifizz. After that, you need to count all the

numbers and put them in a big basket. Once you have done that, then you must

shake the crooked numbers, till they came out in a straight line. Then you have to

take all of this finding and put it into Akademiko’s simpulashun ravine and let the

system go”.

“And then?”, the Knight asked.

“Then?” the Hum Drolog said, “then, you

will have the answer, easy!!”

“So, whats the answer?”, both the Knight

and Jen der Blance asked in one voice.

“Well”, said the Hum Drolog “on the one

hand… there could be graun’waadur that

might outflow, but then on the other

hand, it may inflow”.

“Then, which hand is it”, asked the Knight

“outflow hand or inflow hand?” He

wanted the answer on the one hand, not on two.

“Well” replied the Hum Drolog, “It really depends on how you want your hand –

inflow’able or outflow’able…. but in any case” he explained, “I just need to go back

and get a few more facts and statistics…. also, I must refer to my good friend

Shallowfo’mashun, before I can answer such an important question”.

The Knight was thoroughly exasperated – but having little choice

said, okay go and see her, but get back to me before the onset of

the decline.

“I have seen the light…”

When he came back after referring to Shallowfo’mashun, to see the

Knight, the Hum Drolog was very excited and said that he had seen


the light – and now he had an almost definite answer.

“So what is it”, asked the Knight, dreading at what he would hear, with Jen der

Blance holding her breath waiting for the reply.

The Hum Drolog’s definite reply was, “on the one hand, if Shallofo’mashun was

saturated, maybe groun’waadur would inflow, on the other hand, if she was partially

unsaturated, it was likely that it would outflow” but because the precautionary code,

he was not so sure if he could show which hand was which, for just now.

The shouting of the Waatish people was increasing and getting louder, the Knight’s

head was aching – and he grasped his forehead in a grimace, wondering which of

the Hum Drolog’s hands to chop off, so that he could get the answer on one hand.

Dwillo’ sees his chance

The evil Dwillo’ saw his chance and ran to the Knight and his oartner and said –

“look, let me solve your problems. Let me do it, don’t chop off the Hum Drolog’s


Jen der Blance urged the Knight to hear Dwillo’ out. Fine said the Knight, asking

Dwillo’ – “what will you do for my Waatish people”, who were starting to make the

land of Waat into the land of No’waat, which was bad thing, as no one knew how

bad No’waat was.

Dwillo’ said to the Knight, “ok, let me do 50 baholes, and that will get your Waatish

people as much groun’waadur as they could dream of – but, there is a condition..”

“What’s that?”, asked the Kinght

“You have to consign the Hum Drolog into the ivory tower, and put Akademiko’s

simpulashun in with them, and as for Shallowfo’mashun, keep her in the unconfined

condition of neither saturated nor unsaturated”

“Done”, said the Knight with great relief, that no hands would be involved.

Immediately Drillo’ went to Aqkfar got his companions, Rodds and Bitts to

accompany him back to Waat – on arrival they made friends with Deepfo’mashun,

who had been hiding all this time in Akqfar’s stowage. All Rodds and Bitts had to do

was twist round and round, and case the joint, immediately letting the aarti’san

groun’waadur rise up, into the trees and shrubs of the Waatish Peeple. The Waatish

Peeple were delighted and cheered and cheered for the deep insight of Jen der


And they all lived happily ever after – or at least till Deepfo’mashun became subaarti’san

because the secret of stowage was revealed – but that is another story …


stay tuned for the next episode of the goings on in in the land of Waat

and No’waat.

The moral of the story is

‘On the one hand and on the other hand’ lands the Hum Drolog’s in an ivory tower

where he does the tricks with crooked numbers till today, with Shallow’fomashun

confined to keep him company.

The evil Dwillo’ and Rodds and Bitts get rich quick with Deepfo’mashun as aarti’san

groun’waadur, but the Waatish only want waader even if it is a declining


In Next episode

Dwillo’ with Rodd and Bitts

skip town when stowage

of the Deepfo’mashun is

revealed. Is it too late for

the Knight and Jen der

Blance?? Can they

undergo adaptation to the


Find out, next time, with

fluctuating water tables.

The fluctuating water tables


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