3 mistakes to avoid when buying production control software - Fitfactory Technology

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perform the job as well as the original. You need a production control system that has been crafted

specially to improve your manufacturing environment.

Let’s look at Fitfactory’s system for example. With features such as; automate paperwork from quotation

to invoice, digitalise job card production and full traceability for ISO9001 and AS9100 compliance. We

design our systems specifically to help manufacturing SMEs to improve their overall efficiency.

We are digitalising the shop floors across the UK

We’ve been digitising complex business processes from manufacturing shop floors to the production

offices for decades. Our production control software improves manufacturing efficiency and streamlines

the production line. We’ve helped manufacturers across the UK realise the true value from their business

by implementing a system suited to their niche requirements. Moreover, we understand that technology

isn’t the only answer. Every business is a combination of people, processes and technology. So, we

consider what is right for your business.

“Excessive Dependence on Automation May be Dangerous”

Many manufacturers believe that a production control system will accelerate production times and bring

in more opportunities automatically after implementing it. However, success can only be achieved

alongside your efforts. Therefore, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out. Let’s check the 3 major

mistakes that prevent manufacturers from realising the desired returns on investment from a production

control system:

1. A Production control system will plan, track and schedule jobs

Many manufacturing managers have the misconception that a production control system can plan, track,

schedule, and operate activities on the shop floor. But in reality, it’s planning software that performs

these tasks. A production control system does some of this, but primarily, it is used to gain better control

of production activities, automate paperwork generation from quote to invoice, and improve inventory &

resource management. Furthermore, a Shop Floor Data Capture system collects real-time information of

activities on the shop floor. However, it needs to be tied into the production control system to do so –

otherwise, you could not allocate jobs or operations for them to complete (resulting in the system being


Ultimately, implementing a production control system without knowing how it’s actually going to provide

benefits is much like buying a car without being able to drive! From the functional point of view, the car

will work fine but you won’t be able to reach any destination until you know how to drive it.

Learn more about what production control systems can do.

2. The system will automatically make improvements to your business

It’s true that a production control system will streamline and automate key parts of your production

control process. However, once it’s set up is when you can really start to use it to drive continuous


Because production control systems digitally map your production process, they capture a lot of data.

Capturing data is one of the first steps to improving performance, but capturing data alone won’t improve

your business performance. There’s much more to it. Additionally, you may not be an expert at

interpreting data and creating beautiful graphs and charts.

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