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bus stop.

RASPUTIN SUNNED HIMSELF on the bench. making October look like

June. He was wearing sandals, and between the leather straps his big feet were as

scuffed and gray as an elephant’s hide. His blue denims were raggedy at the

cuffs, and the sleeves of his sweatshirt had been cut off unevenly. His eyes were

closed, his head nodding gently to the rhythm of his music, one long-fingered

hand keeping graceful time. Black and Satisfied, Wizard titled him. Blending in

with the bench squatters like a pit bull in a pack of fox hounds. The benches near

him were conspicuously empty of loiterers. Wizard shook his head over him as

he sat down at the other end of the bench.

Rasputin didn’t stir. Reaching into a pocket. Wizard drew out a crumpled

sack of popcorn fragments. He leaned forward to scatter a handful. Rasputin

shifted slightly at the fluttering sound of pigeon wings as a dozen or so birds

came immediately to the feed.

“Don’t let them damn pests be shitting on me,” he warned Wizard laconically.

“Wouldn’t dream of it. Don’t you think you should carry a radio or


“What for? So folks would quit looking for my headphones? Ain’t my fault

they can’t hear the real music. They too busy covering it up with their own


Wizard nodded and threw another handful of popcorn. Rasputin’s hand

danced lazily on the back of the bench. Muscles played smoothly under his sleek

skin, sunlight played smoothly over it. The day arched above them, and Wizard

could have dreamed with his eyes open. Instead, he asked, “So what brings you

to Pioneer Square?”

“My feet, mostly.” Rasputin grinned feebly. “I’m looking for Cassie. Got a

present for her. New jump rope song. Heard it just the other day.”

Wizard nodded sagely. He knew Cassie collected jump rope songs and

clapping rhymes. “Let’s hear it.”

Rasputin shook his head slowly in a graceful counterpoint to the dance of his

hand. A passerby slowed down to watch him, then scurried on. “No way, man.

Not going to repeat it here. Sounded new, and real potent in a way I don’t like.

Gonna tell it to Cassie, but I’m not going to spread it around. Won’t catch me

fooling with magic not mine to do.” Rasputin’s words took on the cadence of his

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