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“It is the same thing with you,” said the Mad Hatter.

Then, he turned to Alice again and asked, “Have you

guessed the riddle yet?”

“No, I give up,” Alice replied. “What’s the answer?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” said the Mad Hatter.

“Nor I,” said the March Hare.

“Well,” thought Alice, “this is the strangest tea party I

ever was at in all my life!”

Alice stayed for a while longer and listened to the

Dormouse tell a story about three sisters who lived at the

bottom of a treacle well. The story was very odd indeed.

Alice, confused by the tale, frequently questioned the

Dormouse. At last, a frustrated Alice walked off.

“It’s the strangest tea party I ever was at in all my life!”

Alice concluded.

68 Classic Tales

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