Independenz Daee 2021

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Doug Yr Hello I will have the Stuffed Peppers , Jasper will have the special doggie

treat , The sampler , the drink of the day with the kicker and water , Thank you

Happy 4th of July

Gwen Hickford Hi Uncle Doug and Jasper and Happy 4th of July, Pumpkin races

over and gives some beef jerky to Jasper. I have the sampler plate and the stuffed

peppers right here for you. Jake boogies up with his trolley and sets water and a RW

& B wine spritzer with a kick on the table. Enjoy your noms the boys purr and give

them big hugs. Jake gives Jasper a pile of bacon straws. As they leave they shed a

bunch of glitter from their clothes.

Doug Yr Thank you Mmmmm , Delicious , Thank you Pumpkin Uncle Doug

Thank you Pumpkin for the delicious beef jerky Jasper Thank you Jake for the

great drinks Uncle Doug and Jasper Hugs to the Boys Thank you Jake for

the delicious bacon straws Jasper The glitter is awesome Uncle Doug and


Wormhole Bistro Mew bes bery weliecomes Unkie Doug ans Jasper

cheekie kissies

say da Boyz

huggies n

Doug Yr

Doug Yr '/.;

Lunca Susanna May we hab da meatballsplates 1 dwink ob da dae ans 5 nipsi cola


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