RSNS Brochure

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Get involved! Our committees add to the vibrancy of the synagogue,

enable congregants to influence the direction of our community and are a

great way to meet others. Committees are open to all members.


This committee is concerned with the overall governance of the

congregation including matters related to the Board of Directors and

officers, budget, and employment of professionals. The committee meets

as needed. Contact: Judy Bieber at Bylaws@rsns.org


To maintain a connection to RSNS, this committee sends our college

students packages while they’re away at school. The packages

coincide with various Jewish holidays, and contain healthy snacks,

holiday related items (apples & honey, chocolate gelt, Hamantashen,

matzah, etc), a card and a letter from Rabbi Lee.

Contact: Lesley Siegel at CollegeOutreach@rsns.org


Having completed the renovation of the sanctuary interior and lobby, the

committee will continue its work toward improving the function and

beauty of our building. The committee will meet as needed.

Contact: Myrna Niego at Design@rsns.org


Meetings are lively as congregants of many generations reflect on their

own educational experiences and learn about current ideas in educational

practice. Members work together to ensure that the vision and quality of

our Jewish learning community continues to grow in strength and meets

the needs of individual learners. The group meets quarterly.

Contact: Roseann Michelson at Education@rsns.org

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