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30 Chapter 1 Review of algebraic techniques


x 2 +5x+6


× x2 −x x(x +3)


x 2 +3x+2 2(x +1)

Example1.31 Simplify

x 2 +8x+7

x 2 −6x

÷ x +7

x 3 +x 2

Solution The second fraction isinverted togive

x 2 +8x+7

x 2 −6x

× x3 +x 2

x +7

Factorizing numerators and denominators yields

(x +1)(x +7)

x(x −6)

× x2 (x+1)


= (x +1)(x +7)x2 (x +1)

x(x −6)(x +7)

Common factors ofxand (x +7) arecancelled leaving

(x +1)x(x +1)

x −6

which maybe written as

x(x +1) 2

x −6

1.5.5 Additionandsubtractionofalgebraicfractions



Each fraction is written in its simplest form. The denominators of the fractions are

then examined and the lowest common denominator (l.c.d.) is found. This is the simplest

expression that has the given denominators as factors. All fractions are then written

in an equivalent form with the l.c.d. as denominator. Finally the numerators are

added/subtractedand placedover the l.c.d. Consider the following examples.

Example1.32 Expressasasinglefraction


x +1 + 4

x +2

Solution Bothfractionsarealreadyintheirsimplestform.Thel.c.d.ofthedenominators, (x+1)

and (x +2), is found. This is (x +1)(x +2). Note that this is the simplest expression

that has bothx+1 andx+2 as factors.

Each fraction iswritten inan equivalent form with the l.c.d. as denominator. So


x +1 iswritten as 2(x +2)

(x +1)(x +2)

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