Java with BlueJ, 2016a

Java with BlueJ, 2016a

Java with BlueJ, 2016a


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26 CHAPTER 2. BASICS<br />

2.3.2 Numeric Data Types: float, double<br />

These data types are used to represent values that have decimal places. For<br />

example, the numbers 11.5, 12.25, -300.123, and0.0 are written <strong>with</strong><br />

decimal places. Even the value zero written as 0.0 is a double.<br />

The float and double types differ <strong>with</strong> respect to the number of significant<br />

digits they store (approximately 7 for float and 16 for double) and the overall<br />

magnitude of a value that can be represented. The table below shows the<br />

amount of memory used and the maximum value per type:<br />

data type memory maximum<br />

float 4bytes 3.4028235 × 10 38<br />

double 8bytes 1.7976931348623157 × 10 308<br />

Of course a programmer can perform calculations on doubles andfloats.<br />

The operators we will discuss at this time include +, -, *, and / as shown<br />

in the following table.<br />

operator example of use example’s result<br />

+ 7.1 + 1.1 8.2<br />

- 12.1 - 5.0 7.1<br />

* 2.2 * 2.2 4.84<br />

/ 10 / 4 2.5<br />

Listing 2.4 illustrates some simple double calculations in order to compute<br />

and display fuel consumption as litres per 100 kilometres travelled.<br />

Listing 2.4: Perform simple double calculations<br />

1 public class FuelConsumption<br />

2 {<br />

3 public static void main(String[] args)<br />

4 {<br />

5 // Calculate fuel consumption as<br />

6 // litres per 100 kilometres travelled.<br />

7 // All calculations involve doubles.<br />

8 double litres , km, km100;<br />

9 litres = 60.6;<br />

10 km = 500.25;<br />

11 km100 = km/100.0;<br />

12 // calculate litres per 100km<br />

13 double consumption = litres/km100;

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