The sting from a sting operation and the Trojan horse of ideology

Unpublished defence of Sokal 2

Unpublished defence of Sokal 2


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impact quality of academic work and the quality of the review process. And there are many

examples of bad research getting past reviewers.

However, there is a difference here that needs

attention. The expectation of honesty and

integrity is a part of the review process. If I am

making an empirical claim, the data I use to

ground that claim, if faked, can be used as a

Trojan horse to get it past quality control. And

technical aspects of statistical analyses in

quantitative research can bamboozle timepoor

reviewers and errors can go unnoticed.

But in order for my claim to be warranted

based on my data, the line of reasoning that

links the two should be sufficiently logical and

coherent. Poor data and poor argumentation

are two different things. Dishonesty can hide

poor (or fake) data, and compelling data can sometimes disguise poor reasoning. But dishonesty

cannot disguise reasoning directly as the reasoning should be laid bare in the article. Dishonesty is

not the Trojan horse that is exposed in SokalSquared. Everyone agrees dishonesty hurts the quality

and reputation of academic work (Note: dishonesty is different from deception – i.e. goals matter).

Ideology as a Trojan horse

Toulmin’s model of argumentation. Reproduced from Wikipedia.

The Trojan horse here is the ideological bias of the journals (and the grievance studies disciplines

they represent). These were not obscure journals; they were in some cases, the leading journal for

that academic area. The purposely broken reasoning of the PBL articles was disguised with the

‘correct’ ideology. It is belief bias in action (see also motivated reasoning and confirmation bias). The

sting highlights the need for greater institutionalized disconfirmation and viewpoint diversity. So if

there is a prevalent mechanism that will disguise (or cloud) shoddy reasoning, while this does not

prevent well-reasoned arguments being made, it certainly limits the ability of scholars in these areas

to tell good from bad.

The point of the audit was not to suggest all of the articles from these disciplines are garbage but to

highlight the detrimental impact ideological blinders have on identifying poor methodology and

argumentation. And in these disciplines ideology is pervasive to the point of being an orthodoxy. The

difference is dishonesty and data fakery (a Trojan horse in and beyond the social sciences) is not

orthodox behavior. It is not promoted, it is actively exposed. Exposure of that Trojan horse is not

met with whataboutery. To expand the problems identified in SokalSquared to all peer-review is

false equivalence.

The audit suggests the lack of a ‘logic’ barometer in grievance studies (to differentiate A and C in the

graphic below), but this does not mean reasonable scholarship has not been done (A and B).

However, while good scholarship is sensitive to a difference across rows, good propaganda is

sensitive to a difference across columns.

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