Bharat, Hindustaan and India - The politics of naming is part of the social production of the nation. Its processes are shaped by broad socio-political conditions and can be studied from several angles. In the 19th century the name Bhārata was used to refer to the geographical, political and administrative entity that the colonial power called ‘India’; Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam: Career scientist and Science administrator Bharat Ratna - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, was the 11th President of India (2002-2007).

Bharat, Hindustaan and India - The politics of naming is part of the social production of the nation. Its processes are shaped by broad socio-political conditions and can be studied from several angles. In the 19th century the name Bhārata was used to refer to the geographical, political and administrative entity that the colonial power called ‘India’; Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam: Career scientist and Science administrator Bharat Ratna - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, was the 11th President of India (2002-2007).


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Jay Jagannath , Jagannath Puri Temple, Odisha

Dhanu Muan and Pahili Bhoga

T.K.V. Karuna


Dhanu Sankranti is celebrated on the first day of

lunar Pousha month. The month of Pousha is

considered the month of plenty. After collecting the

harvest there is a festival of general rejoicing with

special sweets of ‘Muan’(a traditional sweet dish)

which is offered to Lord Jagannath in puja. In the

month of Dhanu Sankranti, Gopal Ballav Bhog is

offered along with Pahali Bhog (the first offering).

The Pahili Bhog is the traditional morning offering to

the Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Goddess

Subadhra (famously known as the Trinity) which

continues from the Dhanu Sankranti to Makara

Sankranti as per the Odia almanac.

Dhanu Muan and Pahili Bhoga are alse offered at

Kantilo & Godess Mangala at Kakatpur.

Gopal Vallabh Bhog:

The offering is the first one of the daily Prasad to

Lord Jagannath. The Bhogs are offered at the

Anabsar Pindi. Breakfast is a seven item treat –

Khoya, Lahuni (butter), sweetened coconut grating,

coconut water, and popcorn sweetened with sugar

known as khai and curd and ripe bananas.

Pahili Bhoga:

First Food offered is early in the morning. It is a

delicious Khechedi preparation. The episode runs

that as Mahalaxmi, the divine consort moves to her

father’s house, Yosoda, the mother of Lord herself

prepare this delicious Khechedi to the utmost

satisfaction of her son.

As the celestial sun enters Sagittarius, the people of

Odisha observe Dhanu Sankranti with much joy and

gaiety. “Around 27 types of delicacies comprising of

different pithas are prepared for the Pahili Bhog.

Dhanu Muan, a special sweet made of sweetened

rice flakes is a main attraction for the devotees who

flock to the temple for the bhog. This offering

continues for about a month till Makar Sankranti

(January 14-15).

During this period, the people refrain from anything

auspicious like marriages, engagements, thread

ceremonies, etc. World famous biggest open-air

theatre Dhanu Jatra is held during this period in

Odisha’s Bargarh City. The 11-day long Jatra

showcases scenes from Lord Krishna’s birth to the

death of the demon king Kansa. Metaphorically,

Bargarh becomes Mathura during this festival and

river Jeera represents river Yamuna.

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