Vermont filmmaker Adam Benay releases movie on opioid epidemic

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11/9/21, 7:06 PM Vermont filmmaker Adam Benay releases movie on opioid epidemic

When Benay shared his films on Reddit earlier this week, someone commented on his post:

the opposite of addiction is community.

"I feel so incredibly grateful for the community that made these shorts, and I hope we’ve

done right by the community they were made for," Benay said.

Both films can be viewed on Benay's website: www.adambenay.com/northend.

Contact Nora Peachin at 609-455-2179 or npeachin@freepressmedia.com. Follow on

Twitter @NPeachin.

https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/2021/08/12/vermont-opioid-epidemic-inspired-adam-benay-short-films-north-end-stories/8106313002/ 2/2

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