Cecilia McDowall Some corner of a foreign field

for tenor solo, SATB (with divisions), and piano or string orchestra and harp Written as part of McDowall's tenure as composer in residence at Dulwich College, Some corner of a foreign field was commissioned to mark the centenary of the First World War. A profoundly moving cantata, it draws on biblical texts associated with the acclaimed pupil of Dulwich College, Sir Ernest Shackleton, his 1916 Antarctic Expedition, and Rupert Brooke, the centenary of whose death falls on 2015. This beautiful work, with its lustrous harmonies and its poignant tenor solo, offers choirs an immensely rewarding experience.

for tenor solo, SATB (with divisions), and piano or string orchestra and harp
Written as part of McDowall's tenure as composer in residence at Dulwich College, Some corner of a foreign field was commissioned to mark the centenary of the First World War. A profoundly moving cantata, it draws on biblical texts associated with the acclaimed pupil of Dulwich College, Sir Ernest Shackleton, his 1916 Antarctic Expedition, and Rupert Brooke, the centenary of whose death falls on 2015. This beautiful work, with its lustrous harmonies and its poignant tenor solo, offers choirs an immensely rewarding experience.


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