Read !Book The Brainwashing of My Dad

COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD *********************************** https://hura2misifoya-foya.blogspot.com/?update=1728239591 *********************************** The Brainwashing of My Dad strong After her beloved dad got addicted to rightwing talk radio and Fox News, Jen Senko feared he would never be the same again... strong Frank Senko had always known how to have a good time. Despite growing up in a povertystricken family during the Depression and having to fight his way to middleclass status as an adult, he tended to look on the bright side. But after a jochange forced Frank to begin a long car commute every day, his daughter Jen noticed changes in his personality and beliefs. Long hours on the road listening to talk radio commentators like Rush Limbaugh sucked her father into a suspicionladen worldview dominated by conspiracy theories, fake news, and rants about the 'coastal elite' and 'libtards' trying to destroy America.Over the course of a few years, Jen's dad went from a nonpolitical, openminded Democrat to a radical, angry, and intolerant rightwing devotee who became a stranger to those closest to him. As politics began to take precedence over everything else in her father's life, Jen was mystified. What happened to her dad? Was there anything she could do to help? And, most importantly, would he ever be his lovable self again? Jen began the search for answers, and found



The Brainwashing of My Dad

strong After her beloved dad got addicted to rightwing talk radio and Fox News, Jen Senko feared he would never be the same again... strong Frank Senko had always known how to have a good time. Despite growing up in a povertystricken family during the Depression and having to fight his way to middleclass status as an adult, he tended to look on the bright side. But after a jochange forced Frank to begin a long car commute every day, his daughter Jen noticed changes in his personality and beliefs. Long hours on the road listening to talk radio commentators like Rush Limbaugh sucked her father into a suspicionladen worldview dominated by conspiracy theories, fake news, and rants about the 'coastal elite' and 'libtards' trying to destroy America.Over the course of a few years, Jen's dad went from a nonpolitical, openminded Democrat to a radical, angry, and intolerant rightwing devotee who became a stranger to those closest to him. As politics began to take precedence over everything else in her father's life, Jen was mystified. What happened to her dad? Was there anything she could do to help? And, most importantly, would he ever be his lovable self again? Jen began the search for answers, and found


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Description :

strong After her beloved dad got addicted to rightwing talk

radio and Fox News, Jen Senko feared he would never be the

same again... strong Frank Senko had always known how to

have a good time. Despite growing up in a povertystricken

family during the Depression and having to fight his way to

middleclass status as an adult, he tended to look on the bright

side. But after a jochange forced Frank to begin a long car

commute every day, his daughter Jen noticed changes in his

personality and beliefs. Long hours on the road listening to talk

radio commentators like Rush Limbaugh sucked her father into

a suspicionladen worldview dominated by conspiracy theories,

fake news, and rants about the 'coastal elite' and 'libtards'

trying to destroy America.Over the course of a few years, Jen's

dad went from a nonpolitical, openminded Democrat to a

radical, angry, and intolerant rightwing devotee who became a

stranger to those closest to him. As politics began to take

precedence over everything else in her father's life, Jen was

mystified. What happened to her dad? Was there anything she

could do to help? And, most importantly, would he ever be his

lovable self again? Jen began the search for answers, and

found them... as well stories from countless other families like

her own.Based on the awardwinning documentary, em The

Brainwashing of My Dad em uncovers the alarming rightwing

strategy to wield the media as a weapon against our very

democracy. Jen's story shows us how Fox News and other

ultraconservative media outlets are reshaping the way millions

of Americans view the world, and encourages us to fight back.

em em


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