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MOnDAY, nOVEMBER 22, 2021


HC issues contempt

of court rule against

DoE DG, 3 others

DHAKA : The High Court

(HC) yesterday issued a

contempt of court rule

against three people

including director general

(DG) of Department of

Environment (DoE) as they

failed to submit a report on

actions taken against people

grabbing and polluting river


A High Court division

bench comprising Justice M

Enayetur Rahim and Justice

Md Mostafizur Rahman

passed the order, asking the

four to explain as to why the

court shall not draw a

contempt of court

proceeding against them for

failing to execute a court


The other three accused

are Dhaka deputy

commissioner, Savar

assistant land commissioner

and officer in-charge of

Savar Police Station.

The High Court on

December 2, 2019, issued a

rule along with an order,

asking Bangladesh Water

Development Board, Rajuk,

DoE DG, Dhaka Deputy

Commissioner, Savar

upazila nirbahi officer, Savar

AC (Land), Superintendent

of Dhaka district police and

officer in-charge of Savar

Police Station to submit the

report. The court had come

up with the order after

holding hearing on a writ

filed by lawyer Md Bakir


SUST student stabbed

by mugger in Sylhet

SYLHET : A female

student of Shahjalal

University of Science and

Technology (SUST) was

stabbed by a mugger in

Surma residential area

near BGB gate in Sylhet

city early Sunday, reports


The injured was

identified as Saima Alam, a

student of Civil and


Engineering department of

the university.

Sources at the university

said Saima was stabbed in

the left leg by an

unidentified mugger when

she reached the university

dormitory from Sylhet

railway station around

5.30 am.

She was later rushed to

MAG Osmani Medical

College and Hospital.

University Proctor

Associate Professor Dr

Alamgir Kabir said provost

of the first female student

hall of the university Prof

Zayeda Sharmin informed

the proctorial team of the

incident. "We have visited

the inured student and

now she is doing well."

Sources at the university

said Saima was stabbed in

the left leg by an

unidentified mugger when

she reached the university

dormitory from Sylhet

railway station around

5.30 am.

He said that the law

enforcers have already

been informed by the

university authority.

Chairman of British Council Stevie Spring called on Dhaka University

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman on Sunday at the latter's

office of the university.

Photo : Courtesy

British Council Chairman

calls on DU VC

Chairman of British Council Ms. Stevie

Spring called on Dhaka University (DU)

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md.

Akhtaruzzaman on Sunday at the latter's

office of the university. She was

accompanied by Country Director of British

Council Mr. Tom Miscioscia, Director of

Education Mr. David Maynard and Project

Manager of English and Higher Education

Mohammad Delower Hossain.

During the meeting they discussed the

possibilities of strengthening ongoing joint

collaborative academic, research as well as

skill development programs on English

teaching and learning between the

University of Dhaka and British Council. DU

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md.

Akhtaruzzaman apprised the guests of

academic and research activities of the

university. Dhaka University authorities

have already signed MoU with different

renowned universities in UK for undertaking

joint collaborative academic and research

programs, he mentioned.

A conference will be held in London this

year to celebrate DU centenary and Her

Royal Highness Princess Anne Elizabeth

Alice Louise is being expected to inaugurate

it, the VC pointed out. He invited the British

Council Chairman to attend the event.

British Council Chairman thanked the VC for

inviting her.

President pays homage to

armed forces martyrs

DHAKA : President M Abdul Hamid yesterday

paid rich tributes to the martyred members of

Bangladesh Armed Forces on the occasion of

the Armed Forces Day-2021.

The head of the state paid the homage by

placing a wreath at the Shikha Anirban (flame

eternal) in Dhaka Cantonment yesterday


The president, also the Supreme

Commander of Armed Forces, placed the

wreath at the altar of Shikha Anirban at

8:00am. After laying the wreath, he stood in

solemn silence for a while to show profound

respect to the memories of the martyrs during

1971's Liberation War.

Later, a smartly turned out contingent of the

Army, Navy and Air Force presented a salute.

President Hamid also signed the visitors'

book there.

Earlier, on his arrival at Shikha Anirban,

chiefs of the three services and the principal

staff officer of the Armed Forces Division

received the president.

On this day during the War of Liberation in

1971, the Bangladesh Armed Forces,

comprising Army, Navy and Air Force, came

into being and launched an all-out attack on

the Pakistani occupation forces which sped up

the victory in the Liberation War.

After the independence of the country, this

historic day is being observed as the Armed

Forces Day (AFD) every year.

Former BCL leader sent to

jail in journo assault case

DHAKA : A court on Sunday sent

former president of Dhanmandi

Thana unit of Bangladesh Chhatra

League (BCL) to jail in a case lodged

for assaulting a journalist of private

TV channel Independent Television.

Dhaka Additional Metropolitan

Magistrate Asaduzzaman Noor passed

the order as police produced

Nazimuddin Ahammed Babu and

pleaded to keep him behind the bars

till the end of the probe in the case.

Babu and his men allegedly

assaulted Independent Television

senior reporter Rishad Huda on the

afternoon of November 20 as the

latter was going through the road

behind Aziz Super Market on his

motorbike and honked horn to

overtake a SUV occupied by Babu and

his men. Irked by the horn, they

started abusing Rishad, and as he

protested, they started beating him


As the onlookers gathered at the

scene and protested, the former BCL

leader took the keys of Rishad's bike

and fled the scene. They asked Rishad

to meet them at Aziz Super Market to

take back his bike. When Rishad went

there, Babu and his men assaulted him

again, making police rescue him from

the place.

Rishad was rushed to Dhaka Medical

College Hospital and he later filed the

case against Babu, Tanvir, Eusuf Iqbal

and 10-12 unnamed persons with

Shahbagh Police Station.

Disabled rehabilitation and research association organized a discussion meeting on multi-media

role to prevent mental health.

Photo : Courtesy

Charges framed in

money laundering

case against

Lokman, 8 others

DHAKA : A court on Sunday

framed charges in a money

laundering case against nine

people including former

director in-charge of

Mohammedan Sporting

Club M Lokman Hossain

Bhuiyan, former Jubo

League leaders Enamul

Haque Arman and AKM

Mominul Haque Sayeed.

Judge Nazrul Islam of

Dhaka Special Judge Court-

10 passed the order and set

December 15 for starting

recording deposition of the

witnesses in the case,

assistant public prosecutor

(APP) Mahbubul Hasan told


Criminal Investigation

Department (CID) on

November 19, 2019, filed the

case with Motijheel Police

Station against Lokman

Hossain Bhuiyan, accusing

him of amassing crores

through casino business and

laundering the money to two

Australian Banks.

The law enforcing agency

in their probe found

evidences of running illegal

casino and narcotics trades

in Mohammedan Sporting

Club against Lokman and

some other people.

CID after probing the case

filed charge-sheet against

the nine.

IU Day to be

celebrated today


The authorities of Islamic

University in Kushtia will

celebrate its 43rd University

Day on the university

campus tomorrow marking

its 42th founding


The day-long celebration

includes hoisting of national

and university flags, a

colourful procession, a

discussion programme and

cultural event.

Celebrating the day, IU

Vice Chancellor Professor

Dr Shaikh Abdus Salam will

hoist the national flag while

its Pro vice-chancellor

Professor Dr Mahbubur

Rahman will hoist the

university flag in front of the



building premises around


Later, teachers, officials

and students of the

university will bring out a

colourful procession on the


After the procession, the

discussion and the cultural

programme will be held at

Bangla Moncha adjacent to

the faculty building on the


Islamic University was

established on November 22

of 1979 and started its

academic activities in 1985

with four departments, eight

teachers and 300 students at

Board Bazar in Gazipur.

Myanmar Navy frees

22 Bangladeshi


COX'S BAZAR : Myanmar

Navy have released 22

Bangladeshi fishermen who

were detained with four

fishing trawlers while fishing

near the St Martin's Island

in the Bay of Bengal on

Saturday, reports UNB.

Saint Martin's Union

Parishad Chairman Nur

Ahmed said four fishing

trawlers with 22 fishermen

arrived at the St. Martin's

Island jetty Saturday

midnight with the help of

the Coast Guard and the

Bangladesh Border Guard.

However, neither the local

Coast Guard nor the BGB

members agreed to


Teknaf Upazila Nirbahi

Officer (UNO) Parvez

Chowdhury said all the

fishermen are doing well.

Earlier, Myanmar Navy

seized four of the trawlers

owned by residents of the

area with 22 fishermen on

board around 10am

Saturday, from the east side

of the island when they were

out in the sea fishing.

World Children's Day

Children for urgent action on

issues that matter to them

DHAKA : Children and young people in

Bangladesh, Colombia, Fiji, Gambia,

Indonesia, and elsewhere on Sunday took

over newsrooms, newspapers, and broadcast

studios to report on issues that matter to

them, reports UNB.

Child journalist Rupkatha Rahman took

over as the editor of the Prothom Alo for one

day on the occasion of World Children's Day.

Children and young people are raising their

voices and demanding urgent action on the

issues that matter to them in a series of global

and local events to mark World Children's

Day, UNICEF's global day of action for

children, by children.

From headlining at the world expo, to

meeting with presidents, leading public

debates, and reporting from newsrooms,

young people are engaging world leaders,

businesses, and high-profile stars on issues

including climate, equality and kindness.

"Amid a global pandemic, rising poverty,

and social unrest, World Children's Day is a

time to celebrate young people's unwavering

hope and determination to build back better,"

said UNICEF Deputy Executive Director of

Partnerships Charlotte Petri Gornitzka. "The

road to recovery from COVID-19 must put

children and young people at the heart of

decision-making. As the leaders of tomorrow,

they have the right to shape decisions made


This week, UNICEF and Gallup launched

the first-ever intergenerational poll on

childhood today, showing that young people

are 50 per cent more likely than older

generations to believe the world is becoming

a better place, but are impatient for action on

mounting crises such as COVID-19 and

climate change. To hear and amplify their

calls for a better world, presidents, ministers,

and businesses joined children and young

people at virtual and in-person events,

including: In West and Central Africa,

UNICEF kicked off its first annual 'Youth

Voices from the Sahel' public debate, focusing

on climate change, and bringing together

experts, political stakeholders, high-profile

individuals, and more than 100 young people

aged 8-25 to debate and deliver a set of

recommendations for leaders.

Children and young people hosted a

meeting with the Presidents of Botswana,

Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe at the

Kazungula Bridge where the borders of all

four countries meet.

The bridge was also lit up blue in symbolic

support for children. Heads of states,

ministers and members of governments met

with children in other countries including

Denmark, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Oman,

Turkey, and Switzerland.

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors and highprofile

supporters used their global platforms

to help raise awareness and mobilize support

for children's rights and the issues affecting

young people, including: UNICEF Goodwill

Ambassador Millie Bobby Brown called for

children not to give up on adults in this year's

World Children's Day signature video.

In a reverse to the norm, Brown points out

how children are often given instruction from

adults, and now calls for adults to listen to

children. UNICEF China Ambassador Wang

Yuan (Roy Wang) released a new song to

inspire children and young people. UNICEF

Norway Ambassador Penelope Lea chaired a

conference with children, young people, and

government leaders on climate change and


On Saturday, at the LGED Headquarters, a reception was given to the

children of the LGED officers and employees who have obtained

GPA-5 in SSC, HSC and equivalent examinations for 2019-2020. The

chief guest was Md. Abdur Rashid Khan, President of LKSS and Chief

Engineer of LGED.

Photo : Courtesy

Vaccination programme begins

at Chattogram slums

CHATTOGRAM : After a vaccination drive at

Korail slum in Dhaka, health authorities

have started giving Covid jabs to the slum

dwellers of Chattogram city on Sunday,

reports UNB.

Some 2,000 residents of Jhautala slum in

Khulshi area will get the jabs under the

programme which started around 2 pm,

according to the Civil Surgeon's office.

The dwellers of all other slums in the city

will be brought under the vaccination

programme in phases, it said. Apart from the

slum dwellers, the third gender people will

also be brought under the vaccination

programme, and it will start on Monday. The

dwellers of Jhautala slum will be allowed to

get vaccinated without registration and the

campaign will continue till Thursday.

According to the Civil Surgeon office, the

vaccination drive will continue till 5 pm, and

a three-member medical team is there to

provide vaccine doses to the slum dwellers.

Dr Ilias Hossain, the District Civil Surgeon,

said the Jhautala slum residents will be able

to get their Covid shots on Sunday, Tuesday

and Thursday. Already some 300 doses of

Astrazeneca vaccine have been allocated for

the transgender people and the number of

doses will be increased depending the

number of vaccine seekers.

Zero to 7, Bangladesh's Covid

daily death toll increases again

DHAKA : After seeing a deathless day from

Covid-19, Bangladesh reported seven more

deaths in 24 hours till Sunday morning along

with 199 fresh infections.

Bangladesh on Saturday logged zero

Covid-linked deaths with 178 cases.

The daily case positivity rate declined to

1.16 per cent today from Saturday's 1.18 per

cent, said the Directorate General of Health

Services (DGHS).

Six of today's deceased were men and

one was a woman. Five of the deaths were

reported from Dhaka division while one

each from Chattogram and Khulna


With the fresh numbers, the total fatalities

rose to 27,953 while the caseload mounted to

1,574,088. However, the mortality rate

remained static at 1.78 per cent. The fresh

cases were detected after testing 17,135

samples, the DGHS added.

Besides, the recovery rate remained the

same as 97.72 per cent with the recovery of

192 more patients during the 24-hour

period. Health Minister Zahid Maleque on

Saturday said the government will

administer 6 crore more Covid-19 vaccine

doses by January next across the country.

"So far, 9 crore vaccine doses have been

administered and the government aims to

administer 6 crore more doses by January

next," he said.

With the administering of 6 crore more

vaccine doses, some 7.5 crore people of the

country will fully be vaccinated, Zahid

Maleque added. Zahid Maleque said, some

13 crore people in Bangladesh are eligible

to get vaccinated and 1 crore of them are

living abroad. After vaccinating 7.5 crore

people, he said, the remaining 3.5 crore

will soon be brought under the vaccination

campaign in phases.

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