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Dogs in history mythology


This month, we’re looking into Greek mythology rather than history, where we find

a rather scary dog named Cerberus.

There are many unique creatures mentioned in Greek mythology. One of the most well

known may be the three-headed dog known as Cerberus. It was the job of Cerberus to

guard the entrance to Hades. In Greek mythology, this was the underworld where spirits

of the dead were the only ones allowed to enter. No one was permitted to leave.

The Greeks had a deep respect as well as fear of wild dogs. The mythical dog Cerberus

is an example of what the Greeks feared most in a dog. It also shows the respect they

had for the abilities of dogs to be guardians.


Typhon was the father of Cerberus; a large fire-breathing dragon who was also a god.

He had large glowing red eyes, a hundred wings as well as a hundred heads. The gods

who lived on Mount Olympus were very afraid of Typhon. His life mission was to destroy

the world as well as put obstacles in the path of Zeus who was trying to move toward the

Kingdom of Heaven.

The mother of Cerberus was Echidna; half snake

and half human woman. She had the head and

torso of a beautiful woman and the lower part of her

body was that of a serpent. She lived in a cave and

lured men there before she consumed them.

Guard dog

The primary job of Cerberus in Greek mythology

was as a guard hdog, guarding the gates to the

underworld. He was also a faithful servant to Hades,

who was the god of the underworld. Cerberus is

most often depicted moving along the banks of the

river Styx. This river was the established boundary

between the dead of the underworld and the living of

the earth.

Cerberus and Hades: The sculpture

can be found at the Archaeological

Museum in Heraklion.

The three-headed dog prevented those were dead

from escaping, as well as kept the living from going

there without the permission of Hades. Cerberus

was very friendly to the dead, as well as to any new

spirits who entered the underworld. He would also

become savage and would eat any of them who

tried to get past him and go back to the land of the


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