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“Mae’r rhwystrau oherwydd iaith: mae hynny’n fwy o rwystr

na bod yn fyddar. Dyw bod yn fyddar yn ddim byd. Mae’n

ymwneud ag iaith a chyfathrebu. Dyna’r rhwystr.”

Wrth gyfarfod yn y grwpiau ffocws, roedd y rhan fwyaf o

bobl yn teimlo fod ganddyn nhw ychydig iawn neu ddim

hawliau o ran eu cyfraniad neu gyfranogiad fel ymarferwyr

creadigol mewn gwaith neu hyfforddiant, neu wrth fynd

at y cynnig celfyddydol ochr yn ochr ag aelodau eraill


Eto i gyd, mynegwyd rhai pryderon:

“Rwy’n teimlo bod pobl fyddar yn cael eu hatal rhag mynd

i amgueddfeydd ac orielau celf am nad oes ganddyn nhw

fynediad at yr hyn sy’n mynd ymlaen. Mae’r wybodaeth

ysgrifenedig yn rhy fanwl ac mae angen cyfieithwyr arnyn


Gall eithrio ddigwydd mewn sawl ffordd, a chawsom nifer

o gyfraniadau a wnaeth i bobl deimlo na allen nhw fyth gael


“Mae’r system fudd-daliadau’n anferth i ni i gyd sy’n anabl.

Mae’n wirioneddol anferth ac yn bryder mawr i ni i gyd.

Ond hefyd, mae yna system ddosbarth a rhyw rwydwaith

“The barriers experienced are because of language: that’s

more of a barrier than being deaf itself. Being deaf is

nothing. It’s about language and communication. That’s

the barrier.”

When meeting in the focus groups, most people felt they

had limited or no rights in terms of their contribution or

involvement as creative practitioners in work or training,

or in accessing the arts offer alongside other members of


Yet some concerns were expressed:

“I feel deaf people are stopped from going to museums

and art galleries because they don’t have access to what’s

going on. The written information is too in-depth and they

need access to interpreters.”

Exclusion can come in many forms, and we had a number

of contributions that made people feel they could never be

given opportunities:

“The benefit system is huge for all of us who are disabled.

I mean it’s really huge and a massive worry as well. But

also there is a class system and that old boy network sort

of thing going on, which college did you go to and you


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