TedTalk Program_V5_18X12

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Welcome to the launch of “Think

Differently About What’s Possible”

marketing initiative for Fairmont

High School. Peering into the future

often means looking at our past and

examining our present to see what

is possible. Today you will hear from

two Fairmont students and four

Fairmont staff about what they see

as vital for a bright path ahead for


You will be experiencing a

TED-style Talk.

Sit back. Take these stories in and

enjoy the experience.


Tim Guindon

Tim Guindon is a father

and a math teacher,

and delights in the

insights and brilliance

of both his students

and young children at

home. In the classroom,

the power of a teacher

can be used to

command and correct,

or to listen and support. Tim inspires us

to embrace the gifts of life’s “wrong, but

brilliant” moments to guide a different

approach to teaching and learning.

Dr. Jessica Dennison

Dr. Jessica Dennison is

the Librarian at Fairmont.

She strives to make her

space more than just a

room full of study areas,

books, and technology.

Her rocky yet inspiring

journey validates her

belief that a library is

a space for personal

exploration - a place

where everyone who walks in the door can

feel they belong.



Tyler Alexander


Tim Guindon

Math Teacher

“Wrong, But Brilliant”


Victor Colon

School Counselor

“Successful Connections”

Hopefully this will be an event

that will encourage you to “Think

Differently About What’s Possible” at

Fairmont High School.

Victor Colon

Victor Colon is a School

Counselor at Fairmont.

Victor believes that

communication is the

at the very heart of our

relationships and sense

of belonging. Listening

is a skill to be learned

and not just a natural

talent. Victor shows

us that seeking first to understand, will

foster a more trusting, confident and

flourishing school environment.

Andy Glasser

Jordan Harbeck

Jordan Harbeck is a senior

at Fairmont. He takes a

different approach to

how we can view life’s

challenges, gifts, and

mysteries. Leaning into

relationships, building

your network, and taking

ownership of your path

creates a space for

dreaming and thinking differently about

achieving what’s possible.

Dr. Candace McCoy


Andy Glasser

Senior Student

“Making Mental Health”


Take Note



Dr. Jessica Dennison

Library Media Teacher

“Home Isn’t Where You Expect It”

Andy Glasser is a

student at Fairmont

who is a passionate

member of Hope Squad.

Andy sees that mental

health is nearing a

societal crisis, especially

among teenagers.

He believes important

signs, resources and

recommendations for the community,

school leaders and students can take to

lessen this crisis…one person at a time.

Dr. Candace McCoy is an

English and Intervention

Specialist at Fairmont. She

knows the challenges facing

a Black female educator

in a predominantly White

school district. Although

this is a challenge many

suburban schools face, it

is not without hope. Dr.

McCoy believes that when all educators are

trained to embrace students for both their

braids and their brains then equity is within

reach. Working at Fairmont is her dream job,

and she believes the school can rise to the

challenge of building diversity and equity at

every level in the district.


Jordan Harbeck

Senior Student

“What Are You Filling Your Glass With?”


Dr. Candace McCoy

Intervention Specialist

“Celebrating The Beauty of Diversity”


Tyler Alexander

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