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The Hanoian

by Night

One other side of Hanoi is about the

workers who work at the construction

site. They often wear orange jackets,

highlighted by neon stripes for safety,

and rubber boots to step on mud or

cement. Masks are always on their

face and the sound of loud machines

working shows how they focus on

their shift. No one talks to each other

because they want to finish their job as

soon as the night is over.

From far away, the sound of people

chatting with each other echoes back.

Hanoians seem to enjoy hanging out at

cafes or restaurants after a long day of

intensive hours. It sounds very typical,

but people of Hanoi love to sit down

and have pleasant conversations with

their friends. Their expressions when

having a cup of tea or a Pho bowl at

night seem pleasing and comfortable.

Outsiders might think it’s normal,

but Hanoians appreciate these gentle

moments. Nothing can compare to

relaxing time with their loved ones

after an exhausted day at work.

Hanoi often puts up a ‘sad look’ when

the night arrives. ‘The calm before

the storm’ is what it feels like when

wandering through ancient streets in

Hanoi under the stars. As I mentioned

before, the moon shines as clear as

silver at midnight, especially in the

middle of the month. Late at night, a

couple walks side by side and holds

hands, giving each other warm kisses

during the freezy air of winter. It is

common for Hanoian love birds to do

this in all four seasons. People often

walk with their loved ones under the

sky, with poetic scenery in Hanoi, and

talk about anything.

We are all driven by the busyness in

our life. We often forget how to take

a step back and slow down. We lose

track of time and forget to spend

quality time for ourselves and our

loved ones. Day in, day out, Hanoians

learn to live in this peaceful city by

enjoying the romantic moments for

themselves. It shows that this city is

the place that’s worth living in, and

it is crucial to take a deep breath

before turning into busy bees


“Hanoi people” is not

only a concept, a type

of person, a beautiful

precious memory, but

also a symbol of Hanoi


Content by Chi Do

Photo by Tung Le & Ngoc Vu

When people first think about Hanoi,

Hanoians often appear with gracious,

elegant visuals. The most apparent

manifestation is that they are

complemented as gourmets and have

exquisite taste in their lifestyles. They look

confident and filled with energy in the

daylight. Nevertheless, only a few know that

Hanoi has another character behind all the

glamorous appearance when the sun goes


The moment the sky turns dark, life in Hanoi seems

different. The moon is up, the air is cold, and the

silence becomes more apparent than ever. Dining

owners and street vendors are working hard during the

night shift. However, they are all hospitable, and despite

demanding challenges, bright smiles are always on their

faces. They say ‘Hi’ to every customer who waves them

‘Goodbye’ when they finish eating. The diligence and

hard work can be easily seen on their wet shirts or many

moments that they wipe away their sweat. From roaster

carts to Pho small vendors, the smell of delicious food is

in the air and makes people crave more.

When there is no one, dining owners talk to each other

and complain about what’s going on in their lives, feeling

sleepy, or even their children are getting married next

month. The remarkable thing is, they might be strangers

at first, nevertheless, their difficulties and shared

experiences over time have formed an unbreakable bond

between these people that obtained them the sympathy

and friendship they needed.

Different people with various activities

in the night.

06 - Nightynight Nightynight - 07

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