The World 011222

The WORLD World Publications Barre-Montpelier, VT

World Publications
Barre-Montpelier, VT


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Central Vermont Medical Center


The following birth announcements were submitted by Central Vermont Medical Center

on Jan. 2, 2021. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to CVMC.

A daughter, Margaret Jean Cummings, was born on

12/21/21 to Brandi (Waller) and Sean Cummings of Barre.

A daughter, Perley Frances Griffith, was born 12/31/21

to Nicole Apel and Jonathan Griffith of Montpelier

Gifford Medical Center


Send Your



for our



Proceeds To Support

Shelter Kitties

214 No. Main St., Barre



Stop by, mail or email your recipes by Jan. 31, 2022.

Be sure to include your name and contact info


The following birth announcements were submitted by Gifford Medical Center on

Jan. 2, 2021. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to Gifford.

A boy, Neville Leslie Wieliczki was born December 20, 2021

to Ryanne (Ayers) Wieliczki and Michael Wieliczki of Northfi eld

A girl, Riley Ann Elizabeth Davis was born December 26,

2021 to Janis Vilbrin and Christopher Davis of Northfi eld

Happy Birthday!



Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone

special a Happy Birthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. We’ll publish the

names in this space each week. Plus, we’ll draw one (1) winner each week for a

FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to

buy. Just send birthday names two (2) weeks prior to birthdate, to: The WORLD, c/o

BIRTHDAY CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302—Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please provide your

name, address & phone number for prize notification.

Jan. 10

Bill Durkee, 64, Woodbury

Jan. 12

Betty Durkee, 54, Woodbury

Jan. 11

McKenna Durkee, 12, Woodbury

Jan. 11

Brooklynn Johnson, 14, Barre

This Week’s Cake Winner:

Tina Miller, 60, Berlin

Jan. 13

Hannah Felch, 25, Berlin

Tina Miller, 60, Berlin

Samantha Scribner Ronci, 29, Moretown

Jan. 14

Logan Coon, 2

Theodore “Teddy” Coon, 2

Jan. 15

April Bergeron, 41, Plainfield

Shawn Kasulka, E. Montpelier

CAKE WINNER: Please call Price Chopper (Berlin, VT)

at 479-9078 and ask for the Bakery Department

by Thursday, Jan. 14 to arrange for cake pick-up.



Mail this coupon to: The WORLD c/o Birthday Cake

403 U.S. Rt. 302—Berlin

Barre, VT 05641

Open to people of all ages. Just send in the entry blank below, and we will

publish it in this space each week. Plus, we will draw one (1) name each week

for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from the Price Chopper Super Center (Berlin,

VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks

prior to birthdate. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted.

BIRTHDATE ___________________________________________

NAME ________________________________________________

AGE (this birthday) ______________________________________

ADDRESS ________________________________________________

PHONE__________________________________ _____________

page 12 The WORLD January 12, 2022

COVID and the Holidays

By Timothy R. Barre

Through COVID, and rain, or blizzard and snow

There’s one thing that you’ll surely know

These holidays so near

Bring upon ‘seemingly’ little fear

As loved ones enjoy a tiny little gift

Of family and friends that make it complete

The turkey and stuffing

Or the ham with glaze

Can set the world a blaze…

Think about this…

The hustling and bustling about

To get prepped up and be in that last minute

shopping state

For pricey gifts discounted with ‘way out of sight


And stocking stuffers to create that little extra joy

There’s room for more – I know you know

But being careful when standing in lines

Or out in public, or any venue that you may greet.

There’s no need to shut down -

But do mask up if the need arises

And keep yourself ‘socially safe’ –

Six feet apart – if that’s what it takes

To keep you and your loved ones safe

It’s a feat of determination

In this brand new world, we’ve found ourselves in.

Let’s make the holiday memories last

Think of those you love…

May the joy and peace of the holidays be with all of

you for today, and the future more.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962) continued from page 10

to Ottoman Arabia to try to open another front against the


The first half of “Lawrence of Arabia” is slow but extraordinary.

Director David Lean helps us understand how tough

and daring Lawrence was to choose to take long camel rides

through the desolate Arabian desert.

Lawrence’s achievement wasn’t just his many victories

over the surprised Turks. It was his ability to unite the southern

Arabs. When he arrived, the Bedouins only saw themselves

as tribesmen – not Arabs. A member of the Howitat

tribe hated a member of the neighboring Harith tribe infinitely

more than they hated a Turk, a European, or even a Jew.

Through his superhuman bravery and visionary battlefield

tactics, T E Lawrence united the Arab tribes into one army

with one national identity. It isn’t completely far-fetched to

call Lawrence the father of Saudi Arabia.

A pitfall of a film like this is that we won’t believe that the

actor is really capable of this level of leadership and heroism.

“Spartacus” fails because Kirk Douglas clearly isn’t tough or

blood-thirsty enough to be a believable rebel leader.

Peter O’Toole’s Lawrence is tough enough. And plenty

blood thirsty. Like George C. Scott in “Patton,” O’Toole



Forget Me Not Flowers & Gifts and The WORLD would like to help you wish

a special couple a Happy Anniversary. Just send their name, address & wedding

anniversary date. Each week we publish the names, plus we’ll have a

monthly winner for a 1/2 dozen wrapped red roses at Forget Me Not Flowers

& Gifts, 214 N. Main Street, Barre. No obligation, nothing to buy. Just send

anniversary names two (2) weeks prior to anniversary date, to: The WORLD,

c/o HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please

provide name, address & phone number for prize notification.

Forget Me Not

Flowers & Gifts

214 N. Main St., Barre • 476-6700

Mon.-Fri. 9-6 | Sat. 9-1

We belong to the Flower Shop Network!


Send Us Your Anniversaries

And Be Automatically Registered To Win A 1/2 Dozen Wrapped,

Red Roses From Forget Me Not Flowers & Gifts

Fred & Beth Budzyn, 51 years, Norwich

The Marriage Of Two People

By Timothy R. Barre

The marriage of two people

Is a unique situation --

The uniting of two beings

Under a steeple.

Now we are one

One as in you

One as in me

-- Not two but one...only one.

Two souls,

Two minds,

Two thoughts,

Two rhymes,

-- But only one marriage

Partners in love.

-- Lovers in love!

Partake unto thee

Such circumstance

-- Emotions of love



Deep...deep emotion



Living life as it should

Day by day

-- With the one you love --

- Your marriage partner, that is

To love,

To hold,

To forever be faithful

Live the new life

Cherish the old,

Look forward to the future

With your marriage partner

- And you alone...



Mail this coupon to: The WORLD

c/o Happy Anniversary

403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641

Just send in the entry blank below, and we will publish it in this space each week.

Plus, we will draw one (1) couple each month for a 1/2 dozen wrapped red roses

from Forget Me Not Flowers & Gifts, 214 N. Main St., Barre. No obligation, nothing

to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks prior to anniversary date. Telephone

calls to The WORLD will not be accepted.


DATE_______________________# YEARS______





• • •

Took A Walk Outside Today

By Timothy R. Barre

I took a walk outside today

Gone up the hill just a little ways

Bitter cold whips across my face

Reminiscing when in summer, taking ice cubes out from the

freezer tray

Snow plows having gone on by

Wisps of air blows snow kicking up along the sides

Viewing at the crumbs of snow on the ground from side to side

Looking like the crumb topping of a home-baked apple streusel pie

Went back home to rest bit

Thinking about all I had seen and loving it

Warm and cozy in my chair

Blanketed fleece all around me there

Took a little afternoon nap

Woke to find my face being lapped

By my dog who stood by my side

Letting me know she’d like to go outside

Went outside for another walk around

My four-legged friend sniffing on the ground

Tracks of others having blazed the trail

Oh my Doggie with her wagging little tail!

Looking up ahead on the sidewalk I went

Trampled feet crushed the bits of snow that made them spent

A few days went by with not much change

Warming up a little at a time just enough to rearrange

The snow into liquid water running down the street

Running into a drain where the other waters meet.

Weeks went by with still snow on the ground

(Comes with the territory, if Vermont is where you’re bound)

Dark grey clouds break the blue in the sky

Another storm brews starting tonight

Snow started spitting about four in the morn

A light dusting for now, but much more as the day wore on

Driving into work was a bit slick at just a quarter to six

Watching for anything moving left to right

Sometimes you’ll see a fox

Peeking out from the road side from my sight

Mustering up the bitter storm

Waiting to go home in the afternoon.

shows us that a great military leader needs to be vain, dramatic,

flamboyant, and just a little crazy.

T E Lawrence and the British triumphed. The Ottoman

Empire collapsed. And the world is a much worse place for it.

After a half millennium of Muslim moderation, radical Islam

rose and intolerance became the norm. It turns out that the

Turks were much more competent Middle Eastern imperialists

than the British or the Bush family could ever hope to be.

The ultimate lesson of “Lawrence of Arabia” is one that

humanity will never learn. There are two types of wars: There

are wars that you simply lose outright. And there are wars that

you win, but lead to horrible unintended consequences down

the road.

ARIES (March 21 to April

19) A hectic period begins

to wind down. Take time

to draw some deep breaths

and relax before getting

into your next project. A

long-absent family member makes contact.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You’re eager to move forward

with a new challenge that suddenly dropped in your

lap. But you’d be wise to take this one step at a time to

allow new developments to come through.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You’re almost ready to make

a commitment. A lingering doubt or two, however, should

be resolved before you move ahead. An associate could

provide important answers.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Caution is still the watchword

as you move closer toward a decision about a new

situation. If you act too fast, you might miss some vital

warning signs. Go slowly and stay alert.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) Your new goal looks promising,

and your golden touch does much to enhance its prospects

for success. In your private life, Cupid does his best

to make your new relationship special.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) That impatient side

of yours is looking to goad you into moving before you’re

ready to take that big step. Stay calm and cool. Let things

fall into place before you act.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A legal matter you

hoped could finally be settled could be a pesky problem for

a while, until all the parties agree to stop disagreeing with

each other. Be patient.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Partnerships --

personal or professional -- which began before the new

year take on new importance. They also reveal some previously

hidden risks. So be warned.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Your associates

are firmly on your side, and that persistent problem

that has caused you to delay some activities should

soon be resolved to your satisfaction.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Favorable

changes continue to dominate, and you should be responding

positively as they emerge. Someone wants to become

more involved in what you’re doing.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A friend wants

to share a secret that could answer some questions you’ve

wondered about for a long time. Meanwhile, travel aspects

continue to be strong.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Stay on your new

course despite so-called well-meaning efforts to discourage

you. Rely on your deep sense of self-awareness to

guide you to do what’s right for you.

BORN THIS WEEK: You have the capacity to meet challenges

that others might find overwhelming, and turn them

into successful ventures.

(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.

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