The Hourglass 2021-22 Issue I

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the hourglass | OCTober/NOVember 2021

features | 11


are Baldwin’s


The sorting hat will tell you where you belong!



Features Editor and Staff Writer

Imagine that you’re a Hogwarts student

entering the Great Hall for the first

time. You gaze in wonder at the four

tables that stretch the length of the room,

each bedecked in a different color: red,

blue, green, and yellow. With mounting

excitement, you place the Sorting Hat on

your head, eagerly awaiting the answer

to the question that will define your next

seven years: what Hogwarts House do you

belong in?

We posed this question to Baldwin

teachers across a range of subjects, and the

answers we received showed an intriguing

pattern. Of the ten teachers interviewed,

six of them listed Ravenclaw as a House

they might be sorted into, though a few

teachers were torn.

Dr. Boger, who teaches history,

has been sorted into both Slytherin

and Ravenclaw. When she first took

the Pottermore sorting quiz, she was

disappointed to land in Slytherin. She said,

“My kids keep trying to persuade me that

that doesn’t mean one is evil, but I’m not


She took the quiz again a few years

later and she “felt relieved and much

more comfortable to land in Ravenclaw.”

However, she added, “isn’t defying

the Sorting Hat just the type of thing a

Slytherin would do…?”

Dr. Boger also thinks that history gets

a raw deal in the Harry Potter world. She

said, “Book 6 reveals how critical figuring

out wizarding history is to Harry’s life and

the wizarding world’s survival.”

How could the History of Magic

class level up? Well, according to Dr.

Boger, “The history teacher should use

the Pensieve to do a little visiting of the

past with the class….Never with time

turners, of course. Too dangerous. But

select use of the Pensieve raises all kinds

of possibilities for projects on memory —

the gap between sources and what actually

happened. Plus, how could history class be

boring with ghosts around to interview for

research projects?”

Surprisingly, though, Dr. Boger

wouldn’t be a history teacher in the

Wizarding World. In her eyes, “Potions

seems to me like the most fun to teach.”

Sr. Mathias, who teaches Spanish,

took an online quiz to discover

which Hogwarts House he

belongs in. He found that

he is a mix of Houses,


Gryffindor. “In

terms of what

subject I’d teach,




Sr. Mathias


then added: “I

could also coach


Ms. Wilson also broke the

Ravenclaw pattern. She told us she has

“used the Leaky Cauldron website to

figure out that I am a Hufflepuff (like

Newt Scamander!) and secondarily a

Ravenclaw.” True to her biology teacher

roots, she “would love to teach Care of

Magical Creatures or Herbology.”

Dr. Goldader sees

himself as a Ravenclaw through and

through. “I expect I’d be a Ravenclaw;

they were the ‘academic’ house, and I have

always enjoyed learning,” he said.

He ruled out each of the

other Houses, explaining,

“I am generally too

cautious to be a

Gryffindor; I’ve

never been

good at plots

and plans, so

don’t think I’d


up in


and I don’t

usually have

the tenacity of

a Hufflepuff.”

If he were a teacher

in the Wizarding World, Dr. Goldader

would teach astronomy. He proudly

declared, “Professor Sinastra’s got nothing

on me!”

Dr. Sullivan was sorted into

Ravenclaw, a House she sees as fitting.

She told us, “I’m not brave enough for

Gryffindor, if I’m being honest!”


class would

she teach? “I guess

Transfiguration, since literature aims

to transform how we see the world and

ourselves,” she said. “Really, I suppose

anything but potions. I will leave that one

to Mrs. Davis!”

Dr. Forste-Grupp also fits the

pattern. “I have taken numerous Harry

Potter sorting hat quizzes and I’m always

sorted into Ravenclaw,” she said.

She also said, “I would advise the

competitive club Managing Magical

Mysteries,” and would teach a class

J.K. Rowling never even mentioned:

“Labyrinthine Symbology.” What’s that?

Only Dr. Forste-Grupp knows.

Mrs. Snead, who recently discussed

this same question with her daughter,

says that she definitely sees herself as

a Hufflepuff. “I’m loyal, fair, and hard

working,” she said, “and my profession is

helping people.”

What could be more Hufflepuff than

that? She also said, “And of course, I

would teach Quidditch!”

When asked about her Hogwarts

house, Ms. Greco said, “No need to

speculate—I have been sorted multiple

times, including via Mugglenet. I am a

solid Gryffindor,” referencing a quiz from

a popular Harry Potter fansite.

When asked what class she would

teach, she said, “I would certainly teach

Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor

Lupin is my energy.”

As Harry Potter fans, we loved

learning what House each teacher would

be in and why. We were left with almost as

many questions as answers, but one thing

is clear: a Harry Potter Movie Marathon

is long overdue, and we’ll be spending the

rest of autumn listening to the Harry Potter

Soundtrack on repeat.

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