January-February Issue IV

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Over the Moon for Astr


Students discuss the relevancy of astrology.


Do you think it’s possible that

the positions of the planets

and stars could influence who

you are and what your future

holds? According to a 2017 Pew Research

study, over 30 percent of Americans do.

The study of astrology first developed

thousands of years ago and has since

gathered a considerable following of fierce

believers who look to the skies for inspiration,

portents, and guidance. According to

The Atlantic, “New Age” astrology seemed

to have peaked in the ’60s and ’70s, but

it has picked up traction once again in the

2020s, fueled by meme and TikTok culture.

To better understand the Baldwin

community’s perspective on this ancient

practice, students were asked to speak

about their sun, moon, and ascendant signs

and their opinions on astrology as a whole.

Violet Paiva ‘23 is a Virgo sun,

Aquarius moon, and Aries rising.

“My sun in Virgo is pretty accurate,

except I really don’t know if I’m intentional

in everything I do,” Paiva said.

To further explain her

moon sign, Paiva referred

to some information

she read

on an

she didn’t know much about it.

“Some of these descriptions [in the astrology

app] are really broad, like you could

say these things about anyone and they’d

be like ‘oh my god, relatable!’” Paiva said.

Interestingly, Paiva attributed

the recent surge in astrology to a

fascination with the supernatural.

“I think people are interested

in witchcraft, but they want

it to be subtle. I think people

like mysticism.”

Betti Pang ‘23,

a Virgo sun, Virgo

moon, and Capricorn


had a more



idate feelings of sadness. She also thought

that astrology could help people better

explore and define themselves.


I don’t think



true, but I

feel like astrology

is more of an

emotional connection.

I think a lot of people struggle

with their identity now.”

Pang highlighted how some

Tik Toks, for example, describe the

critical characteristics of zodiac signs

or tell people how they might feel or behave

in certain situations based on their

zodiac. In this way, astrology can help

people answer the question, “Who am I?”

Aida Haile ‘23, a Virgo sun, Libra

moon, and Sagittarius rising, saw her

signs as partially reflective of her true self.

“I don’t know whether I fit in as a

Virgo. Even though that’s when I was

born, I don’t really align with a lot

of Virgo traits. But the Sagittarius

sign is something I can closely

relate to,” Haile said.

However, she wasn’t

completely sold on astrology.



Jan 20 - Feb 18


Mar 21 - Apr 19


May 21 - Jun 20


Dec 22 - Jan 19


Feb 19 - Mar 20


Apr 20 - May 20



“ T h e

moon in Aquarius

was also pretty accurate

until it got to the part where it said

‘you’re often in your own world, but you’re

scared of how you truly feel.’ I usually don’t

feel anything that I don’t outwardly show,

and I’m not really scared of how I truly feel.”

When asked if she believes

in astrology, she explained that


about astrology.

“I think my signs are accurate,

but the descriptions are a more exaggerated

version of me,” Pang said.

Pang saw her astrology as a means of

affirmation; for example, being able to attribute

bad days to retrograde can help val-

“I believe not everything

based on our signs

is who we are as a person,

but I’m not going

to lie and say the signs

do not relate to a person

at all because some

of them definitely do.”

In Haile’s opinion,

astrology’s resurgence

could be tied to

its use as a way to bond.

“I believe astrology

is a great way to get to

know other people. It’s a

great conversation starter—

you can just walk up to someone

and ask, ‘What’s your sign?’”

While there may never be a total

consensus on astrology’s validity, it

seems many Baldwin students can identify

with at least some aspect of their zodiacs

and find the concept of astrology

and their signs interesting to explore.

Though astrology doesn’t hold

up to scientific methods, it is still

a fun way to learn more about ourselves

and the people around us.


Jul 23 - Aug 22


Sept 23 - Oct 22


Nov 22 - Dec 21


Jun 21 - Jul 22


Aug 23 - Sept 22


Oct 23 - Nov 21

Graphics and design by Sophie Cai ‘22

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