Mohandes Magazine Winter 2021 - 2022

Mohandes Magazine Winter 2021 - 2022

Mohandes Magazine Winter 2021 - 2022


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that even with a proliferation of green

energy and electric vehicles, fossil fuel

production would continue to grow.

That’s largely to help meet load and

support grid reliability given the

increase in intermittent generation

such as wind and solar. Renewables

are projected to be the main source of

new electricity generation. Also, some

help from nuclear plants, particularly

from Small Module Reactors (SMR)

has been envisaged to be instrumental

for the future generating stations.

Engineering Remedies;

Geoengineering (also called

climate engineering), which refers

to large-scale intervention in the

Earth’s climate system to counteract

greenhouse gas-induced warming,

has been one of the most rapidly

growing areas of climate research as

a potential option for tackling global

warming. There is a wide range of

proposed geoengineering techniques.

Generally, these can be grouped into

two categories:

Solar Radiation Management

(SRM) or Solar Geoengineering

SRM techniques aim to reflect a

small proportion of the Sun’s energy

back into space, counteracting the

temperature rise caused by increased

levels of greenhouse gases in the

atmosphere which absorb energy and

raise temperatures. Some proposed

techniques, from researchers at

Harvard University, include:

o Albedo enhancement. Increasing

the reflectiveness of clouds or the land

surface so that more of the Sun’s heat

is reflected back into space.

o Space reflectors. Blocking a

small proportion of sunlight before it

reaches the Earth.

o Stratospheric aerosols.

Introducing small, reflective particles

into the upper atmosphere to reflect

some sunlight before it reaches the

surface of the Earth.

Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR) or

Carbon Geoengineering

GGR techniques aim to remove

carbon dioxide or other greenhouse

gases from the atmosphere, directly

countering the increased greenhouse

effect and ocean acidification.

These techniques would have to be

implemented on a global scale to

significantly impact greenhouse gas

levels in the atmosphere.

Although a deep reduction in

anthropogenic CO2 emissions is

the safest way to mitigate global

warming, geoengineering has

been proposed as a possible option

to tackle global warming. Before

large-scale implementation of any

geoengineering schemes, we need

to fully explore and evaluate the

associated mechanisms, impacts,

and risks of climate engineering.

Mechanisms of such methods and the

possible climatic and environmental

impacts and risks must be carefully

evaluated before any implementation.

New Pledges by world leaders

and companies at COP26


Hopes have been raised during

the COP26 UN conference by the

industrial private sectors to make a

difference, with an incentive to survive

and make more profit going green. To

save the Life on Earth world leaders

and private sector companies have

made nonbinding commitments to

take the following actions:

- 83 countries are now joining an

initiative to reduce methane emissions

by 30% compared to the 2020 level, by

2030. That is a big step as methane is

the most damaging to the atmosphere

after a larger volume C02 impact.

- Over 100 countries have pledged

to halt and reverse deforestation

- Billionaires pledged various

environmental protection and food

security for 42 Million people to the

tune of $10b..

- $100b annual pledge by advanced

economies to help less developed

countries to cope with and adapt to

climate change.

- But the most significant commitment

was on November 3rd, 2021, from the

Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net

Zero (GFANZ), announced by Mark

Carney, Canadian banking executive,

that over 450 financial institutions

across 45 countries have pledged

over $130 trillion of private capital to

transition the global economy to netzero

by 2050. The pledges come from

banks, investors, stock exchanges, and

other various financial firms.

In closing, it must be reiterated

that all of the above pledges may

not be sufficient, or may not be

delivered due to lack of political

will, or industrial lobbies pressure.

Nonetheless individual citizens of this

planet have a more important role to

play and a moral obligation to stop

killing themselves and their future

generations by further poisoning the

Earth biosphere and its atmosphere.

The most effective remedy would

be reducing their garbage volume,

curbing burning fossil fuels, reducing

beef consumption, stopping

deforestation, planting trees, and

reduce unnecessary transportation,

and donating to causes aimed at

eradicating hunger, where 40% of the

food produced in advanced countries

goes to waste (as reported by American

Scientist August. 2021)



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