Have a better understanding of the OpenCart Back in Stock Extension here

Every eCommerce marketer wants their customers to keep coming back for shopping. In fact, they wish customers to come even when the products are out-of-stock. Moreover, come back to purchase the item once it is available again. Yes, you can very well do that. Further, the OpenCart Back in Stock Extension comes in quite handy here. Knowband features the OpenCart Stock Alert that permits the clients to get the notification. Further, when the product is back in stock. Truth be told, the admin can utilize the extension to advise something very similar to the clients. In this blog, we will investigate the Opencart product stock notification module. Also, everything that you should know about the back in stock notification extension for OpenCart.

Every eCommerce marketer wants their customers to keep coming back for shopping. In fact, they wish customers to come even when the products are out-of-stock. Moreover, come back to purchase the item once it is available again. Yes, you can very well do that. Further, the OpenCart Back in Stock Extension comes in quite handy here. Knowband features the OpenCart Stock Alert that permits the clients to get the notification. Further, when the product is back in stock. Truth be told, the admin can utilize the extension to advise something very similar to the clients.

In this blog, we will investigate the Opencart product stock notification module. Also, everything that you should know about the back in stock notification extension for OpenCart.


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Have a better understanding of the OpenCart Back in

Stock Extension here

Every eCommerce marketer wants their customers to keep coming back for

shopping. In fact, they wish customers to come even when the products are

out-of-stock. Moreover, come back to purchase the item once it is available

again. Yes, you can very well do that. Further, the OpenCart Back in Stock

Extension comes in quite handy here. Knowband features the OpenCart

Stock Alert that permits the clients to get the notification. Further, when the

product is back in stock. Truth be told, the admin can utilize the extension to

advise something very similar to the clients.

In this blog, we will investigate the Opencart product stock notification

module. Also, everything that you should know about the back in stock

notification extension for OpenCart.

Highlights of the Opencart back in stock extension by


1. The admin can undoubtedly send an email notification to the clients.

Further, notifying them about the restocked products. Hence, he can

likewise tell them about the low stock. Therefore the clients can search for

their subscribed products.

2. The admin can consistently set the protection rules. Truth be told, he can

roll out the improvements from the backend to show toward the front.

Additionally, the admin can add the expected URL to the protection

notice text also.

3. Using the Opencart product stock notification module, the admin can

permit the clients to see their list. Furthermore, he can likewise empower

them to alter something similar. Along these lines, the clients can

undoubtedly add products to the rundown or erase similar when they

need them.

4. The admin can consistently change the presence of the notification box.

Furthermore, can redo the styling to per the need of the business.

5. For low stock alert email alerts, the administrator can alter the email title

and layout in a few dialects.

6. For email branding efforts, the administrator can combine Mailchimp,

Klaviyo, and SendInBlue email records.

7. The admin can utilize the Opencart back in stock notification extension to

effortlessly eliminate any supporter from the rundown.

8. Downloading the endorser's rundown is a simple assignment using the

OpenCart Stock Alert.

Advantages of the OpenCart Stock Alert for the Admin

• The admin can empower or impair the usefulness from the backend of the


• Further, he can undoubtedly alter the look and feel of the notification box.

• Editing the email format before sending the back-in-stock notification or

low stock alert is simple.

• The admin can see and alter the supporter list from the backend.

Client perks of the back in stock notification extension for OpenCart

1. Mobile responsiveness usefulness permits the clients to be viable with all

screen sizes.

2. The clients don't need to stress. Indeed, they can get the information

handily when the products they put on the list are back in stock.

3. The "Unavailable membership" choice permits clients to examine a

rundown of bought-in merchandise.

4. Clients can likewise get low stock alerts for subscribing to merchandise

through email.

Let us wind up now!!

So, what do you think of the OpenCart Back in Stock Extension by Knowband?

Would you like to know more about it? In fact, you can even ask us anything

about the extension at support@knowband.com. What do you say?

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